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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. I have an '03 Rosso Corsa and it has been bullet proof except for the speedo cable. If you can get the hollow front axle I would go that route. Otherwise the '03s are good to go! Welcome to the #1 V11 forum! :bier:
  2. Hopefully he went with a smile on his face. We all know the risks and choose our life style. God bless
  3. After the opening college football weekend we find my Oklahoma State Cowboys have risen to #6 in the coach's poll and #5 in the AP after beating a tough SEC Georgia Bulldogs team 24-10. I was fortunate enough to get to fly back to Oklahoma and attend the game. Next up is Houston.
  4. Know the rules!
  5. 2008 Fundraiser thread Most of the regulars on here know that the start of the college football season (Sep 5th) in the U.S. begins our annual fundraiser to help Jaap keep this great forum on the net. We are so fortunate that Jaap had the vision, enthusiasm and perseverance to develop and improve this forum each year. If you consider yourself a serious V11 Guzzisti, then you have already figured out this is the premiere depository of everything V11. I always give 25 Euros each year, but this year, with the worldwide downsized economy, I'm going to give 50 Euros, just to try and kick start an avalanche of support for this enjoyable and informative site. We are family, and now is as good a time as any to kick in what ever you think is fair to keep this site vibrant and strong. For the new comers, just look at the top right hand side of the page and click on the "Keep V11LeMans.com PayPal online" button to donate. Be sure to let Jaap know what is your screen name so you can be properly recognized as a special contributor to this wonderful forum. :bier: :bier: BTW, hows about my #7 Oklahoma State Cowboys on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the first time in school history?
  6. Call MPH - that's where I had mine replaced. Good folks
  7. Your story is similar to mine. Read it here if you wish.
  8. Here is another thread I found with some current info.
  9. This was my first "big" bike a '73 Triumph 750 Bonneville. I bought this bike brand new while stationed in Rota Spain in the Marines. I remember seeing the V7 cruising the small narrow streets in Rota. Unlike the OP the new V7 appeals to me as an around town cruiser and the LeMans as an open road machine. I really like the new green V7 and would like to have one to ride with my wife in Rota when we visit over there.
  10. The problem for me with these beautiful external bits is I can't use my carbon fiber air box cover!
  11. Bump . . . worth watching again
  12. 28 May 09 - Since there are some new guys asking about after market silencers, this seemed to be one of the oldest (definitive) threads worth reading again.
  13. In absence of the original MG Ti cans, RossoPuro ( a valuable sponsor of this site) can fix you up with the Quat D's, the logical second choice to the MG Ti's.
  14. 28 May 2009 - With all of the new members on here asking about this guzzi or that, here is a pretty good older thread worth bumping. Too bad many of the photos are gone.
  15. CLICKY PIC . . . These little numbers keep the fluid moving in one direction so you don't end up just pumping it back and forth. Besides the speed bleeder nipples, they have some other nifty stuff to help with the job. Nice folks too.
  16. KNOW THE RULES Clicky Pics . . . I bought my battery and charger at BatteriesPlus though I always try to buy my Moto Guzzi stuff from the sponsors of this site. We just happen to have a BatteriesPlus store in my home town so it was very convient to walk in a get it in a jiffy. The Odyssey charger, as pointed out, is an important part battery longevity IMHBAO.
  17. Where did you get those hangers? Very nice.
  18. For the purpose of posterity, it would be nice if you guys would take the tike to put your night pics in the sticky V11 photo thread.
  19. +1 on the Super Techs . . . really saved my ankles after a bad get off . . .
  20. EuroMoto is also a sponsor of this site and has some really cool stuff. Just click the pic above to see the Staintunes
  21. orangeokie


    Better get my worth in before she gets locked down. The only change for me will be much higher taxes and restocking the gun safe over the next few months with more fire arms, magazines, and ammo. I'm afraid the Dems have the power to really attack gun owners and our ability to buy more firearms after the Messiah takes office along with his majority in Congress..
  22. 1509 - just perusing the list, didn't see too many USA sigs. Come on Yanks!
  23. Wow Z . . . My second favorite motorcycle. Is it brand new? Congrats!
  24. +1 - if you are going to get a "special" V11 get one with the Ohlins! :thumbsup:
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