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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. You can get them at AF1 Racing for $21.99. I ordered over a thousand dollars worth of stuff from Ed at AF1 and they have a better service receord than Wal-Mart. Truly no hassle.
  2. Would you mind posting (or PMing me) her phone number. I too need to switch over warranty info, and I might as well go staight to the horse's (uh . . . er . . . mare's . . . uh) I should speak with Michelle!
  3. Some '03 V11's have a larger hollow axel which requires a different axel yoke on the Ohlins. Don't know if the innards are changed as well.
  4. Definitely hot!
  5. Thanks for the warning, but too late. I already removed both bevel rings and so far, cannot get them to fit back on securely. I will probably tap on them with a small rubber mallet to see if I can get the tiny pegs to seat firmly in the holes. If they are not supposed to come off, I guess I could put a drop of Super Glue on them to hold 'em. I tried twisting the trip meter knob counter clockwise, but it did not seem like it wanted to come off, so I left well enough alone. Glass is still perfect. I cleaned it with some anti-fog cleaner for good measure. One thing I noticed when removing the acorn nuts. They were already very loose. Seems they were beginning to back off, with only 1000 miles on the clock. There was something rattling around inside the back cases. Turns out the crimp washers were just lying "inside" the cases. I figure they need to be on the outside of the case where the acorn nuts can be tightened up against them. I ran out of sunlight before I could get everything back together, so I will try to carefully reassemble the wiring and cases. It's a bit more of a job than I thought. BTW . . . do all of the wires on the back of the instruments come off to allow removal of the instrument frame?
  6. Here's my solution . . . send me your Ti cans and brackets, and I'll send you my factory cans and brackets. See, then you can mount your bags and we'll both be happy. I'll even pay for shipping!
  7. Auldy . . . that has to be one of the nicest looking Scuras I have ever seen. You said you were finished, but I would love to see you get one of Paul Minnaert's carbon fiber Scura tails to really finish the job! click to enlarge
  8. I'm in the middle of switching out my metal tach/speedo frame for one of carbon fiber on my Rosso Corsa. I got the tach out, no problem. I don't want to break anything, so I thought I'd ask someone who has taken out the speedo. After taking off the bevel ring, did you just force the speedo and rubber grommet out of the frame holder, or did you remove the trip meter knob and slide out the speedo, just like the tach? If one must remove the knob, how does it come out without breaking it? It feels a little flimsy. Thanks for a quick response. I'm trying to finish the job before it gets dark. (about another hour and a half.) ANSWER: You just push out the speedo and rubber grommet. Don't have to mess with the reset knob.
  9. Tire Review
  10. I'm assuming the '04 dash, headlight and brackets are different from '03 and earlier, no?
  11. I agree with Al. I have the 3M material tank protection on my Rosso Corsa and you can't even tell it's there. Great protection.
  12. Well, she stayed put at $8,800. I guess that "new" demo for sale down in Atlanta may have influenced the bidding. Man that Coppa is a beautiful bike.
  13. Coppa Italia on ebay I'm very curious as to how this auction is going to turn out. Should make for some good viewing the last minute!
  14. Hey Doc . . . haven't heard from you in a while. How you doing? Healin' up OK? Any progress on the LeMans?
  15. Will you be taking your bike over in your private jet?
  16. Yeah, I'd be pissed.
  17. You had to know it was coming Adam (ie. "do a search") as if you didn't know that was an option! . . . Being a newbie myself to MotoGuzzis and this forum, I haven't read all the archives either, so I'll give you a fresh answer. Italian or German? Sexy or prudish? Exclusive or common? Exciting or blasé? Sporty or sedate? You get the idea. One thing I have learned while following this forum for a month or two . . . V11's are easy to work on, and there is a plethora of information on this site to do just about anything you want. I bought my '03 LeMans at the advice of a knowledgeable '02 LeMans owner who said most all of the bugs had been worked out by the time the '03 models came out. By sticking with an '03 or newer, most people on here say it is just "plug and play."
  18. I guess you will get to know him real soon. Congrats on the pickup. You got a great price on a beautiful classic!
  19. Since it has yet to be mentioned, I take it this won't work?
  20. I called Callison and asked him to look into it. He should be getting back in touch with you shortly with the details.
  21. Came with the bike. I'll check and see what I can find out.
  22. What's the url?
  23. Wow! Very nice indeed!
  24. Coppa Italia - $8,999 Man, Somebody hurry up and buy this bike before I get sick!
  25. ebay Rosso Corsa Nice bike. Anyone know this OrangeOkie guy?
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