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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Sucks gas like a pig??? I get consistently 40-50 mpg on my 03 naked, and thats riding it pretty darned fast! whats your mileage?
  2. Hey My Friend, That sounds like a shitty offer on MGNA's part ,they will pay for a repaint, but YOU buy the paint! For chrissakes, its their piss poor paint that messed up! Why should you buy the paint? what I did on mine was take the settlement offer (carbon fiber kit) and remove the loose paint as it bubbles up with a small wire brush and touch it up with some satin black high heat engine paint. It doesnt look all that bad. Im sure mgna will have you sign a disclaimer as to the durability of the new paint YOU purchase, then their hands are washed clean of the whole mess...
  3. Thanks!
  4. You can view a picture of the exact same rack I have by going to the website www.stucchiluigi.it and clicking on one of the brake discs, all the accessories come up, there is a picture of the rack on a green v 11 sport, Thanks Rick.
  5. Hey Steve, how do we go about ordering parts from Agostini? Do yhey have a website we can use? Or do we have to call them in Italy by phone?
  6. Is there anyone here that has a stucchi tail rack on their v 11 that can post a photo here or has a link to a picture of a v11 with the stucchi tail rack on it? Thanks, Rick.
  7. Im not really sure, but its the same shield as on the scura and rosso mandello, maybe someone else that has compared them can chime in, I will get the part # off of it and post it soon.
  8. I think it lets the bike rev faster.
  9. Hey Felix, what brand of tail rack is that on your bike?
  10. Im pretty sure they already carry a windshield for the lemans
  11. Holy cow! now im really confused, ( I get confused easily,HeHe) anyway my 2002 naked is vin number ZGUKRAKR53M114960 or KR114960 so is my bike ok? or do I need to get into the gearbox to check the spring/boss diameter?
  12. I wonder if the problem may be caused by the bolts loosening up,and allowing some play??
  13. Does the gearbox spring problem affect # KT 111435-KS 112350, or is it frame #s BEFORE that range?
  14. Phew! thats one less thing to worry about! Thank you Sir. BTW is a RAM an aftermarket clutch?
  15. After experiencing cracks at the mouting holes on the windshield on my carbon fiber fairing, buying a replacement very carefully made sure not to overtighten the bolts, then a couple of days later a crack appeared in one of the top mounting areas, I contacted Gustafsson windshields/plastics, and the only make a replacement screen for the v1 1 sport stucchi fairing, not the MG late model fairing. after a discussion with Leif Gustafson, the owner, he agreed to start making replacement windshields for our bikes if I sent him my shield( which I just did) they will be able to make us replacement shields in a multitude of colors and custom heights that should be better quality than what MG offers at $100.
  16. They say the most dangerous stunt these guys do is a stoppie, sure enough , the proof is in the pudding in this video. Still you gotta "love that laffy taffy" LOL.
  17. Hey Mike, I think this is a prime example of why some dealers are getting fed up with MG and some are giving up their dealer status. My local deales used to have Guzzi as their #1 brand now the showroom is full of, some aprillias, Ducatis of every style some MV agustas, a shitload of scooters,and only 1 Guzzi a 750 breva he cant sell , the owner told me if he didnt love Guzzi bikes so much, he would do away with them completely because of all the bullshiet from MG.
  18. After reading the threads and seeing the picture about our brother Guzzisti in europe whose flywheel broke at the mounting hub,while riding in Spain, Im wondering is this model flywheel used only in the scura/rosso mandello, or do we need to worry about our v 11 sport nakeds? I used to have a rosso mandello, and the clutch would chatter when the lever was released,and silent with the lever pulled in( disengaged) my 02 naked is the opposite, it only chatters when I pull the lever in. does my naked use the same flywheel as the scura, or is the whole system different? My bike has been troublefree for 7000 miles ,but if theres a risk of the flywheel disintegrating and taking out my cases, I would look for a better replacement . also.... what is a "RAM" clutch? Thanks.
  19. Gotta love the way the Guzzi feels at 80 mph + , Ive got a PNI silver bullett battery powered radar detector that fits perfect on the carbon fiber fairing windshield to sniff out "the Man" It has saved my bacon more than once! HeHeHe..
  20. Traitor! Just kidding, I rode the exact color st as yours. Its an awesome bike, I spent all my time playing with the "power windows" HeHe,. I came very close to trading in my nomad on one, but the dealer wanted to give me so little for my 2000 nomad ,that I declined, I loved the st though, with some 2 brothers slip ons, that bike would really sound sweet.
  21. You may try some fine sandpaper first around 400 then 600 grit then 1000 grit using wd 40 as a "lubricant" then finish with a hand held brass wire brush. I restored a titanium exhaust can on my sons cbr that way. The results werent 100%, but it removed the scratches, and looked pretty darn good. Good luck, let us know how it goes..
  22. Shouldnt we get more than 139 miles on a tank? I went 126 miles today, and filled up, and it took 2.6 gallons to fill it up..... How many gallons do our tanks hold? Oh by the way I was hauling ass from the Mexican border to Tucson, mostly between 80-100 mph!
  23. Yeah Baby, Look at that engine! there aint no Ducati that has jugs like that, I mean these are Dolly Parton jugs! HeHehe...
  24. Its not really the price of a cats ass that is high , It is its location on the cat, they usually sit way up high! HeHeHe
  25. bigbikerrick

    MG Resal Value

    Im not sure what you mean about the Tenni or the scura, do you mean they are worth less???
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