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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Thanks for the info ,Bro. right now my shock is fine( I need to lube the rear eyelet mount to keep it from breaking as suggested here) and Im still riding every day, but its good to have the link you sent me just in case for future reference. Happy Holidays !
  2. I lubricated everything including the cable with wd 40 ,and so far it hasnt done it again, I guess it was lack of lube. I sprayed the linkages real good then also used compressed air to give it a good "blow job" HeHe . Good luck.
  3. I like your way of thinking, what exactly was your procedure for changing the oil in the shock, If you dont mind sharing it..
  4. I must agree with you 100% I have the same ti kit on my naked and many people tell me it sounds like a V8 muscle car. Its not obnoxiously loud but it will set off most car alarms in the city! HeHeHe. Its just a deep basso-profundo sound sort of like an approaching thunderstorm. BTW any MotoGuzzi sounds better than a Ducati!
  5. Pardon my ignorance,but Is The leaking sachs you refer to a steering damper, or a rear shock?
  6. Thank You Sir,
  7. Thanks for the link, I didnt see a price on it, did I miss the price sheet?
  8. Yep youre prolly right, but mu fuji is still on warranty, ( I paid $375. for the bugger) Ive been down the same road as you with the dryers though...
  9. Ahhhh, I was afraid someone would say that! Well my didital camera is in the shop getting repaired(camera repair shops are worse for parts availability than MG) , but I do have a good pair of circlip pliers...
  10. Heres what you need to do, Tex. Buy 2 bottles of "naval jelly" use one to dissolve the rust on you wheel arches, take the other and squeeze out your wifes tube of toothpaste, replace the contents with the naval jelly and carefully set the tube back where she keeps it by the sink. I guarantee you your truck will have no more rust,and your wife will have no more dates! HeHeHe. Seriously, Thanks for the laugh , you had me goin for a minute there!
  11. Thanks, you have answered my "hyperpro" question, BTW what did aprilia do to screw up the "pure bloodline" of the V 11 sport? HeHe. I must admit , the original "greenies" sure are handsome bikes, and "muy Italiano"
  12. Is Hyperpro a brand of aftermarket replacement dampers that fit our bikes? Thanks.
  13. I could notice an improvement in stability in high speed curves when the road is a little rough, I would give it say 5-7 clicks towards the hard setting and the front end would settle down nicely. Real confidence inspiring.
  14. The bitubo damper on my 02.5 naked is now actually dripping oil from the right side. It always had slight seepage on both ends, but now it actually is dripping on the floor and scared the piss out of me as after a ride the oil was on the front of the timing chest( I thought my gasket had blown) Ive heard before, that the bitubos are a piece of shit. whats the best approach? can they be re-sealed/taken apart? I cant afford to replace it with an ohlins unit right now, any other more inexpensive solutions?
  15. No , Those are not real genuine honda pegs. The cbr pegs are a little different.
  16. Are the buell pegs rubber on top?
  17. Sorry, but my digital camera is in the shop getting repaired at the moment.
  18. I dont know how much new , but cbrs are so common, Ill bet some can be found on ebay.
  19. After seeing Mr. Maunds conversion to ninja pegs on his V 11 ,and suffering from burning soles on my feet with the stovk pegs, I got an idea to try the pegs from my 2001 honda cbr 600f4i on my V 11. I was shocked that they fit perfectly, with the stock moto guzzi mounting rod/spring etc, no modification necessary. They are nice slim looking rubber topped pegs. for shits and grins I replaced only the right peg initially and took her for a ride. I was amayzed at the difference in comfort! my right leg /foot felt great. on the left I could feel the numbing vibration from the sole of my foot almost to just below my knee. needless to say I swapped them both out. This is an easy 10 minute conversion that makes a HUGE difference in comfort.
  20. I Agree with m tiberio, get a 120 , the 110 just aint right, and 120s are real easy to find.
  21. Thank you Sir, I wonder if heim joints can be installed in the stock moto guzzi rod???
  22. Hmmm, Ill have to look for the dry malt extract for the next batch
  23. Thanks for all the advise Steve, This Mr. Beer kit brings everything you need for the wort in a can like a soup can, you just cook it with a package of "booster" which seemed to me like white sugar, then put it in the plastic barrell, add the yeast package, stir, and cap the mixture for a week or more. Im real ignorant about brewing, but trying to learn all I can.
  24. Ahhh, I screwed up this post , I posted my reply with yours..
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