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Everything posted by stogieBill

  1. Sure sounds like a bad connection, Doc. Damn salty air around here.
  2. If it has the wrinkle finish engine paint, I think its a 2002 rebadged as a 2003. What the heck though, if they're offering it cheap, what's keeping you from making the leap?
  3. GREAT stuff
  4. Come on Woolly, lets see a picture of your baby.
  5. Welcome to the Dark Side Pete. I doubt the Scura will ever replace your Griso, but they are a fun ride. Best wishes for a great experience while in the US of A.
  6. Take the number Ma Guzzi posts on their site and divide by 2.
  7. There may be the possibility that the tank bag is being held in Customs too. I sold a saddle to a forum member in Canada and according to the USPS the saddle was in Canada 3 Days after I sent it. It took him a couple of months to finally get it. And that was after filing an International Inquiry. February is a lot longer than a couple of months, but if nobody has been rattling their cage... Good luck
  8. Rich, There's always Rich Maund. See http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10430 He can work with any specific color combos you're interested in. Does absolutely brilliant work for a fair price. And he's in Chesapeake. My cowl still fits perfectly.
  9. Doug, I'd bet you've got water someplace it shouldn't be. Either a connection or critical component somewhere. If the weather is cooperating now, pull your seat and let the bike sit in the sun a bit. You can check connections and apply WD40 at critical junctures (ignition switch, relays, etc. you're on your own here). Might have some corrosion someplace too and the water just aggravated the situation. Good luck
  10. I had a similar occurrence on my Daytona. Had been on the freeway for about 6 miles (not riding the brakes), got off the freeway and slowed for a roundabout and 1/4 mile further on while making a turn felt the bike being dragged down. Completed the turn (barely) to find the rear brakes had locked up. Melted the little dust cover too. Parked the bike and following about an hour appointment, checked the brakes to find that they were fine I guess the fluid had expanded and caused the rear brake to engage. The bike has not repeated this episode in over 3 months. I have since properly flushed and cleaned the caliper assembly, but now I don't trust it and only use it sparingly (the rear brake).
  11. How's about a picture of that rack, Zen?
  12. Gary, I'm pretty sure you can use a BMW headlight lens. I'm not sure of the number, but its been posted before. Ciao
  13. I guess happiness is where you find it. Although I loved my '03 Honda ST1300, it did everything I ever asked it to do, it left a "sterile" feeling in my soul. My Guzzi's require more looking after and always reward me with bigger grins and real pride in the brotherhood of ownership. Ciao Crooz
  14. Hello Brian, Tough luck. Been there, done that. You could try the old 1/8 turn and ride, etc, etc. But that takes a lot of time. I read on one of the forums that an easier way is to try and get the shifter "centered" by adjusting the acorn and checking travel, up and down. I haven't tried this (and I'm never gonna touch that acorn again). Hope it helps. Ciao
  15. Listers, I've got a Cee Baily's lexan protector that, although a little pricy, does the trick and looks good too. Check them out at http://www.ceebaileys.com/cycle/ Ciao
  16. Buell indicator/lenses are THE SAME. Made in mother Italy, but sold cheaper through a Harley dealership..
  17. Looks like some beautiful country. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Evidently, Kawasaki keys use the same ignition switch. I got replacements for both my geese at the local locksmith for about $3 each. The blank is an Ilco X270 TMC1 Ciao
  19. Wheelsucker, It does add a bit more "balance" to the color scheme, however, due to the nature of the area of the hugger, I believe its going to cost you in additional cleaning. Always good to get outside the box and explore things though.
  20. Congratulations Richard. By the way, it ain't bragging if you can do it!
  21. Man, that last year went fast. Happy Birthday Jaap
  22. Yes
  23. Hello listers, The weather here is finally warming to good riding conditions. A friend and I decided we needed to do our annual season opener, a 415 + mile lap around the Trinity Alps of Northern California. I left home at 6:00 AM to reach Dennis's place in Willow Creek at 7:00 AM. It was overcast and a bit cool at around 40 degrees F. Leaving Eureka, I took US 101 North to route 299 and rode it East over the coastal mountains to Willow Creek. Arriving at Dennis and Shelly's and warming up with a large serving of homemade bisquits and gravy and a steaming mug of coffee, I almost thawed out from the chilly ride over the mountains. From Willow Creek we take route 96 all the way to Yreka. This is a great, under appreciated 2-lane highway that traverses some beautiful country along the Trinity and Klamath Rivers. A butt break was in order at Happy Camp being about half way to Yreka. We reached Yreka at around 11:30 AM and gassed up and headed South on route 3 to Weaverville. Highway 3 runs along the eastern boundary of the Trinity Alps and Trinity Lake. Weaverville is a small city/community and the County seat for Trinity County. You think Weaverville, you think isolated rural. There is not a single traffic signal in the entire County. It just happens to be the junction of route 3 and route 299. We had a brief lunch in a small diner at 1:00PM, gassed up and headed west on route 299 along the Trinity River. Route 299 is legendary for its great riding and scenic beauty, but the traffic was almost nonexistent yesterday. We arrived in Willow Creek at 3:00 PM, congratulated each other on a fine ride and parted. West on route 299 over the coastals and back to US 101. I was home by a little before 4:00PM The Scura ran flawless and my new Maund saddle passed the acid test. My ass loves me again. If you're ever in this neck of the woods, you owe it to yourself to give this loop a try.
  24. Looks like you picked a great day for it.
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