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Everything posted by bigbikerrick

  1. If it included a strippergram, that would be a pretty sweet deal,but with my luck, the stripper would be a fat 56 year old broad with a hysterectomy scar,and hairy nipples! LOL.
  2. Ive already paid for it through my paypal account, I have 100% positive feedback and have been an ebay member for many years. I dont think its worth it for 20 bux. It was my own stupidity, anyway, I should have checked prices before bidding. Im going to have to take the "hosing" like a man... Yikes! that doesnt sound right! pass the vaseline, please!!!!
  3. Thanks for the reply, its funny but i didnt look to me like the change in position would vary the diameters much , as the 2 holes were about 1/4 inch apart or less.
  4. Since I got my 02.5 v 11 naked I have methodically started taking apart things that can benefit from lubrication and lubing things up . Today I took the throttle grip apart to lube the cable(it was pretty dry by the way!) and noticed there are 2 slots in the twist grip where the cable barrel end can be located, It was in the one closest to the grip,or inside one so I returned it to the same spot. Im curious... what is the purpose of the 2 different locations? BTW, lubing up the cable and all the linkages down by the throttle bodies sure smoothed out the slow speed throttle response, everything is like butter now!
  5. Man, I sure did get screwed! Oh well, live and learn I assume that MG cycles has all the gaskets we need in stock..... I had a wierd feeling I should not have bid that high on that auction.
  6. Im just wondering how much a sump cover gasket usually sells for on our bikes, I bought on on ebay for $20. bucks including shipping and was thinking maybe I paid too much? also there were a couple of valve cover gaskets for sale there, what do those usually sell for?
  7. Dan, I think you and steve hit the nail on the head with the blowby issue. My bike has the Ti Kit racing exhaust /ecu combo and It does seem to run a tad rich at the altitude where I live( 4200 ft above sea level) but the throttle response is excellent, no flat spots,no surging,and she runs like the proverbial "raped ape". the plugs are slightly black around the edges with the center a color of milk chocolate.
  8. thanks for the link,I hope none of the rubber hoses are dissolving..... hey that reminds me about the crankcase breather hose thing.....
  9. Good Idea , Ive seriously thought about trying the shell rotella T 15/45 in my Guzzi to see how it performs. alot of v twin riders use it and swear by it. Ive used it in my nomad for 31K trouble free miles.
  10. Thanks for the link, RH, Im going to order one . Its cotton like a K/N only better,Huh?
  11. I tell ya, Ratchethack, If it wasnt for this forum, I would not be riding a Guzzi, and thats no bullshit, I think I would ride a Buell instead of my beloved V 11. Albeit, Ive been riding motorcycles for 37 years, owned almost all brands ,and no bike feels as good as a Guzzi.... never fails to put a smile on my face!
  12. Hmmm, I guess we are related then,4th cousins twice removed or something? I use castrol GTX automotive oil 20/50 grade . I have always used it in my cars and bikes for 30 years or so, except for my nomad, they are clunky shifting devils,and most forum members recommend rotella T ( oil for diesel cars and trucks) seems to smooth out the shifting some.
  13. Hey Ratchethack, where can I get a good renewable air filter for my guzzi? (that isnt a K/N) Thanks.
  14. Thanks for the link, do those headguards stick out further than the stockers? I am trying to decide between those and the guzzitech ones. the black ones sure are prettier!
  15. Ratchethack, I used amsoil air filters in some of my other vehicles, but my Guzzi has the stock factory paper unit,as does my vulcan nomad,and cbr 600 f4i,and 97 magna.on all my other bikes the oil has never come out as black as the Guzzis,using GTX castrol dino in all bikes except the nomad which I put rotella dino 14/45 in. I was thinking the blackness may be caused by combustion carbon???? I change all the bikes oil every 3K miles along with EMGO brand filters,or wal mart brand if available. Thanks for the reply!
  16. If this news is correct that will put a nail in the coffin of moto guzzi as far as Im concerned. My local dealer ,Renaissance Motorcycles in Tucson sells Guzzi, Ducati,aprillia,Mv agusta,and a bunch of scooters,scooter sales and service being a large part of his business,as Tucson is a college town and scooters are very popular for transportation. If piaggio wont let dealers sell "big" bikes alongside scooters,what will that do to a dealer such as this? Renaissance is a very good dealer,and the owner steve is a true guzzi enthusiast, I would hate to have them not sell and service guzzis in the future....
  17. Today after returning from a 100 mile ride, I drained the oil on the V11, since I changed the filter at the last oil change 3000 miles ago I decided to not drop the pan and just change the oil, leaving the old filter( my bike has 7K miles on it) I was surprised at how black my oil was, I mean it looked like black ink! Is that normal? I use castrol GTX 20/50 dino oil. also I put in 3.5 quarts and my oil level was about 1/2 inch above the top mark on the dipstick, checking it with the bike perfectly level,and screwing in the stick. I am wondering is 3.5 quarts too much when not replacing the filter? is it ok to leave the level 1/2 inch above the high mark,or will that cause leaks,or blown seals. I just left the bike in the garage until morning to see what the experts here have to say... Thanks
  18. Corey, what brand of head guards are those on your rosso? They look trick, I would like to put a set of those on my V 11.
  19. Ive always heard the golden spectro is a great oil, sounds like you have proved it by your own experience . as the saying goes...." the proof is in the pudding"
  20. Steve, do you know what brand/grade of oil was in the bike at the dealer with the engine that went to crap? I thought that with our low tech "Briggs and stratton water pump" engines our bikes have ( as peter roper calls them) a decent dino oil is fine. by wall mart crap, are you referring to the oil filters? I thought the wally oil filters (made by champion labs) were rated very well...
  21. Thanks ratchethack, exactly the type of common sense information I was looking for. You are a true asset to this forum!
  22. at what mileage do you folks recommend the oil be changed on our v 11 sports using dino oil? I use castrol gtx 20/50 in mine and a wal mart super tech oil filter. Is it recommended to change the filter at every oil change or every other oil change? my goose has 7000 miles,and Its ridden pretty easy. I last adjusted my valves at 3500 miles, when should I do them again(world specs) I trust the recommendations of the members of this forum way more than any stinkin' manual!
  23. im still in need of the black plastic rear fender/light/plate mount that hangs down the back of our bikes, if anyone cleaned up the tail of their bike and has one laying around they dont need, i need one as my lab puppy chewed mine up. thanks and happy new year
  24. Holy cow TX! Is that a lion, or a dog?
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