Yes ridden a couple ot different ones the first ones to arrive on the scene had a seat like a razor blade very uncomfortable after two or three miles. Loads of grunt in the engine department, you wonder why HD's don't go like that, but then you look at the average HD owner and realise speed is not thier thing, although the extra HP would help to drag all that leather gear around, chaps ain't aero dynamic! As to the later Buells they don't handle as well as a sorted Guzzi, to make more of this point I was out for a run last year with a tuned Cyclone, I was on my 1972 V7 sport well he had me in acceleration but when it came to the bendy bits bye bye buell. The owner has yet to come out with me on my V11 the sport put him off. I am going to the V11 Rally in Scotland with two Buell's a Cyclone and a firebolt so I will report back then. The roads to this rally are very twisty so we will see how it goes.