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Everything posted by stogieBill

  1. When ever I think Ducati, I think Desmo valves. Before becomimg a Guzzisti, whenever I thought Guzzi, I thought Horizontal V Twin. It is the common characteristic of all recent Moto Guzzi's. There is no other motorcycle like them. Cheers
  2. Si, If you're willing to pay for shipping from the USA, get a hold of the good folks at www.cannonracecraft.com This is the replacement spring most are going to in our neck of the woods. The price over here was under $30 US for two springs. I can't imagine shipping being too much Cheers, Bill
  3. stogieBill


  4. Mark, Where did you get the RAM clutch from and how much was it? TIA, Bill
  5. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery Rick.
  6. stogieBill


    You deserve the system Jaap. Happy trails
  7. Dennis, The vin will clarify the production year. You'll either see an ...XXX01XXX... or an ...xxxo2xxx... in the vin. Cerytainly nothing to fret over Welcome aboard.
  8. Very nice Yorch. Welcome to the forum.
  9. If you run a 180 or 190 rear and the "standard" front, check this out: http://www.diablo.getpirelli.com/ Ciao
  10. Cheers Dan I know personally of the ST1300's capability and have also intertained the idea of the KTM 950. Life is way too short to anguish over a motorcycle you don't want (or have ) Happy trails,
  11. stogieBill

    gear box

    There is no adjustment on the shift spring. If its the shift sprin; its a replacement. If the acorn nut adjuster is off, you need to try increments of 1/8 turn until the shifting is spot on. You may have to try the adjustment both ways (as the screw turns) until you experience improvement. Good luck
  12. And...you've got a real headlight too! Nicely done!
  13. Life is always better when the cards fall your way. Vive Moto Guzzi!
  14. stogieBill


    Having gone through the mess last year, was glad I stayed home on caught the whole race on the telly. I also agree that Laguna Seca is no longer a proper venue for this event. If this is the best the US can foot (it's not!) Then I see it going away. It will be interesting to hear if they at least got the transportation nightmare resolved. We left early right after the GP last year and it still took 2 hours to get out. Ciao and be safe, Bill
  15. Jeeze Antonio, don't sugar coat it. Just say what you're thinking! LOL Rossi to win, Hayden second and Melandri third. Ciao
  16. Then there's Colin Edwards who took a second last year. Kenny Roberts Jr, who finally seems to be getting a bike that will run. John Hopkins is always a threat. Hey, there's lots of 'Mericans to root for. I happen to think it has nothing to do with my patriotism for whom I root for. It just promisies to be a good race.
  17. FWIW, I replaced my duc with a goose. Sold my '95 Ducati 900SS sp (before it killed me) and replaced it with my Scura. No regrets! Happy trails
  18. Capirex is still recovering from his injuries, isn't he? He looked pretty good last weekend, but..... I'd love to see Loris put it together one more time.
  19. Rossi will win. Hayden will podium. Then its either Melandri or Pedrosa to also podium. Probably Melandri since he's experienced Laguna Seca last year.
  20. This years Laguna Seca Moto GP promises to be one of the best (hardest fought) races of the season. Nicky Hayden won it last year, Valentino didn't need to win it then. This year is different, the riders are more competitive and... Valentino Rossi NEEDS to win this race. It will be broadcast this Sunday on Speed TV. It will also be shown a week from Sunday on ABC. Check your local listings. You don't want to miss watching this race. Happy trails, Bill
  21. As has been reported in the past, everything is relative. I have an old Air Force buddy with no less than 17 old Brit bikes, some of which he races in the Vintage class. He is not in the least disturbed. Here I sit with only 2 Guzzi's and I'm probably certifiably deranged. Ciao
  22. Hello Pete, Put me down for one and if it will also fit the Daytona RS, you can make that two. Thanks,
  23. Hello Dan, My '02 Scura was stuck in first or second. I could not get it in neutral. If you still have the ability to shift, any problem you have is NOT the shift pawl spring. Having said that, there are internals inthe gearing on the sideplate that mandate a close inspection prior to reassembly. To me, this was not especially difficult, but do make sure everything "appears" to be in the correct. There is an engagement dog on a small piece that rides next to the sideplate on the forward gear that must go in the squared notch on the gear selector prior to reassembly. This is gobble talk from someone that doesn't know the proper nomenclature, my apologies. Good luck with your problem.
  24. My '97 RS has the metal badge, the engine case is grey and the wheels are grey too. Supposedly, it also has the C kit and was originally purchased in the UK
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