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Everything posted by macguzzi

  1. Do the ratchet family never stray from tech topics or what, I expected a huge long diatribe. Dissapointed
  2. Stein Dinse are doing a few silencer options for Griso in the new catalog you can get one for free from the web site
  3. Aye camp vw's just my style
  4. Indiana Jones got in a fridge and survived a nuclear bomb blast
  5. There were three Scuras in a row :ninja:
  6. So are the jokes
  7. The NW 200 might not be on, usual rumors too dangerous etc etc ohhh the thought police can they no leave us alone
  8. You could get help you know
  9. So more masqueraders on the site seems to be getting common one person posing as two, know what I mean, those in the ken bridge bar will know.
  10. the international haggis smuggler with bear arms, did'nt belfast post that pic, oh no it was elastic arms!
  11. Don't blame us we were away too, must have been some chineese hijackers
  12. Ahh the green welly shop just the place for a tenni
  13. For those that were camping found a tick on my leg this morning watchout yer blood will be getting drained
  14. Told you I would revive this post Belfast you should'nt have eaten that much haggis all weekend it's not natural ( well haggis is ) mighty fine haggis at the ken bridge.
  15. May I be so bold as to suggest we have this in Ireland next year I'm sure Belfast is due it if he can get his V11 back togther, this would not preclude a meeting in Denmark, that will give us time to save! I have enjoyed the last two meetings in Scotland but time to move on I'm sick eating haggis!
  16. Welcome Mrs Guzzirider what about that recipe thread you and belfast could run it. Who said night cap I'll have one
  17. brilliant weekend, you can't of been hanging around on the way home! I got in at three. Jaap and Anton were on the ferry at five. Dave probally missed his.
  18. macguzzi

    French Bob

    Where is french bob, I loved his cocktales
  19. It's the film thats grainy not the paper, as for vinyl it's the business let my 11 year old son listen to an album he knew well he had wondered if I had a different CD to his, no son it's that big black round thing that sounds better he was amazed see what the youth of today are missing.
  20. These forks come to bits with NO special tools just go easy and purge them well on your rebuild
  21. hope so don't want to be the only scura as belfast has let us down and gone to the griso side
  22. Oh dear there are to many quotes to quote, is it tomorrow already welll time flys was it a year ago when we stayed at faulty towers. Good title for a horror film A NIGHT AT THE AULGUISH INN. Ken Bridge where is it not far from Stranrar I hope belfast should be able to push the griso from there.
  23. You need to try fuji neopan not so grainy as the others
  24. How about some bacon then
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