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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. The hugger is from an '04 RSV swinger I had on my former Falco aprilia. They can be had new for around $200 USD by clicking the pic below. I fashioned a bracket to hold it in place with the stock U.S. license plate holder and bolted it to the two screws coming out of the battery compartment, just above the shock.
  2. Ding ding ding . . . Ken you got me to thinking. It had run perfectly before I had the battery out, so it must be something to do with the battery. I pulled the seat and started looking around. I saw this . . . Hmmmmm . . . denso . . . that must be Spanish for "dense" . . . as in mentally challenged! So I start checking the the battery terminals to make sure everything is tight. I pull on one of the positive terminal wires and . . . . . . looky what I found. Once "everthing" is properly connected she fires right up. Thanks for everyone's help. BTW . . . What do you think of my new rear end look and carbon fiber hugger?
  3. Dave, you sound like the kind of future guzzi owner that would rather ride than wrench. I recommend you look for an '03 LeMans or newer. The '03 model year LeMans has most of the niggles of previous years fixed. You may be able to find an '03 for very close to $6,000. If not, look for an '02 that has been taken care of.
  4. I already swapped 'em around. That's why I think I'm probably just pissin' in the wind with new relays. But I can't think of anything easy to check, short of hauling her in to the dealer.
  5. Send "Ed" an email at AF1. He can and will answer all your questions.
  6. Thanks Bill . . . been there, done that, but . . . she cranks but no start. No fuel pump sound when key on.
  7. I replaced my lenses with the smoke Buell and these amber bulbs. clicky di picky
  8. I got the neutral light by recycling the gear shifter up and down a few times. However, I am now certain the fuel pump is not working. Ignition on and no "whirrr" from the pump. I played musical chairs with the relays, but still no pump. All fuses OK. I went ahead and ordered five new relays from Dan. Will try those and see what happens.. Any suggestions in the mean time?
  9. Congrats on the new purchase. You have good taste! First Mod? KNOW THE RULES
  10. I've had quite a go with ye olde aprilia . . . took alot of heat over the "sticker fetish!"
  11. The freshest and most satisfying beer I have ever tasted came from the Aguila brewery in Cartagena Spain. I was a Marine Corps pilot on board the USS Inchon. We took some liberty at Cartagena and I met up with a retired bull fighter who introduced me to the president of the brewery. He invited me, our commanding officer, and ward room to a tour of the brewery. We took bottles straight from the manufacturing line and popped the top. It was ice cold and very good. I'm all for fresh beer.!
  12. Fat Tire is a very tasty beer.
  13. I wiggled the relays to no avail. I can't swear that I heard the fuel pump though. Good point. Thanks for the tip on the neutral switch location.
  14. Battery cables all connected. No neutral light. (First time for this) All other lights work. New battery. New relays. Starter won't turn over with side stand down. Side stand up, starters turns but no ignition. After reading dozens of "won't start" threads in the archives I'm thinking two things: 1. False neutral (hence no light) 2. Gear box neutral switch dirty Tomorrow I will cycle the gear box to try and find neutral (with green light) . . . if that doesn't work, can someone post a pic of the gear box neutral switch so i can locate it on my bike. Thanks. I know I can count on some help. Phil
  15. No need to fool around . . . razor blade . . . split 'em and they peel off . . . grok . . . polly want a craker! Renthal makes three different grips . . . hard, medium and soft. I have the mediums and they are A-ok.
  16. Rick, post a pic of the bike and it will help. Used bikes in good, clean condition will only depreciate so far and then the price levels out and gradually rises over time. An example is a 1973 Triumph Bonneville 750. I have been looking for one for several years. Good, clean original condition bikes can be had for around $3,000 +- $500. These prices have been stable for a while now. For someone who wants an early 80's California in good, clean condition, this is the price range in which I would list it.
  17. I'll be the first one to go on record calling for the firing of Bruce Arena and the hiring of Johan Cruyff to select and coach the U.S. National Team.
  18. Yep. The Guzzi is a keeper for shore!
  19. ebay I used to see a few of these in the early 1970's in Spain.
  20. Here's the best (widely marketed) U.S. domestic in my opinion . . . Sam Adams
  21. I like it. If I were asked to make a recommendation I would say to "chrome" the exhaust tip.
  22. orangeokie

    Have I gone mad?

    Like they say . . . you don't choose a Guzzi . . . the Guzzi chooses you! Welcome!
  23. I'm going to go with the most technically talented team to win it all . . . Espana!
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