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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Hey Thats a pretty good idea, Im going to try that until I find some japaneese bike pegs that fit. Maybe I can even go all out and find some red colored hose at the local euro car shop( honda civic with huge fart can muffler) that way no one can say my bike looks "Ghetto" HeHeHe.
  2. Hey that sounds like a great solution.... if only we could get MG parts here in the USA.I think im going to have to make the kawasaki peg adaptation like Rich Maund. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Is the evoluzione relocation kit still available for sale? can we buy it in the usa?
  4. Yes, both feet equal, if I lift foot from the peg the sensation goes away in a minute or so, straightening out the leg helps, but I dont think its circulatory, it must be vibe caused as Rich Maund stated in his post, Im going to have to try the rubber coated pegs.
  5. I heard that for those Guzzisti that did not accept MG's settlement offer of a leather jacket for the crappy engine paint, Piaggio is now sending out 2 cans of Genuine Harley Davidson wrinkle black spray paint and a roll of masking tape, since they crushed all the V 11 cases at Mandello a couple of weeks ago!
  6. Ehhh! Whadayawant, Ehhh? ( In My best Tony Soprano voice)
  7. I saw on the mgnoc web site info. that mgna warehouse/ offices in GA. are being shut down, employees including Michelle being layed off,and operations being moved to New York city at the Piaggio offices.. Im not sure if this is good or bad ?? anyone else here have any information on this change?
  8. Does anyone know of any rubber padded pegs that fit our bikes?
  9. I always ride in new balance tennis shoes. Have never been able to wear boots.
  10. I dont smoke....errr....anything legal, that is! HeHeHe
  11. Im familiar with the vessels in the legs( Im an RN) , I think you may be on to something here, I think my legs are just too fat,and the bending at the knees may be cutting off the blood flow behind the knee joint, I guess its time to cut out the beer!
  12. Ive never balanced the tb,s but the bike has the ti pipes /ecu and runs/idles perfectly. there really isnt vibrations in the pegs that I can feel.
  13. when I ride on long highway rides, the area of my feet that touches the footpegs goes numb and kind of feels like a "burning " sensation. anyone else experience this? I would like to try one of those footpeg lowering kits to see if that would help some , the pegs do seem to be positioned a little too high. Is there anyone that has one of those kits that they want to sell?( I cant remember who made or makes them )
  14. darn, I screwed up this post!
  15. The only way you should EVER ride a Guzzi is "Commando" style. This should be featured in the FAQ section... HeHeHe. Seriously, Ive had good results with the sheepskin pads sold by alaska leather dot com. I have used one for years on my other bikes.
  16. Gorgeous bike, looks damn cold there though.... Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
  17. Thats wierd, my straps fit rather tight on the cans ,they actually put a small indentation on the cans when I tightened them down. Mine mounted real solid in the stock position, no wiggle at all.
  18. Hey RH, I guess honda pretty much made their new cbr 1000 idiot proof when they installed an electronically controlled steering damper that increases and decreases the damping rate according to the speed of the machine,automatically. but like all technology, I guess it would really suck if the control system went haywire while riding........ Give me the old school Guzzi shite anytime, Ive got nothing better to do with my left hand anyway while im riding the goose, HeHeHe.
  19. Thanks for the link, Is the taillight/brakelight as bright or brighter thn stock?
  20. The Guzzi dont need it, its stable as an anvil, I should take it off and put it on my kawasaki, you cant take your hands off the bars on that evil beast for a second, the front end starts wobbling.
  21. Sir, where did you get the rear fender eliminator on your bike? It looks real clean! The fender eliminator that is.... HeHehe.
  22. I just got back from the Rocky Point rally in Puerto penasco(rocky point) Mexico. rocky point is located south of Tucson Arizona on the sea of cortez,60 miles south of the Arizona /Mexico border.. they have a big rally there every year to raise money for local Orphanages, old folks homes ,and other charities. They get over 6000-7000 motorcycles of all types,although most are Harley "show me your tits" Types. Its one of the few places where burnouts and wheelies on the main boulevard in front of the police are "no problema" . I saw alot of sport bikes ,many Ducatis, BMW's, tons of custom choppers,even a gorgeous one cylinder antique bmw, but not one single Moto Guzzi. That just goes to show the exclusivety of our bikes! I wish I would have taken my V 11 sport, but rode my Nomad due to the carrying capacity. I think next year I will ride the Goose for sure.
  23. Ive actually seen some Valks leaaned pretty far over on the "Dragon" (deals gap) they are pretty good handling bikes considering their size! I had a hard time passing one there on my cbr 600 ,and I consider myself a pretty fair rider, though deffinitely not a "knee dragger"
  24. Do you check the oil level on the v 11 on the sidestand or straight up? I know the manual says to screw it in to check the level, but doesnt specify if on the stand or straight. up. Thanks , and greetings from sunny Arizona.
  25. Its a great time to buy a Guzzi Jose, Believe me, prices will level out then go up on V 11 sports. I bought a 2003 with 3000 miles for $6500. and have no regrets its a great bike. It still has a year of warranty left, but I have had nothing but reliable fun with it. These bikes rock! buy one now when the prices and selection is good. Its a buyers market ,but that wont be the case forever.. I basically got a kick-ass exotic bike with quality components for the price of a 750 Shadow HeHeHe, Im happy!
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