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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Thanks Steve, I will check that end cap in the morning. Today I unscrewed the cable housing from the speedometer, pulled out the inner cable, and lubed it up real good. The last 8-9 inches near the tranny seemed to be dry, road tested it and it still bounces some (about 2 mph distance), but only below 30 mph, above 30, the speedo needle is steady. Thanks, Rick.
  2. I looked at the service bulletin from MG, they show the spedometer cable ,but refer to it as the tachometer cable! Ahhh, those italians!
  3. Ralph, is that photo of the "new and improved cable"? because mine doesnt look like that, yours goes s traight in to the tranny, mine has a plastic housing where ut enters sort of like an angled drive housing, I think it has a little shaft with a gear inside. Doe your bike have the white faced veglia speedometer or the newer black one?
  4. Im tempted to order one, Im glad you say they will fit a v11. I was concerned if the windshield would clear the gauges. I mean for 50 bux....... Its worth the risk! LOL.
  5. Thanks for the advice, Is the part that needs to be straightened out under the gas tank somewhere? the end by the tranny on my bike seems to go from the plastic adapter straight up under the tank somewhere.
  6. Have any of you folks seen the universal cafe fairing sold by Lockhart phillips racing? It seems that it would fit on our v 11 's and look pretty cool, and golly, its only $50. ! check it out on their website , tell me what you think, its part # 107-445. I tried to post a link but im so" computer lame" I wasnt succesful. if you look on the LP racing USA website and do a search for fairings, down near the bottom of the list its termed " universal cafe fairing"
  7. That has got to be one of the most gorgeous bikes I have ever seen! pipes look superb too!
  8. That sounds like a reasonable thing to do im going to lube my cable real good and try to run it as straight as possible, Thank you, Sir.
  9. Ok , Thanks I understand. I think..... so actually the cable will fail due to the design of the cable housing, but that doesnt cause the instrument itself to go bad ,correct? or do I need to get a different cable/houing assembly to protect my speedometer from damage?
  10. Im not sure what you refer to as "housing" ?
  11. Is this replacement something I can do to my 2003 to prevent the speedo from being damaged?
  12. Im looking for a nice tankbag like a marsee ,for my v11 sport naked. e mail bigbikerrick at hotmail dot com Thanks to this awesome forum I have found a tank bag that is exactly what I wanted, Thank you.
  13. Thank You for the reply, I will lube and check routing as you suggest, I assume this is a cable failure only problem, thjat in a worse case scenario can be remedied by replacing the cable with a new one, not something that makes the speedometer itself fail, correct?
  14. Ive read some posts about the speedometer angle drive going bad and causing problems, please excuse my ignorance, but are they referring to the black plastic part on top of the transmission that the speedometer cable plugs into? My speedo needle bounces a little at lower speeds, is this a problem waiting to happen? is there any preventive maintenance we can do in this area to prevent failure? Thank you in advance.
  15. Thanks, Folks for the prompt,and informative replies Im going to remove the pipes and spend some "quality time" with my baby polishing the pipes, I have some wenol metal polish that im going to try also, its good stuff, made in Germany. Im also going to look for the autosol you folks recommend. Cheers!
  16. The exhaust pipes(not the muffler cans) on my 03 v 11 have some stains/ discolorationI assume they are made from stainless steel with some bronze colored coating, but not sure .I am not sure what caused the discoloration, possibly water from the road ,when they are hot?? what is recommended for polishing these pipes, any recommendations/products appreciated. Ive only owned this Guzzi a couple of weeks,and find myself going out to the garage at least every couple of hours just to stare and admire the lines!
  17. Thanks, TX Red. I appreciate it, I guess I had it wrong as I thought our bikes used the STP SMO 22, ( I think thats what I put on my rosso mandello a couple of years back, but cant be sure, as I have CRS Syndrome! LOL.)
  18. what brand filter is that?
  19. Thanks, cool suggestion!
  20. Thanks for the link, awesome site very informative, and many other great links! I love this forum!!!
  21. Do any of you folks know of any oil filters that will fit our bikes that are of good quality and readily available at Wal Mart, checkers, NAPA, ETC? I live in a rural area of Arizona and even our Auto Zone doesnt carry the SMO 22 filter. I did a forum search and found cross references for fuel filters, but not for oil filters. Thanks.
  22. Thank you sir, that site has some nice pictures of their products.
  23. Thank you for the links, Im starting to make up my shopping list! It sure is fun getting a new bike, Life is good.
  24. Thanks for the info, Steve. Im going to take a look. Rick
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