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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. See, you learn something new every day! Dont be upset Its a 1 to 2 beer job, Ill buy the ale!
  2. I dont believe the hose is an emission control hose, it is for crankcase pressure venting/breathing,which all motors must have. take another look , it starts on top of the motor case right in front of the gearbox/ bellhousing. It looks like a cracked black garden hose( at least in my case its cracked!)
  3. What rpm is considered "lugging" a Guzzi? I ride around town regularly at around 3000 rpms and the engine seems happy, Am I lugging the engine? what is the lowest rpm we should cruise at around town when the engine is under a light to moderate load, at around 40 mph? I dont want to damage my motor by lugging it, Im used to a big kawasaki v twin that likes to "lope" along lazily. Thanks Rick..
  4. Carl, did you install the dayco hose on your v 11 sport or on your Cali? or do both bikes use the same hose? Thanks, Rick
  5. Did you use the ford hose with the 2 curved ends ,or the dayco hose with one straight end on your sport? Im getting ready to replace my cracked one..... The bikes hose that is....
  6. The footpeg location on my V11 naked cause me a little pain to my old knees, Ive read that someone sells an adapter that lowers the pegs slightly. do they mount in the holes where the brake pedal pivot point is? is it a sturdy conversion? any comments /information from anyone that has done this modification appreciated I think lowering the pegs a little will surely help( does anyone sell a V 11 ev floorboard conversion?) Just Kidding!!!
  7. Thats what I was afraid of , Mike. Thanks for the reply, you just helped me decide to buy the givi A 750, or mg carbon fiber fairing.
  8. Mike, skeeve stated that the reason the cafe fairing doesnt fit flush around your headlight is because it needed slots cut in the sides for the turn signal stems, my question ... is that what it would hit on, or was it some other portion of the controls? Thanks alot, Rick.
  9. what part of the controls will it hit on if you set it back so it fits flush around the headlight?
  10. They look a little funny ,but I want some, Do you remember the price? are they available in the USA?
  11. " A Punt" Is that good or bad? HeHe...
  12. Sounds Good, I wonder if any place in the USA has them for sale?
  13. Well said Pete! we gotta keep things in proper prespective..... Ride On !!!
  14. Thank you, Soren, I agree with you. we gotta protect our "heads" . Good head is hard to find! HeHehe...
  15. Thanks Carl, very informative pictures you posted, I appreciate it.Rick..
  16. Ive seen a couple of pictures of a white plastic "crash protector" that sticks out from the head guard on a v11. sort of like the frame savers readily available for japaneese sportbikes. Yes they look fugly, bit they seem to be able to provide good protection in a tip over. anyone have any experience with these and where they can be purchased? also what usually gets damaged if a v11 falls over as its parked on the sidestand.....
  17. Thanks for the link, Tex. I guess those lifting points hold the bolts on the pork chop, looks like a neat accessory $60 bux is a bargain too !
  18. Thanks for the reply, after you lift the bike with the 2x4's and put the jackstands under the pork chops, do you remove the hydraulic lift, or leave it in place? by "under the porkchops" ,you mean the bolts sticking out from the chops, or the bottom edge of the chops themselves? Thanks a bunch!
  19. I want to lift my v 11 to check the rear end ,splines ,etc for lubrication. I dont have an ABBA jack, but I DO have a Craftsman motorcycle /atv lift that I have used for years on my japanese cruisers, has anyone been able to use such a lift succesfully on the V11? any modifications or rigging up that might help hold the Guzzi safely? Thanks
  20. Here in Arizona, 340 days a year of sunshine!! HeHeHe...
  21. Thanks for the reply, Im going to have to take that cover off and take a look inside.
  22. What year is your cb 750? My V 11 is a 2003 with only 3500 miles, always garaged, never left out in the sun.
  23. Maybe someone will post the "automotive radiator hose conversion" I think a radiator hose that fits both diameters well( i think the 2 are different) will last much better than the oem.
  24. , Did you write directly to Moto Guzzi, or to a dealer?
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