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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. Thanks Greg, thats good to know, Ive used rotella dino in my 1500 nomad for 30K troublefree miles,and in my 750 magna for 45K trouble free miles as well. Ive used castrol GTX 20-50 in the goose since the first service, but I think im going to go with the rotella T in it as well. I was a little concerned about the GTX protecting the cam and followers especially with what happened to a few here.
  2. Keep the Guzzi, and put the evoluzione footpeg relo kit, I have it on mine and love it, as far as the street Bob, A buddy of mine got one , we traded bikes for a couple hour ride, and let me tell ya Ben, That bob is a kool bike! its got the nice soft pull clutch, the dyna chassis handles real well, the six speed tranny shifts really sweet, and the ergonomics are real comfy. I have ridden almost every model harley makes except for a v rod, and the s bob is the best. my bud got the "black denim" had the wheels and the console on the tank powder coated red, it looks like a real old school sled. Beautiful!
  3. What do you all think about using shell rotella T 15-45 ( dino diesel engine oil) ?
  4. Actually Ive heard that yutz used to be a gynecologist, but due to his myopia he constantly had a wet nose!
  5. I would have loved to see Guaro race on the mgs 01 myself. That is one awesome bike!
  6. Thanks for the link, RH .Wilbers stuff looks to be top quality, my next investment in the Guzzi will be the fork springs,I will tell Todd you referred me. for sure, your name should be good for at least a 20% discount im sure! Gracias!
  7. thank you RH, I will give the gentleman at guzzitech a call, are they the same folks of Guzzitech.com ? ( I got an awesome pair of head protectors from them, but I think the fellows name was ed millich) Rick
  8. Hello Ratchethack, I also weigh as much, or maybe a little more than M dude, where can I get the heavier springs for my marzocchi forks? Does progressive make any springs that will work on our bikes? Thanks.
  9. I know Frank Wedge of MGNOC had a red lemans with some large color matched GIVI bags, that he parted out. He is the head of MGNOC, you can probably go to their website and shoot him an email and get some info. as a matter of fact, he has an add in their classifieds right now selling the remnant parts from that bike. Im not sure if he still has the bags, though.
  10. the screws are easy to remove, my friend. just use a hand impact driver with the proper sized hex socket, if one or 2 strip out, just cut a groove with a dremel and use the large flat blade screwdriver bit with the impact driver. It took me about 15 minutes to remove all mine and I only phucked up one screw. also theres a big fibre "washer" between the plate and the hub that should have a smear of grease on it also.
  11. You are SO right RH, I took my cush drive apart,and the sleeve with the groove in it, already had rust,and my bike only had 3500 miles on it ,and I live in the dry Arizona desert, and rarely wash it. I had to clean it up with fine sandpaper and apply grease, I also replaced the cheesy button head allen screws with some decent stainless screws, but did not grease the rubbers for fear the petroleum based grease would eat them up, now I think I need to get back in there and drill holes in them and lube them up as well. at lest the plate retaining bolts will be easy to remove. I would like to see some pictures of the proper way the cush rubber pie slices should look with holes drilled in them,
  12. Hi Rich, I just got off the phone with Matt, at EPF. real nice guy! he detailed what he did to your bike, basically, he moved the fuel pump forward and upwards on the left side of the spine frame, using the front mounting bolt only for the strap, he then made up a longer fuel line between the tank and the pump, insulating it with reflective insulatrion like used on the back of dirt bike plastics, and zip tied it up away from the left cylinder, towards the frame. he removed the airbox lid as the front left snorkels location along the left side of the frame is now occupied by the fuel pump, in its new location. he substitited a smaller generic fuel filter from auto zone,and used copper tubing for the fuel line between the fuel pump and filter,as this is a high pressure area. the whole thing, pump and lines were insulated, and a fbf type of airbox lid was installed( I think matt said he fabricated it) He really seems to know his sh!t. I think if I ever need something done to my bike by a dealer, I will be making a trip to Prescott! Thanks alot.
  13. Thanks RH, I knew you would come around with an intellingent, common sense response, I must agree with your hypothesis. alothough sometimes we all have fun and entertainment with "fools errands" HeHe, as the saying goes.... "theres no fool like an old fool"
  14. I was going to do the "sewer pipe ram air intake mod" today while I had things apart, and pulled off the 2 rubber snorkels on the airbox intakes and it seemed they can just be left off for a less restrictive intake,it doesnt seem water will get up the plastic pipes as its quite a distance up, and also there is a drain opening on the bottom of each chamber. what is the purpose of these rubber pieces and has anyone tried running without them? any improvement in performance/mileage, sound etc?
