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Daniel Kalal

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Everything posted by Daniel Kalal

  1. I've had this pair for many years. The top one is pewter, and the bottom one brass. the interesting thing is that the back reads the same for both of them: "limited edition" "copyright 1977" "serial number 641" That's right; they both sport the same limited edition number. (sort of like all those Tennis running around)
  2. Orson, I stayed at Mamma Ciccia's (the name is something of a joke) right down by the lake. It's easy walking to the factory.
  3. to see and hear that same V7sport run, click this: http://www.dankalal.net/2006trip13/videoSportMandello.wmv
  4. There have been a few F2Gs at the Reno air races over the years. An Amazing sound. I used to have several 4360 valves around, but have given away all but this one. It's an amazing engine. Even this valve is amazing.
  5. only if you double the displacement and add a supercharger. I mean, really, an F2G is almost scary to even think about.
  6. F-82. Quite a few (at least a couple of hundred) were deployed during the Korean War
  7. on my Daytona (being the 1st spine; possibly similar wiring) the turn signals and the tach are on the same electrical circuit (and are therefore protected by the same fuse). Recently a floppy turn signal wire (nominally tucked into the fairing) touched to ground, which knocked out the tach... That's not to say yours is the same problem, but this is the sort of simple item you're probably looking for.
  8. taken last year...
  9. Very good quality paper, photographs and binding. It's an odd size, but it works fine. Of course, it's in Italian, but it's mostly photographs, anyway. Lot's of photographs--from the earliest days, through the classic racing years, prototypes, and up through today. Recommended. (page 23 even has a photograph of a certain Guzzi Cali2 in Commerce Oklahoma, home of Micky Mantle, which fact will likely not be noticed by your typical Italian reader).
  10. "In curva l'importante è entrare forte, ad uscire in quache modo ci si arrangia" - Omobono Tenni
  11. I've got to ask: wouldn't it just be easier to sell the Centauro and buy an RS?
  12. OK, it's not really a V11, and it's a repost from what I posted over at WildGuzzi a couple of weeks ago... The video will will last just over two minutes, and requires windows media player (do turn the sound up). A Daytona 1000 south of Norwich, Kansas
  13. so, how many Guzzi owners used to ride one of these? (before there was Aerostich, there was TourMaster--this was 32 years ago)
  14. this is the site of the old cooked goose effort. It's old, but there might be something there to help the new team avoid having to re-inventing the wheel... Cooked Goose
  15. Mike, Could you give us a re-cap of what happened between the time (several years back) that the Cooked Goose team took the record and now? Who did what, and what were the speeds recorded and what are the classes...
  16. ** X-posted over at WildGuzzi, but for having spineframe content (even if not a V11-Lemans), I'll put it here, too.*** Grouse Creek is in south centeral Kansas and flows south to Silver Creek and then into Oklahoma. miles and miles of stone fences Stony Creek road This sort of stone bridge is fairly common (but you have to look for them) It's been an overcast day Cambridge, Kansas Grouse Creek in Dexter County Henry's Candy in Dexter (home of the original O'Henry) Following Grouse Creek The Bank of Silverdale... Pavement ends near the Oklahoma border
  17. Thanks for that summary, Greg. There's been a fair amount written about the destructive Honda/Yamaha wars of that time ("it's not business, it's personal; we will crush you"), but I hadn't seen it put into the context of H-D's problems. When I remember back to that time, it was my perception that Harley came under a lot of critisism in the motorcycle community for pushing that tariff, and--on balance--would have been better off if it had never happened.
  18. strictly, this doesn't belong in the V11 forum (being only 992cc)
  19. Perhaps... I'm not convinced that it was running on all 8. Of course, I doubt that they were wanting to take it up to redline (whatever that might be) either. I know I'd be a little nervous just sitting on it.
  20. I asked Alis Agostini if she knew who the man was. Here's her reply: Dear Daniel, sorry for being so late in replying but I find myself at the end of each day without knowing where the time has gone. The man with the black jacket is Mario- He is the owner of Ristorante Al Verde in Mandello that many Guzzi lovers know as it is the place where many go to eat. The bike is owned by him and Roberto Patrignani (a journalist quite famous who writes about motorbikes on italian magazines) and has been mounted and prepared by Bruno Scola a quite well known mechanic of the Italian Guzzi world (you may had met him while you were here as actually he is working in our workshop). Love, Alis
  21. Here's what I've learned. Alis Agostini says NORjay in which the "jay" is really understated and the whole word has a sing-song flair. A real Norwegian I know (only recently in the US) says his country's name is pronounced Norgeh in which the "geh" is only a little less stated than the "Nor" and the "geh" is neither "gay" nor "guh" but "geh" Both could be correct, depending on how you look at it, but I think it must be proper to pronounce it the way the Italians would pronounce it.
  22. The summit of Mt. Sunflower (north face approach); highest point in Kansas... The KTM never missed a beat during the long climb to the top.
  23. Yes. You can easily get to the factory from Milan and make it back in a day. The train stops directly in front of the factory, and there are several trains between Lecco and Mandello del Lario. Getting from Lecco to Milan is even easier. Yes. They have a large number of motorcycles on display, extending all the way back to the very first one. And, where else are you going to see this? You can read of my recent (but brief) visit to the museum by clicking here
  24. Guzzi rental Italy Alis Agostini Agostini New Zealand Dave Gale Guzzi Gander, LTD
  25. No other pictures*. It looked as it had once been in really terrific shape, but had since been ridden hard and not treated all that well for a few years. For that reason, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the current owner was not the one who did the mods. In any event, I see that it's for sale--and there's the phone number... *But, I did take a picture of the Dr John Daytona while I was in the Guzzi museum.
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