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Everything posted by orangeokie

  1. DVH, I can see from your avitar you have good taste in motorcycles. May everyone prosper in 2008, even as your soul prospers!
  2. Thanks for the heads up doc.
  3. Old news
  4. Trust me on this one . . . the vast majority of European French still honor America for saving them from the Nazis. Now France has to deal with the Islamo-nazis. They are off to a good start with the recent election of Nicolas Sarkozy. BTW, I've never been to Paris but I have spent some time in southern France and loved every day. I also love Italy, Sicily, Spain, Turkey, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Venazuela. The most beautiful women in the world in order: 1. Italian 2. Venezuelan 3. Spanish
  5. You're on the right track. Just use the velcro straps as best you can.
  6. If you haven't checked out their site lately, I'm impressed, and just registered. Those Alpina spoked wheels are looking alot nicer with no V.A.T.
  7. Is that a rossopuro triple tree?
  8. Very impressive. For which bike is this engine designed?
  9. Sorry to put you on the spot. It was done in good fun. We have had a member "fund" drive each August for the past two years. Jaap doesn't have any part of it. Everything is voluntary of course. Each person contributes in his own way. Absolutely no obligation!
  10. I see the PayPal link just fine. here it is though for use guys who are having problems! https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...0528ade9efd68d5
  11. orangeokie


    Awesome. Looking forward to seeing it! A big welcome, and . . . . . . . posts away!
  12. Check apriliaforum.com for parts. They show up all the time. I witnessed a CHiP go down on his Beemer just like that as he pulled out of a dealership after putting on new tires.
  13. Ry you need to look up on the top right hand side of the screen and send Jaap a nice little PayPal thankyou, like all the other goldmembers on here who like this forum as much as you do! No pressure though!
  14. Exactly. This is a city ride. Doesn't need alot of power. I agree it is a direct competator with the Thruxton, which has been a good seller for Triumph.
  15. I have the same bike. Paid $9,000 on ebay for a stock model with just over 2000 miles. Worth every penny to me. Since then I've put on every available MG carbon fiber piece, MG Ti exhaust and chip, etc. Wouldn't take less than 10 large.
  16. This guzzi reminds me of the early 1970's in Rota Spain. If they price it right, I'll buy one. OrangeOkie and his '73 Bonnie in Torremolinos Spain
  17. The falco forum has their Ms Mille, just wondering if we have her counterpart over here?
  18. Vlad that is a beautiful V11 you have. I especially like the red wheels and valve covers. Wish I had been in town to make the Italian Bike Fest with you and the Falco guys.
  19. Are you talking about paint "over spray" on fiberglass, or paint "coated" fiber glass? If it is just over spray try this product - Sol-U-Mel It
  20. Howdy Carl, how's everything back in Oklahoma. If all goes according to plan, I should be headed west on Nov 1st. We have manager's meeting in OKC the next week. If I get to stay in OK I'll call and we can get together for a ride. Phil
  21. Love the orange Joe . . . don't change a thing!
  22. I had to travel to Minnesota for work. I did see your bike in this thread however.
  23. There are some aprilia guys that want to meet up some where, so let me know if you are interested in riding over together.
  24. So it bounces like this . . .
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