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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. For Stateside buying tires or having tire work done I would recommned Cycle Gear. They have reasonable prices on their tires, and all the guys who work there are motorcycle enthusiasts and tend to treat your rims with care.
  2. How true! Now that is funny right there!!
  3. Beautiful LeMans SFR. Welcome. NM is a great palce to ride. Magnificent countryside and vistas.
  4. I would guess the torque values would be close to these.
  5. I'll give it a try, thanks.
  6. For some reason, I am unable to start my Rosso Corsa. Is there a secret decoder ring or something? Bike is in neutral, kill switch off, ingniton on, can hear fuel pump whining, push starter button, nothing. Pull clutch in and try . . . nothing. Lift kick stand and try . . . nothing. Any suggestions?
  7. orangeokie

    A great mag!!!

    My first post on this site was much like yours. I agree. It sounds like a good read.
  8. Felix . . . I take it they finally got that tail rotor gearbox fixed on the echo?
  9. Darwin Award Video Sometimes I come across these little jewels and feel i must share!
  10. . . . not to mention the "fixed wing" pilot has to talk with his hands!
  11. In "Flying" magazine, there is a monthly article entitled "I learned about flying from that" . . . each month a reader's personal experience with an in flight emergency is discussed and what he did or should have done to get out of it. I asked Jaap if he would consider starting a new sub-forum, especially for discussion and archiving of topics and threads related to riding safety, techniques, and personal experiences of the V11 riders on here. He thought it might be a good idea, but asked me to start this thread to check interest. He didn't want to clog up the forum with another sub-forum if there was not a strong demand from the "unwashed masses." So if you would like to see a specific sub-forum along these lines, let Jaap know by responding to this thread with either a "YES" or "NO"
  12. You forget . . . your 2002 guzzi is built with 1921 technology!
  13. Very sweet bike. Looks alot like mine!
  14. I thought Continental was made in Germany.
  15. From which dealer are you buying the Coppa?
  16. Call "Wild" Bill for more info I have seen this bike in person and it is a stunner. Clean enough to eat off of. I tried to buy it when I was passing through Rolla, MO. on the way to the Poconos, but the owner got cold feet. "Wild" Bill called me today to see if I was still interested in the bike, as the owner was now seriously offering it for sale. I told him I had just bought a LeMans off ebay, but I would spread the word. The engine case has had the factory re-paint done, and the grey tank has been painted matching red to the rest of the bike. Has a lot of carbon fiber bits. Professionally done. Mileage around 2000. 12/18/05 Update: I just stopped by Interstate in Rolla MO. The LeMans is still sitting on the floor. It has about 4400 miles and looks brand new. It sparkles. This is a beautiful bike. Call Bill if you are interested. (Click the link for phone number). Tell him Phil Robins referred you and ask for the "former Marine discount."
  17. Here's a link to the official website for the V11 Sport.
  18. orangeokie

    02 Scura

    I found this brand new Scura, deeply discounted, on cycletrader, just a day after I bought my LeMans. I don't know how many new Scuras are left over here, but if you want a new one you have to take action fast. I've seen several used Scuras for the same price as this brand new one.
  19. Welcome to this great forum David. It was just a few short months ago that I was in your same situation. I came from an aprilia and for some reason the Rosso Corsa and Coppa Italia really caught my eye. After reading hundreds of posts on here, to learn as much as possible about the different, yet very similar models, I decided that the Coppa Italia was the bike for me. But as fate would have it, a Rosso Corsa showed up on ebay close by. I went to look at it in the flesh, and I fell in love at first sight. I put in a bid and won the bike of my dreams. In the last few weeks I have seen no less than three Coppa Italias for sale at very good prices. Nevertheless, I am more than satisfied with my LeMans.
  20. I work six days a week, getting up at 5:00 am and not getting home 'til 6:30-7:00 pm. My only time to ride is Sunday afternoon. For those with jobs, what is your normal working day/week, and when do you ride?
  21. That is a nice Sport, but you are going to absolutely love that Rosso. It is dazzling to behold, and the fairing really adds value. I have a spare cf sport mini-fairing if I ever want to go naked.
  22. Indian . . . Gene Autrey
  23. Part it out?
  24. I have a jacket exactly like that . . . JR Speedmaster in orange, right?
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