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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. Welcome. Hope to read more of your posts (or from the missus) as you better get to know your guzzis. BTW professor . . . what subject(s) did you teach, and where?
  2. I didn't sell it . . . well, I guess I did "sell it" to the insurance company! I couldn't be more happy with my Rosso Corsa.
  3. Ah pb, you are the one with the front brake disc problem. I too post quite a bit over at AF1. Wish I still had my Falco as well. May get another one some day. But aren't these V11's the cat's meow?
  4. I have used this stuff before with pretty good results on my former aprilia. I was thinking about doing the light cover myself. Here are a couple of clicky pics of my priller with some of the vinyl stuff attached.
  5. I got a 0 out of 12 as well, and I'm an A number 1 breast man!
  6. Welcome to the forum pb. I think this post was one of the very first threads I posted here, much like you. I'm sure there is plenty of information stored in the archives that the good folks on here will steer you towards. How is it you own a Coppa and are just now posting up?
  7. http://a6.cpimg.com/image/E2/0F/55901666-7fd8-02000178-.jpg
  8. orangeokie


    I've heard nothing but rave reviews about the Hennessy Hammock . . . Click pic
  9. orangeokie


    Just from the looks of it I would guess that it aids in air flow over the cylinder fins. That's got to be worth a few degrees of cooling efficiency, no?
  10. bubbling paint threads
  11. orangeokie


    clicky picky
  12. Yeah . . . sell one of the Hogs
  13. I think I rushed to judgment. At first glance I thought we were comparing an '01 with a new '03. After reading the responses I change my vote . . . keep the '01! It is truly a classic.
  14. Both are very nice, but I'd keep the '03
  15. Post some photos and we'll vote!
  16. I'm a proponent of brightly colored helmets and leathers. Here in the U.S. I am of the opinion that most, if not all States require headlights on at all times for motorcycles. Might be incorrect on that assesment, but motorcycles are sold with electrical connections that light the headlamp whenever the inginition switch in in the on position. I am very diligent to not trust any cager who is in a position to turn or pull out in front of me. I always slow down to a speed which allows me to take evasive action in case he tries to kill me.
  17. Bob you need to become a "Gold Member!"
  18. Can't tell what is your riding style (ie. high mileage highway touring, or agressive street riding) but if I were putting 5-10 K per year on the super slab I would go with a high mileage touring tire. But that's not me. With my job (6 days a week, 10 hours a day) I usually only get to ride on Sundays, so I try to put on the stickiest street tires possible, regardless of the type of riding I am going to do. A compromise tire would be something along the lines of a Continental Road Attack.
  19. Congrats on your first one. Here's what first born daughters grow up to be . . .
  20. $11 to 13 K
  21. I used to frequent TLPlanet when I was condisering buying a TLR. I ended up with an aprilia, but got the guzzi bug after losing my priller in a little off.
  22. I'm sure you know all about this little (clickable) jewel?
  23. Welcome VB. You're gonna love your V11 and exploring this very informative and entertaining forum. Posts away . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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