  15. bigbikerrick


    Man, That is one kick-ass looking LM. I love that exhaust system, what brand is it? Guzzis sure look mean in Black! I wonder if its easy to get your legs burned on those pipes.....
  16. having had a second episode of the mysterious "vapor lock" a couple days ago , Ive been thinking what do you folks think of the idea of mounting the fuel pump on TOP of the spine frame ,where the fuel filter currently sits, and mounting the filter elsewhere, possibly even using a smaller aftermarket filter?? would this work, or is that location up too high? It seems it would get the pump away from all that engine heat. I really would hate to put it in front of the bike as I like the clean ,uncluttered look of the front end. anybody got any ideas?
  17. Hey Rich, I live down in Douglas, needless to say, its alot warmer here, Im curious, where did the guys in Prescott move your fuel pump to, and what did they insulate it with? Im right in the middle of this project now and your way sounds like a better solution, Thanks Rick.
  18. Hey Tex, I guess I can just remove that little plastic bad boy and splice the hose together with a little connecting pipe, or just replace the whole hose, and route it down to the bottom of the bike somewhere...Right? although I have my doubts if my problem was caused by non-venting of the fuel tank, because the one other time it happened, I opened the gas cap, and there was no suction, and the bike didnt start and run right until i squirted cool water on that damn external fuel pump. same scenario as this time, although this time I didnt open the gas cap.
  19. Yep, Thats pretty much what I figgured, the way some folks described it I thought there would be a deluge of oil going down into the bell housing and chingering up the clutch plates, etc.
  20. Beautiful Arizona day almost 80 degrees, went for a 50 mile ride on the Guzzi, she ran beautiful,came home, parked it in the garage, then went back an hour later to "show it off" to a friend of mine,who just came back from Italy and has a hard -on for an Italian bike. as I was pointing out all the finer points of my beloved V 11 sport, he asked me to show him how the Ti exhaust system sounds, I went to fire it up ,and it coughed,sputtered, died, 3-4 times. It has only done this once before in 8K miles. I sprayed some cool water from a drinking bottle on the front part of the fuel pump, and it immediately fired up and ran correctly! I went to the local NAPA store again, and bought some self adhesive fiberglass/ mylar/reflective aluminum sheet about 12 inches by 14 inches , thats supposed to be used to insulate car starters from heat. since I was already going to replace my breather hose, I think Im going to wrap the fuel pump,and fuel hoses like a baked potato. One thing I noticed when the bike wouldent run, is that the fuel pressure regulator on the right side of the gas tank made a wierd moaning sound whenever I turned on the key, while the fuel pump was pumping.... Is it possible my problem was the pressure regulator?
  21. Today I got my "ford" heater hose from napa to replace my cracked breather hose, even though mine was pretty cracked at both ends , it hadnt leaked yet, I was surprised that there was really no oil inside, just the smell of oil fumes,but it was basically dry inside. Do these things really leak much when they let go? I thought I would find quite an oil film inside. Also, I removed my coils to get at the hose easier and found that the 2 upper coil bracket mounts had the rubber cushion completely separated from the steel bolts/plate that has 2 10mm nuts holding it to the frame tubes. The only thing holding the coil bracket was the bottom bolt that goes THROUGH a rubber cushion, (seems like all guzzi rubber bits are garbage!) do these coils really need that much isolation from vibration ,or can they be solidly mounted on the top mounts,or at least use a piece of rubber with a bolt going through it? Thanks folks!
  22. Thanks a bunch Todd, #14 is exactly what im waiting for. Darn ,without this forum and folks like you, we would be screwed with our Guzzis. I have repaired the cracks in my original boots with "automotive Goop" and they seem to be holding without an intake leak for now. Its reassuring to know that you and Greg have some on hand though, in the event that mine fail completely I will be giving you a call, I dont care if I have to pay for them myself, At my age, whats left of life is too short not to be riding due to a piece of rubber "manicotti". Again , Thank You Sir! You are very generous!
  23. Greg, I truly appreciate your offer, you are a true gentleman ,but I would feel very guilty taking advantage of your generosity, as Im not sure when the dealer in Tucson will get them in, and what if you need them for one of your customers? they gave me no time frame on their arrival.
  24. Thank You, Sir. I will have to take a look at mine....
  25. Im just curious if anyone has any information as to warranty parts being sent to dealers, I know that with the piaggio thing, the closing of the MGNA facility in Georgia, and things being moved to New York, no one was getting warranty parts. Are any parts being shipped now? is there an email address we can use to "rattle their cage", or a number we can call, like we used to,to contact "Michelle"? Ive been waiting since Sept 05 for a pair of intake boots under warranty, and this is getting ridiculous! The dealer just states, "they have not come in yet" I love this bike, but this parts thing is beyond reason...
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