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John in Leeds

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Everything posted by John in Leeds

  1. Can't get near the bloody bike now. Thanks Docc
  2. Thanks Jaap - it's another of those weird ones. The photos do not all display on my computer at work or the one at home. I have checked on my phone and it is same thing: in posts 1, 2, 3 & 6 there are no photos! They don't show for me now either
  3. Interesting idea, an air bag for heads. Better than a standard helmet? For non competitive cycling I don't like either.
  4. I am so sorry we have lost him. Slavomir seemed such a good bloke. My thoughts are with his family.
  5. Don't know if the tale is correct but interesting none the less Rules
  6. Lol, nearly 50 years ago, the day before my bike test, showing my appreciation of a pretty girl in her sun dress, climbed up the back of a Minor 1000. Bent forks and smashed speedo. Bet she remembers that day with absolute pleasure Forks pulled 'straight' with tractor, speedo taped up, test passed next day (it was raining and the tester wanted to be home early
  7. Some people are born lucky - purchased a spring last week to keep on bike just in case. Today traffic lights in Harewood and no up changes, so home 6 miles in moped mode. 30mph around 3500rpm, quite humbling really after being a noisy hooligan in the sunshine to something like a big red overdressed bicycle Think I'll do a service and give her a bit of TLC next week too
  8. So glad I opened this post. Thanks for sharing
  9. What an excellent and useful piece of work Roy Many thanks for making our V11 electrics so much more accessible
  10. Bummer! Condolences mate.
  11. Well, that makes it official: Guzzis are butch bikes. As opposed to femme ones. Ha Would that I was as bright as that There goes the cheap V11 strategy
  12. I thought a few moments before posting this reply as a Guzzi rider but personally I couldn't give a monkies. Many years ago 3 women arrives a the Sligachan camp site on Guzzis and in conversation they made it clear their lesbian leanings. To be honest this left me with the lingering thought that Guzzis must be 'dykes bikes'. This was reinforced a year later when talking to a stocky big handed 'woman' at a local university. She went on to tell me she was trans-gender having been a Regimental Sargent Major in a Scottish regiment. As I went out to my then bike a Kawa 750 she started to tell me of her last bike that was also a Guzzi Years later I tried a Guzzi California and although I found it interesting I was not sold. Then V11 and that was it my bike for life 'Dykes bike'? I couldn't give a f*ck. Right, that's taken a grand of every V11, must be time to buy another
  13. Well that's my Saturday ride sorted. Pick up a gearbox spring at the same time - thanks for the heads up Guy
  14. I sure I'll find out when I get my glasses but is that poor girl really called 'Roger'?
  15. ..................... A good few of the riders are maturing/rusting/past their sell-by date............... I really, really resemble that remark
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