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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. I didnt see him "grab a handful" but he did kind of flick the bike over to more of a lean angle in the middle of the curve,thats when it went out from under him, I think if he hadnt had that darn Lightning products frame slider, the damage would have been less. His plastic got fu--ed up anyway, but at least his engine wouldnt have been cracked, where the frame slider bolt attaches to the motor mount on the side of the cylinder head.
  2. I must agree, Today I spent the afternoon in the garage helping my friend take apart the fallen R6 to start the resurrection process, and also I took some 200 grit sandpaper to the new metzler on the front of my V 11, then washed the tread with bleche white. It feels real grippy now( I aint takin no chances!) My wifes magna is next for the "tire treatment"
  3. Thats why they call that Kwacker "the Eliminator" HeHe..
  4. I think its because they are a good part to add to your bike , in Italian..."Bonna-Part"
  5. I had quite a scare yesterday, a friend of mine who is quite a skilled sportbike rider took a spill on his 2004 R6 after we put on a new dunlop 208 on the back. we left my garage and on the first turn, going maybe 10 mph I watched him in front of me as his rear end slid out,into a lowside ,then flopped back into a highside and hit the pavement. The damage to the r6 is substantial, the frame slider on the right fairing took the hit,and since the bolt threads into the frame then the engine cylinder head, it put a 3" long crack on the cam chain side of the motor and oil came pouring out, fairing ,front master cylinder ,and tailpiece suffered significant damage as well as the mirrors,footpegs,and pipe. It was incredible how easily that back tire slid out from under him. I know that new tires need to be ridden very carefully for about 100 miles or so, Im wondering is there a way to remove the mold release coating on new tires before riding, such as sandpaper, or wiping down with some sort of solvent? I put new tires on my wifes magna,and a new front metz Z 6 on my v 11 the same day, now im kind of paranoid about the new tires...this friend of mine is really skilled on a sportbike and easily does wheelies in the first three gears at 70 mph I couldnt believe how easily he went down on clean ,dry pavement on that new tire.
  6. Do you have a pic. of the mountain bike mirrors you can post?
  7. At least he has good taste, my vulcan nomad was parked 3 feet away,and he left it alone. I guess he had a craving for something "Italian" Muy delicioso!
  8. Holy cow Ben, thats not a dog ,its a horse! Get a saddle made for it so that little cutie can ride him. Seriously, though ,he looks like a real gentle giant.
  9. Yes Sir I Do now! But they are such loveable,big ,goofs! Heck I used to have a little shit chihuahua that ate the redwood slats off of a barbecue grill in the backyard.
  10. Just for everyones info, the reason I need a rear fender is I left my bike parked on my back yard patio last weekend while I took the wife to Tucson Christmas shopping, and my young labrador pup,who has gotten pretty big at 8 months decided the rear fender would make a good chew toy,he also took a liking to the taste of the rubber on the cbr footpegs I put on the Guzzi.... I should have known better! I still love that dog!
  11. Hey Friz, Let me know what you want for it, Thanks alot Rick.
  12. I would like to purchase the black plastic fender that hangs down from the rear of a V 11 the part some folks remove to clean up the rear end. If anyone has one laying around collecting dust, I need one, Thanks.
  13. I have also posted in the "wanted" section, but it seems many more of us read the 24/7 discussion. I am looking to purchase a rear plastic fender for a V 11, I dont need any of the lights or turnsignals, just that big ungainly piece of black plastic that hangs down from the rear. If anyone cleaned up the tail of their guzzi with a fender eliminator,and has that piece laying around collecting dust, I sure could use one,Thanks.
  14. Ratchethack, Ive done my own unofficial K/N test and it Failed! I used to go bass fishing deep into Mexico alot( I live right on the border) . I pulled my bass boat with a 91 Isuzu trooper, many times following friends pulling their boats for many miles down dirt roads with fine silt like dirt. it was like driving for hours in a thick dirt storm. after reading all the "baja proven" stuff I put a K/N in the trooper. I was shocked after returning from a trip to find the 2 ft long intake tube between the filter and throttle body coated with fine dirt on the inside walls. I cleaned and oiled the K/N per instructions ,used sealing grease between the filter and the housing,etc. After another trip the tube was coated with dirt inside again. I threw the K/N in the garbage and went back to the Isuzu paper filter,and guess what?.... no more dirt in the tube at all! I would never use a K/N again. I have had good service from Amsoil oiled foam filters though. I live in the dust capital of the southwest, it never rains in this desert ,and I live 2 miles from a Mexican town of 160,000 people with mostly unpaved roads, and tons of cars and trucks, Talk about dust!!!
  15. Well Said, Bob. from now on ,you are considered the "forum philosopher"
  16. Excellent post,and great pics! Thanks for going through all the trouble. I tell ya.... This forum rocks!
  17. Those "rhinos" along with the CRG mirrors look like a sweet setup, let us know if the aprilia bar ends fit without mods. Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the reply Carl.as far as mounting, did you use the stock rubber from the mirror and force it into the bar end or did you have to do something creative like some of the other folks here( I dont want to have to get too creative)
  19. Steve, Will the rubber inserts on the napoleons work on our V 11 if you sand/trim down the rubber a bit? Thanks for the post.
  20. Which GIVI screen do you have on your bike?
  21. They now have a windscreen to fit a Rosso mandello carbon fairing,as I sent Leif Gustafsson my screen and he copied it. He just sent me the screen he made me. He can make you one taller than stock,and with more flare at the top too.Call and talk to Leif (owner) on the phone, tell him you want a replacement screen like the one he made for Richard Duarte from Arizona. He will hook you up. Ciao!
  22. That looks sweet Bennett, but do they stick further outboard than stock? they surely sit lower than stock, correct? Im having problems because all I see are my shoulders.
  23. Is the image in the napoleon bar end mounted mirrors fuzzier than the stock mirrors? My problem is the stock mirrors dont stick out far enough, but I dont want such a fuzzy image that I cant keep a watchful eye on my wife behind me on her magna when we go touring.
  24. Im a pretty wide /broad shouldered guy,my stock mirrors on my v 11 naked mostly give me a fuzzy view of my arms, especially with my leather jacket on. I want to add some of the napoleon bar end mirrors. are they an easy/ direct fit to our v 11 sports? are there ant tricks/tips to installing and or removing the stock bar ends ? Ive heard the napoleons not only give a better view, but also cut down on vibes. I really like the "old school cafe look" as well!
  25. Docc, somewhere here ive read that there have been instances of the rear shock mount eyelet on the sachs shock cracking and splitting in half. There has been corrosion found between the eyelet and the mounting bolt, (rearmost one) so it was suggested to remove the bolt,coat with grease ,and re insert it. Hope this helps, Im going to do mine soon.
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