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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Will the dealer give you a pawl arm and spring under warranty if it has not broken yet? what do you think is the best way to go about this? Thanks Rick.
  2. I had that same seal go tits up on a rosso mandello I used to have at only 800 miles, the dealer replaced it in 20 minutes while I waited, removed the round cover in front, removed the nut with the bike in gear, the alternator/ rotor thingie popped right off, the seal was pried out with a hook tool, then the new one pressed right in with a little sealer around the edges, I was back on the road with a smile on my face again. I think one could replace that little seal themselves as long as you are careful not to scratch the shaft. Good luck, Rick.
  3. Bwahaaahaaaahaaaa! Too funny!
  4. Yeah thats it obsessive compulsive disorder, I always knew I needed help when it comes to my motorcycles, Im aways looking to perfect them, you should see all the money/time ive invested in my nomad,and magna to make them "perfect" Its a disease,, Im a sick puppy!
  5. Thanks for the reply Todd, I assume this recall is for the tranny spring 16mm boss vs 15mm boss issue. so does this mean I dont have to worry about the spring breakage issue on my bike?
  6. My v 11 naked is an 2003 on the title but manufactured 2/2002 on the steering head stamp, no front exhaust crossover, crummy engine paint, so its an 02. how do I know if my bike is one that needs the transmission recall performed? Thanks, Folks!
  7. after reading here that on some bikes the factory put the "choke" spring in the seat latch,and vice versa, I noticed my choke/fast idle button required herculean strength to fully activate, I felt the springs and the seat latch spring was much weaker, so I swapped them, the smaller spring in the seat latch had to be "threaded" to get it to slip off the cable, the one that was on the fast idle slipped right over the seat cable end( I dont see how the folks at Mandello screwed the pooch on this one!) now my fast idle button is nice and smooth, but the seat removal is so stiff it feels like Im going to break off the key in the lock. Is that how its supposed to be??? Thank God for this forum, or us newbies would be up $hit creek!
  8. Excellent post! very informative to us new to the Guzzi,and trying to learn all we can. I saw in your information that your bike has a piastra-colleg trans frame plate, what is that???? thank you, sir.
  9. Thanks to everyone for the replies and encouragement, If anyone has information on what radiator hose(from what car) fits it perfectly please post it here, I think a radiator hose that will withstand the hot underhood environment for many years without cracking will probably outlive most of us older Guzzisti! LOL.
  10. the part that has cracks is the rubber tube where the gas/air mixture goes into the cylinder, on each side of the motorcycle. Im sorry, but I dont have a digital camera right now.
  11. today I noticed the rubber intake boots between the throttle body and the intake manifold has cracks running alongside the clamps alll around the rubber boots. Is this common to these bikes? mine is an 03( really an 02) with a tick over 4000 miles on it. Is there a better replacement available, or a repair?
  12. Well the bubbling ,chipping paint does bother me,and if I had a dealer nearby that was verified to be competent to tear the engine apart to its most basic parts,and assemble it as good or better as the factory,such as MPH Cycles, believe me, I would have the cases replaced. Where I am located in southern Arizona there is a dealer( Renaissance motorcycles) in Tucson, 125 miles away and a dealer in Phoenix 225 miles away(not sure of name) I really dont know if they would be good to undertake such a job as case replacement, maybe they are, who knows, but everyone knows MPH Cycles kicks ass. Im taking the second best offer since my V 11 which is an 02 sold as an 03, also purchased at orange county Triumph is running fine as of 4700 miles, I havent heard any unusual noises and she runs like a raped ape. I want the carbon fiber fairing like my rosso mandelo had due to me needing some wind protection. Ciao. Rick..
  13. I was hoping they would offer the carbon fiber kit for the v11( fender fairing, side covers)
  14. Was it the big end or small end bearings thet were worn? what noise were you hearing?
  15. I was hoping to get some carbon fiber goodies ,not a jacket,anyway italian clothing runs pretty small, it prolly wont fit my fat azz anyway! LOL.
  16. Im in the process of submitting the claim for my bubbling engine paint, I dont want my dealer to tear apart a good running engine for a cosmetic issue and want to take the "free accessories option" does anyone here know what moto guzzi offers as a settlement in accessories? Im sure someone here has taken that option as opposed to case replacement. I wnt to make sure I dont purchse something that MG is going to offer for free.
  17. Thank You sir that is good to know, my local dealer told me he thought the claim was only available to the original owner,obviously he is mistaken, Ive emailed Michelle at moto guzzi,and she said the claim could be submitted. she is a very helpful gal!
  18. My V 11 naked has the bubbling engine paint it still has a full year of factory warranty,which was transferred to me as I purchased it from the original owner. The original owner never got any warranty settlement from MG for the paint. My local dealer told me they think moto guzzi will only extend the settlement for the paint where they give you accessories or new cases to the original owner, Is that correct? or has anyone here that purchased a used Guzzi gotten the settlenent covered? I kind of got the feeling the dealer may be mistaken......... what do you guys think??
  19. Thanks Guys, I just sent an email to epf cycles.
  20. It sounds to me like the infamous tranny spring break that can occur, theres a bunch of info here on the FAQ forum, just do a search using transmission/shifter spring, theres even tutorials on changing the spring yourself on the side of the road! This forum rocks! Good luck, Kid, let us know what the problem turns out to be.
  21. what grade of gas do you folks recommend for my 03 v11 sport, with the MG racing titanium exhaust system with ECU. regular ,mid grade or premium? On my kawasaki nomad, even though kawasaki recommends premium, most big vulcan owners find that running premium contributes to carbon buildup on the piston crowns and subsequend preignition/pinging. the cure is running some seafoam in a tank or 2 of gas ,and running the bike hard a few times to the rev limiter to blow out carbon, then running 87 octane from then on. thats what ive done with my nomad with good results. whats the best for my Guzzi?
  22. Steve, was that GIVI A 750 fairing a direct bolt on to your V11, or did it require some making of adapter brackets? I really like it and am ready to order one online but the website doesnt offer much info, (moto euro magazine has an article on it stating it sells for $104 MSRP, man is that correct, ? sounds too inexpensive!)
  23. Ive heard that there are some cool guzzi get togethers in Arizona especially in the prescott area, does any one here know any info on when/where, etc? Thank You.
  24. Mike, will that fairing work with the stock mirrors, or are bar end mirrors necessary? would you mind elaborating a little bit mor on the bracketry you had to fabricate? man, your bike looks sweet with it, totally retro/cafe! Ciao, Rick
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