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  • My bike(s)
    V11 Sport '01, Laverda 668 Ghost '97 (wife)

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  1. Hi Guys, long time no see. As some recall I sold my V11 greenie a year ago and have been without a bike since. My plan was to hunt down a big Laverda Triple and keep that till I'm too old to rocknroll. But hey..... guess what landed in my driveway: I have always liked them, theyre ridicoulusly cheap and great to cruise around on. Not much torque lowdown though, and silly brakes. But my inspiration for buying it was the faboulus endurance racer of Randall Washington, randakks.com. I've already bought the pipes, so we'll see during winter. Just goes to show there are more ways than one to get your kicks. But yeah, I kind of miss the noisy two cylinder animal.
  2. mdude

    Sold my Sport

    hi guys. in a major attempt to have a restart I am currently selling it all. The V11 left on Saturday for a new home on the west coast of Norway, my RangeRover 4,6 HSE (aka MofoCashEater) is up for sale and most shocking of all, so is my beloved Audi urQuattro. Too many considerations and hobbies and a cabin-project up in the woods forces the changes. Another V11 or a Griso might find its way to my garage, but not untill next summer. Will check in, curious to what happened to mr Field.... C ya
  3. I'd say they look veeeery similar to my Mistral race cans. A closer look at the brackets would help, but I'm fairly certain. You can choose between high and low mount on these. I have the high mount version, and that eliminates the pest that is passengers. Mind you, the race versions are not "road legal" whatever that means....
  4. 2001 endweights are different. They are in one piece and unscrews as one with the hex. And they stick. I have tried to get my left one out for three years now, no Napoleon mirrors for me. And they are also quite heavy, so it will take a substantial replacement to make a difference. You'll get used to the vibes and the exciting "hands of a stranger"-syndrome that goes with the bike :-) As Warren Zevon put it: I'd rather feel bad than not feel anything at all.
  5. check also the brakelight bulb, a bad bulb can give strange symptoms.
  6. mdude


    It doesnt seem like its available on their pages, but is there a PC3 option for a newer bike, like a 2003-2005 with lambdas and "cat"? Can they make use of the existing model PC3 USB?
  7. mdude


    It runs in the family. The first year of ownership I couldnt sleep, the mechanical hypochondria got fuelled by reading all the disasters on this site. Now I react only to the sole absence of strange noises, strange noise themselves are generally good. As you have found out, its usually a bad battery anyway......
  8. And on top of the lightened look comes the PHP-factor which ticks in with the increased sound of the freeflow exhausts. Perceived Horsed Power is a mighty force; guess youre already on the high side of 110 now? harrharrharr.... :-) Joke aside, I love the project and looking forward to see the paintscheme. As Lux Interior (RIP) of The Cramps said "Youve got goood taste".
  9. thanks for clearing that up, guys. Greg; I now remember that post as the reason for bying the Mistral in the first hand. It didnt come up when I searched, for some reason. Skeeve: a soothing psychological explanation there. And I guess you are right. You all just saved me some dollars. Now I must practice the art of keeping 5000rpms everywhere...
  10. Maybe I'm mislead, but: After reading some older posts in here I understood that the general consensus was that the Stucci smoothes out the power bumps and give more ooomph in the midrange (which is where I live) while the Mistral smoothes out the midrange and gives more draaaang up top. I have the Mistral at the moment, with Mistral race cans (glorious noise) and a PC3 with the correct map. Although its smooth and driveable, steady idle and all that, and marvellous between 4000 and 6500 I definitely miss something from 2500-4000. I do quite a bit of stop/start driving since I live mid-town and generally do not drive like I have a deathwish. Think I quite prefer ooomph over draaaaang. But I dont want a Harley. What MIGHT be the case is that the race cans is bit too open? A DB-killer perhaps?
  11. Stucci carries the crossover for the 2003model Sport with lambdathingie, any reasons that I cant put it on my 2001? Is it longer, perhaps? The Mistral which is on at the moment steals too much from the midrange ooomph.
  12. 5% of Iggy is more than most performers are able to do at max. Saw him many years ago at the american caesar tour. that was brilliant. iggy in a glorious mood, mid-set he stumbles and hits his head on the monitor, blood gushes and he gets absolutely furious, totally legless with anger. his huge roadie/minder/son runs in and picks him up and literary carries him like a little baby bakstage. the band just keeps on pumping out, and after three minutes he comes in with a big bandage on his head, happy as a kite like nothing happened and the show goes on. Mr MoodSwinger... and he likes his cars as well.
  13. I also ran Mistrals and Mistral crossover for awhile on a 2001 Sport without a PC3. It spat fumes and fuel all over the garage. With PC3 and the appropriate map the problem disappeared and engine character became way better. The PC3 is THE quick fix, or you go the MyECU-route which is probably better but requires intelligence (which I havent). The PC3 is quite cheap these days or check out Cliff Jeffries MyECU. Standard pipes should help, let us know.
  14. 43 yrs, only previous bike was a BMW R1100R which was way too sanitized for me. I also checked with myself the other day: am I old enough now to buy a Harley? I am not, and I wont be either.
  15. Outstanding quality on the Rukka stuff (wifey has a Rukka jacket), but at a whopping price... close to BMW territory... You should also check out the Halvarsson range from Jofama. Very solid, way cheaper and a tad more manly. I've got a Halvarsson suit and I really like the look and feel. Monstersized built in protection pads and endless combination possibilities.
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