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John in Leeds

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Posts posted by John in Leeds

  1. I met him at Daytona back in '94 I believe. We were racing in the AHRMA BOTT races together (he as an owner/creator, me as a racer). What impressed me the most was that while he was clearly brilliant and much smarter then I, he talked to me about his bike and what he had planned for the future with it in a manner that made you feel like an equal part of the conversation. He did not talk down to you as some smart people do. You felt like an equal, even though you knew you weren't.

    Going through the tri-oval on my 750, Andrew Stroud came by on the Britten. I thought it was going to be cool to watch it go through the infield (since I was on the track at the same time most of the time, I did not get to see much of it in action that year), but by time I got through turn one it was gone.



    A very special man leaving a memory to treasure, thanks for sharing. :bier:

  2. It seems a lot of his energy has been spent trying to convince people they have some common interests, and that working cooperatively is something to be valued. I think he's trying to make the argument that freedom can mean making choices that lead to a better quality of life for more people.


    We've been using the premises that the highest good is winning, the role models are rich, corporate profits should be a universally applied metric for decision making, and that might makes right. It seems reasonable to attribute some of where we are now to those attitudes. Particularly interesting to see how export of that culture has affected mindsets and conditions in developing countries.


    Very well said :thumbsup:


    Just thinking this way is a positive start.

  3. I'm not a very emotional man, but whenever one of these flies over me at an air show or at the Goodwood Revival, my heart beats faster and I feel very proud to be British. I'll never be a pilot (although I used to be a space cadet) but if I was, I'd love to own one. The noise at full chat is spine tingling and totally awesome.


    Low flypast


    Well 'kinell, I had to duck :lol:

  4. PS - The "Highwayman" blurbs have to be classic satire. No one who really believed that crap could write so well, nor would they use, much less be able to spell, "atrocity."



    Having looked back on the ADVrider site I would have to agree - I thought for a short time The Highwayman might have been one of our own contributors but quickly changed my mind. :P


    Great fun though :grin:

  5. If you are really determined to do some winter riding you might like to look at the site of Hans P, top bloke in Norway


    Hans P winter riding



    Just for interest Andy, a mate from Skipton (Yorkshire :thumbsup: ) set of on Monday on his C90 for a fortnight winter rally camp in Austria. He may be slow but he is less likely to hurt himself with that bike :bier:

  6. John in Leeds thats not a caravan you are hiding in the background!


    OMG! I've been sussed :o


    Bought it 04 to take my disabled mum and auntie on holidays (need to be close to a toilet when travelling and have limited mobility, that's mum not me ;) ). Sadly Aunt has now passed on and mum cannot leave the house so caravan has been sold. Must confess I loved those holidays particularly in France. May get another (smaller one) or camper in the future when I get some decent time away from care responsibilities.

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