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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. orangeokie

    850 Griso

    Here, let me add some worth to this thread . . .
  2. Guzzistas! 2006 Moto Guzzi Three-Way Combo Interesting read. Also features the new California Vintage. Nice lookin' scoot.
  3. orangeokie

    Driving test

    Very nicely done, Tom!
  4. Recent Wheel Link
  5. Nice photos. That's the way to properly post something about a mod you have made to your bike. None of this waiting for days for pics? Just thought I would post these two solutions side by side to see how much of a difference there is.
  6. Caption? "Oh sh#%"
  7. For any electrical gremlin I always recommend that one should . . . "KNOW THE RULES"
  8. I'm in!
  9. This one must be seen in the flesh. These (thumbnail) photo's just don't do it justice . . . and I did (briefly) consider selling my Rosso Corsa and buying this beauty. The local dealer here has one still in the box and is asking $14,995 US.
  10. Here's a link FWIW . . .(click pic)
  11. I always throw this out there from experience . . . KNOW THE RULES
  12. Do you have an ebay link, etc?
  13. I have personally inspected this LeMans. Like new with Ti cans and many carbon fiber bits. Beautiful bike. Here's a new one.
  14. Does anyone in the U.S. have a pic they can post that shows this tail piece with U.S. license plates? Thanks
  15. Have the gas tank caps changed from 2000 to 2003? If not, they fit.
  16. Wow! Now that is a smokin' deal!
  17. I like to peruse this site for ideas. Most any dealer can get these for you. I bought these for my gas tank.
  18. I sent an email to Rossopuro asking if that triple tree would fit the Ohlins forks, but I did not receive an answer. It looks very trick.
  19. he he he . . . Those Ti's make a world of difference, no? Congrats. Another Guzzi V11 chose a doting owner!
  20. Nice photos and write up. Looks like everyone had a grand time.
  21. Beautiful. Remind me . . . did you suffer a get off and just fixing her back, or are you creating artistically?
  22. Post some pics of the black sliders when you get them installed. Did you request black or did they just send black without asking?
  23. citi, I'm glad you posted this. I use these episodes as a training tool for my own well being out there on the open road. I would love to see a forum on here specifically devoted to riding safety and a place where anyone could share their experiences with the group. A great learning tool. That said, I would like to comment on a few things you mentioned. 1. A lawyer once advised me to never tell an insurance adjuster that you are not injured. When the adjuster calls, they are tape recording your conversation. They will try to get you to say you are not injured, or to admit your injuries are minor. The lawyer told me the adjuster, regardless of how friendly they sound, is not your friend. His job is to limit his company's liability to the lowest amount possible. That siad, he advised that you should answer any questions about your physical condition saying you are seeing your personal physician and the extent of your injuries have not yet been determined. He said one should never "settle" on personal injury liability until one is satisfied with the physical damage settlement of their auto or motorcycle. Of course, never claim to have an injury if it is not so. That could be considered insurance fraud. However, he advised one should hold over their head the possibility of injury liability until the time one is satisfied with the property damage settlement. 2. I never felt comfortable continuing to ride once I got married and had children. I gave it up until just a few years ago when my children were grown and self sufficient. I am a strong believer in motorcyclists with children insuring themselves to the best of their ability. That usually means a miniumum of $500,000 life inusrance, a very good disability policy in case you become unable to work, and another $500,000 in uninsured motorist coverage. This will go a long ways toward taking care of your wife and children in the case of a catastrophic accident. 3. You mentioned your Rossopuro cylider guards were ground to the nub. Did they protect your cylinder heads? 4. Keep us posted on events as they unfold. Good luck.
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