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macguzzi last won the day on February 20 2016

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About macguzzi

  • Birthday 08/09/1958

Profile Information

  • My bike(s)
    scura 2003,1972 V7 Sport, 1975 S3, 1976 Mk1 Le Mans,Dingo Cross

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  1. Are they those big things with four wheels?
  2. throw away the steering damper and fit decent tyres, I am running mine on Bridgestone 016 pro, had the 014's before they were excellent and changed the bike, Bridgestone stopped making these so 016's it is.
  3. macguzzi


  4. I can highly recommend Kilchoman Madeira finish.
  5. well it's Guzzi a definitive answer is never forthcoming. I keep an international V7 Sport register and have been trying to get production figures from Guzzi for 35 years, all we can estimate is around 2000. The Scura is the same it might be 700 or 750
  6. 105 out of 700ish
  7. Can Piaggio stop reworking the V50 please and make some proper sports bikes. The new stuff on offer at the ECIMA just looks like the same old same old, pathetic.
  8. 09 Germany 29 Germany 39 Germany 46 Italy 57 Italy ( in the factory car park) 60 Italy 67 Germany 69 France 77 France 84 Italy 90 Germany 98 Italy 99 Germany 107 Italy 111 Germany 134 Germany 135 Germany 150 Ireland 172 Finland 173 France 180 Germany 191 Germany 200 France 206 Slovenia 221 England 222 Scotland 224 England 225 Scotland 226 Germany 227 England 232 USA 250 Australia 251 Australia 254 Australia 255 Australia 261 Australia 267 Australia 269 USA 270 USA 272 USA 275 Australia 279 USA 281 USA 283 USA 287 USA 288 USA 300 Netherlands 301 France 310 Isle of Man 311 England 313 England 314 England 352 Australia 353 USA 354 USA 358 USA 363 USA 365 USA 370 USA 372 USA 373 USA 375 USA 381 USA 383 USA 386 USA 387 USA 392 USA 394 USA 395 USA 396 USA 397 Italy 398 Germany 401 Australia 402 Italy 431 Italy 457 Italy 464 France 484 Wales 489 England 490 Wales 494 England 496 England 497 Northern Ireland 498 Scotland 500 England 502 Wales 505 Singapore 539 USA 544 USA 545 NZ 555 Italy 565 Germany 568 Italy 580 Denmark 595 Italy 597 USA 598 USA 599 USA 617 USA 642 Germany 655 Czech 666 Italy 672 Finland 688 Italy Like This Quote MultiQuote
  9. macguzzi

    Brand-new Scura

    Add your bike to the Scura register, we like to keep a record of whats where.
  10. I made one many years ago from an Aprillia rs 250 unit, nice and neat
  11. Well 102 still a few to go!
  12. 09 Germany 29 Germany 39 Germany 46 Italy 57 Italy ( in the factory car park) 60 Italy 67 Germany 69 France 77 France 84 Italy 90 Germany 98 Italy 99 Germany 107 Italy 111 Germany 134 Germany 135 Germany 150 Ireland 173 France 180 Germany 191 Germany 200 France 206 Slovenia 221 England 222 Scotland 224 England 225 Scotland 226 Germany 227 England 232 USA 250 Australia 251 Australia 254 Australia 255 Australia 261 Australia 267 Australia 269 USA 272 USA 275 Australia 279 USA 281 USA 283 USA 287 USA 288 USA 300 Netherlands 301 France 310 Isle of Man 311 England 313 England 314 England 352 Australia 353 USA 354 USA 358 USA 365 USA 370 USA 372 USA 373 USA 375 USA 381 USA 383 USA 386 USA 387 USA 392 USA 394 USA 395 USA 396 USA 397 Italy 398 Germany 401 Australia 402 Italy 431 Italy 457 Italy 464 France 484 Wales 489 England 490 Wales 494 England 496 England 497 Northern Ireland 498 Scotland 500 England 502 Wales 505 Singapore 539 USA 544 USA 545 NZ 555 Italy 565 Germany 568 Italy 580 Denmark 595 Italy 597 USA 598 USA 599 USA 617 USA 642 Germany 655 Czech 666 Italy 688 Italy
  13. Come and visit my facebook page 'macguzzi' lots of silly Guzzi stuff
  14. macguzzi


    Do they not sell any parts anymore tried looking on the site but the shop seems to have nothing
  15. Sorry guys must update this time and all that
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