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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. How much did the angle drive cost? Ive heard the price on those things is higher than a cats ass......
  2. The Joe Kenny ones are prettier, but the SCP ones look beefier and look like they will protect more, BTW I dig those black rocker covers!
  3. Thanks Docc, I will take a look and see,
  4. Thank You Sir! I will follow your recipe.
  5. I like your philosophy! HeHeHe.
  6. I will try that ,what cleaner do you use on the springs and linkage, auto carb cleaner spray? or something else....
  7. Ive never had them synchronized, It runs fine no flat spots, it seems the "catch" is mechanical in nature.
  8. This problem happens only accasionally, but its a little unnerving, when Im riding and back off the throttle, then go to open it again its like the throttle has a catch in it its like stuck for a second, then there is a "click" you can feel in the throttle and it then opens normally,and you can twist it over and over and everythings fine. you never know when its going to catch. any Ideas what it can be? Ive already lubed the linkage between the 2 throttle bodies with spray lube and its made no difference, otherwise the cable operates smoothly,and returns quickly. Thanks.
  9. I guess then the best protection is the big nasty "crash bars" like on a cruiser! LOL.
  10. I will take a look, I thought if they stuck out a little more = better protection in a tip over
  11. Thanks for the link, I damn near pissed my pants from laughing so hard!
  12. are the joe kenny guards any bigger than stock,as in do they stick out more, or are they just sturdier? Thanks,
  13. Thanks Jim, for $19 bux thats cheap insurance!.
  14. Thanks, for the link, looks like a good product. and x-mas is coming! Hehehe.
  15. Buy a Goldwing? NAH! I used to ride goldwings for years, Im enjoying my midlife crisis way too much on the Guzzi!
  16. I havent seen them, how do they work?
  17. Yes I have the Ti cans(love the sound) I never ride a passenger myself, I have a kawasaki nomad for 2up duty, as my wife and I are pretty good sized, HeHe. My son borrows my sport and rides his girlfriend on back sometimes, and she says its more comfortable than his CBR 600, but she is a skinny little thing,and 21 years old. (Im sure age,and flexibility make a big difference)
  18. I would like to add some lead shot in my handlebars to reduce vibrations, My jell grips help, but my hands still go numb after about 30 minutes. I have removed the round ,black end, but how do I remove the rest of the insert so I can add the lead to the open pipe? Thanks!
  19. Thanks for the link, Martin. Is Ventura located in the UK?
  20. The way you mounted the cans looks good, but does it make the footpeg position more uncomfortable if you carry a passenger,as the pegs are higher and further back?
  21. Ive heard the replacement glass for our headlight is very expensive. I put on a layer of stick on plastic made by 3M thats used to protect bodywork from scratches, but it seems too thin to protect the glass from a flying rock.. Here in Arizona all the roads where I ride are chip seal or loose gravel. What is the best product to save our glass?
  22. They are not real tight on the cans, but hold the adequately, if they squeezed the can too tight, they may dent it,as the titanium is very thin.
  23. Its a pretty straight forward procedure, theres no wobble on mine that I know of. replace the pipe hangers with the shorter ones in the kit, mounts that are rubber covered wrap around the cans, and bolt to bottom of shorter hanger, tighten the clamp to the crossover make sure the pipes are aligned evenly from the rear(adjust by turning where it mounts to the crossover) Go Ride and enjoy the sweetest sound in the world! any more specific questions, let me know, Ciao . Rick
  24. Actually I used the blue loctite, but it reacted with the plastic and turned the cracks a reddish color.
  25. Thanks Wick. Im almost positive the reaction with loctite is what cracked mine. I put on quite a bit of loctite and it was fine for 24 hours then a bunch of cracks developed , the loctite spread in the cracks and turnrd the smoked plastic red inside the cracks. I wonder if a drop of superglue would be better to keep the bolts from vibrating loose.....
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