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Everything posted by stogieBill

  1. Lust is a terrible thing, isn't it? Don't go to Ebay unless you have lots of Money and an understanding Honey. There's way too much temptation there Brother. Good luck.
  2. 97.5 Potential fine: £7500 Hey, I'm a nice guy. Or at least I thought I was.
  3. Wait til I take by Gil and Becky's. I'll have to bring a towel for the drooling. LOL Its going to be a long 10 days waiting.
  4. Hi Paul, yeah, so far those are the only pictures. Evidently there's some saddle bags that come with it, but I don't believe I'll be keeping them. Just want the lean amd mean Daytona look. I will also be looking for a stock air box as the original was discarded when he put on the aftermarket foam filters. Cheers,
  5. Yeah, I know its not a V11 but I'm so jazzed, just gotta share the joy. I was the lucky bidder on a '97 Daytona RS with "C" kit today See: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...item=4625126265 &sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT The hard part use to be looking at Pauls Fast Guzzis avatar and Zebulons and Daniel Kakal's, etc. Now the hard part will be waiting the 10 days it will take for shipping from Heber Springs, Arkansas to Eureka, California. Here's to satisfied lust Cheers Anybody interested in a loaded 2003 Honda ST1300ABS?
  6. Drool, drool, drool.......slurp! A beautiful bike if there ever was one. The green is okay, but it would look so much faster in RED Cheers
  7. Like Guzzirider, I too used to have a Ducati 900 SS (sp), a 1995 model. A very capable bike indeed. However, I sold it for one reason; the song of the sausage creature. It doesn't just whisper in your ear to go fast, it screams. I was always looking to see how far I could lean into corners; could I slide it just a little into that next corner? The sausage creature always told me to do it. I sold it before I crashed it. The Goose will still whisper to me, but it doesn't make me do the evil that the Duck did. Good luck in your decision .
  8. Congratulations Pete, I'm sure the world will be a better place with another authorized service facility for our MG's. I'm 4 hours away from the nearest MG service facility, but I've been getting by from the likes of you, Paul and others on the forum. Best of luck to you and thanks for the informative posts. Happy Trails
  9. I'm not the most comfortable guy around electronics, but I think the connection looks to be the correct one based on the schematic (green/red to double red). Unless there's other loose (unconnected) connectors, I'd go with the reconnection. Of course you've got to wonder what caused the separation to begin with Good luck
  10. I'm stunned and amazed. And a whole lot jealous. Gorgeous bike Quatro
  11. Hey leafman, How many miles have you got on your Scura? TIA,
  12. Okay Gil, any signs of paint going away and you will earn a bodge point. I told you that the clutch bleeder was in a nasty location. What was Luigi thinking indeed.
  13. Sun Tsu's rule of war: NEVER underestimate your enemy. Go Vale!
  14. stogieBill

    Jim's Indicators

    Give the sod a bodge point
  15. Any progress on this yet? I feel like I'm riding on borrowed time. TIA
  16. stogieBill

    Isle of Man

    I was under the impression that the TT in Nova Scotia was to be held in ADDITION to the IOM.
  17. I guess it boils down to how you personally define a doctor. If a doctor is someone you go see to cure aches and pains and a chiropractor does; they are a doctor. My wife has a compression fracture in her back. Its basically a permanent condition. "Regular" doctors took xrays and prescribed medicine and or physical therapy. However, she got relief when she saw the chiropractor. In my book, that's a doctor.
  18. stogieBill


    I'm with SteveG on this one. Pete, ya gotta quit sugar coating your comments. Just say what you think. ROTFALMAO Personally, I too would pass on the "scoop" Ciao
  19. Sell the 2 Harleys and buy 4 more MG's Ciao
  20. I'm happy for you Michael. I guess we all learned a lesson on the power of the internet to spread the word. Excellent results
  21. Yes (drool) we do (drool, drool) Belissimo!
  22. It appears Max is taking rejection rather hard. He'll be missed on the grid.
  23. stogieBill

    good bye girl

    Friz, I know you've had the Scura on the block for a while. But I'm sorry to see it go. I think you were the closest to me with another Scura. Do you mind telling us why you decided to get rid of her? Happier Trails in the future.
  24. Thanks to guidance from this forum, I have found a rack.
  25. Not to worry Gil, I'll bring it by this evening.
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