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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. orangeokie

    Used Guzzis...

    Both of those are real beauties. For me, a "good deal" can only be determined by the one who is laying out the cash. I think I got a good deal on my Rosso Corsa, but there will be other RC's sold for less than I paid. Everyone wants a good deal, but both of these bikes can be had at prices both above and below what your local dealer is asking. Just look at ebay currently, or cycletrader . . . the question then becomes, where are the bikes located, and how can one get it into his garage! I'm one for supporting a good local dealer. Paying a few exter hundred dollars, above the price of a bike 500 miles away, can pay big dividends when it comes to developing a good win-win business relationship over the long haul.
  2. Baldini . . . you need to get out and about a bit more.
  3. click for ebay I wish I could wait up to see the end of this auction. Surely this thing will spirl upward at the last minute. If not, somebody is going to "steal" this classic. I love watching these things. Reminds me of the excitement of the last second success I had on my own LeMans! Does anyone recognize those snazzy mirrors?
  4. This is just one more reason why I can't wait (maybe 5 more years max) until me and the missus can retire to Andalusia. We have friends on Cabo De Palo (retired bull fighter) who would make the perfect host to visit a race like this. Alas, I have to work for a living, for the time being.
  5. Ebay full of Guzzis
  6. Here's the thread with the link on the RoadAttacks . . . third post down.
  7. blackkat . . . did you buy another bike? ebay V11
  8. Wow Dr. Gil .. . that is a nifty site. Thanks for posting. Gives me some ideas.
  9. clicky di picky
  10. If you have some photos I would like to see how your K&N's are set up. Thanks.
  11. Nice pics and beautiful country. Looks like it was perfect riding weather to boot!
  12. I've seen it in person. It's a beut. That dealership has an excellent reputation, so no worries. I heard it was on sale. Did you get a good price?
  13. clicky
  14. Welcome to the forum. I'm new here myself and had a great time reading and reading as I tried to decide if I wanted to buy a V11, and then what year and model. Good luck with your track day on your "old man's" sports bike.
  15. Quite the innovator, you!
  16. I wouldn't kick either one of them out of bed. Too bad neither Ducati nor MG are willing to build these bikes in number so the unwashed masses could afford one. I would think they would sell like hotcakes at an all you can eat fire station fund raiser.
  17. Well I finished the job today. I ended up taking off the wind screen to get better access to the back of the gauges. The screws were a bugger to line up and get them to come through the holes in the back of the cases. The little rubber gasket strip that goes on top of the warning light T was also quite uncooperative, as was the rubber gasket around the trip meter knob. Once finished I decided to start her up and "nothing." Not sure what that's all about, but I was running out of sunlight again, so I rolled her back into the trailer and tied her down. I hope it's just my battery down a bit. I'm going to get a trickle charger and see if a good charge makes a difference.
  18. I would guess that it's proximity to the exhaust (excess heat) would render it ineffective. Just kidding
  19. Couldn't really decifer your post, but welcome to the forum. We have a lot in common, age and family wise.
  20. I think the Breva will fill a strong nitch with the sport touring customer who wants to ride a Guzzi, but is not satisfied with the two-up capabilities of the LeMans nor the California. I personally would buy one if I was looking for a sport tourer.
  21. Extreme Lane Splitting
  22. This one maxed out on ebay at $8,700 without meeting reserve. Sure is pretty. I like much better than a Harley.
  23. Anyone ever seen a Rosso Corsa with "silver" valve covers? Looks like the covers off a 2000 model V11 Sport.
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