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Everything posted by mdude

  1. mdude

    dead cool custom

    done that, no result... maybe its called something else
  2. what and where it is. Apparently its in Amsterdam, and the bike is called Zagato Motoguzzi. Advertisement for Davida helmets. Anyon who knows it and has more pics? I want one, never mind the girl...
  3. no wonder the bike is pulling so hard to the left. sell it and buy a Hyosung or sumpin'
  4. yes, but I dont think theyll allow a V11 as hand baggage. From England the fastest is by ferry from Newcastle to Bergen (west) or Kristiansand (south). From the continent, you have several alternatives: ferry from Germany (Kiel) to Oslo, ferry from Denmark to Bergen, Kristiansand, Larvik, Oslo (nice and painless). Or drive through Sweden via the new bridge between Copenhagen/Malmø. If one is going to experience the best roads, the obvious choice is to begin in Bergen.
  5. oy, tennista! dont you have your own little forum?! dont move out into ours! (just kidding )
  6. I have a bit of a cleaning fetish, I m afraid... both car and bikes look best when clean and road grime attacks paintwork and chrome, so I hose'em down and cuddle them. I tend to use less detergent and more of those microfiber cloths/gloves for domestic use (amazing products) with only luke warm water, It removes any bugs/stains and you get a chance to touch everything, check things out and see how much paint that has fallen off the engine the last three days. If to dirty, I spray with mild degreaser (environmentally friendly one, which isnt to aggressive) and hose with luke warm water. for paintwork: use Autoglym products. if Aston Martin swears by them, so can you. and keep the cocks away, they can ruin any finish
  7. thanks. mr Jaap WebKaiser: point please. your Ural remark didnt lead me in the sidecar direction, but made me believe that they had copied another manufacturers engine; so I did a search on German and eastern european brands with single cylinders, not mentioning the MAG.
  8. My former bike was a BMW R1150R, with a similar bar to your pictures. With my long arms I couldnt live with it. At anything above 60mph I became a spinnaker, and could only hold on for dear life. To much of a situpandbeg position took its toll on my arse as well, too much weight on arse alone. Clip-ons suits me perfectly, actually I would love to have them even more forward, but I've no problem in seeing that shorter people may suffer from the outstretched position. other than that, thanks for enlightening me
  9. doh, you just made another happy face vomit....
  10. the catch is that I live in Norway, and cant take part, #&%%$!!!
  11. OD 1927-1936, Firma Willy Ostner, Dresden, photo of 1928 OD 50SS With its 500 ccm ohv 22 PS MAG engine it does 120-130 km/h on the road. OD motorcycles were built by Willi Ostner in Dresden, a small manufacturer who produced expensive but very good motorcycles . HA! EDIT: very enjoyable search, learnt a lot.
  12. its killing me, this. DeBen is going to get me sacked It looks a lot like the Motosacoche bikes of 1933-35 except for the exhaust (whoc might be special), and the tilted engine. I havent seen one bike with a tilted MAG-engine like this since lunch, except a race special from 1928. Also some of the Condor bikes is similar...like the Grand Sport of 1931... The engine must be the Sport Luxe engine, which seems to be the lates model., pointing to a date later than 1930...
  13. Great looking mod, but I always wondered: when you replace the clipons with bars, you will alter the weight distribution. Your body moves backwards, and less weight on the front tyre will not help the handling. Myself at 6 foot 2 with long arms havealready some problems getting the front to bite into corners without moving around on the bike. I wouldnt dare changing the clipons for that reason alone. (not only because I'm less mechanically adept than anyone) Anyone with feedback on this? What happens with handling, and what is the fix.
  14. MAG engined Lady from Antwerp, 500 ccm, 1926 haha, found your refuge! EDIT: it might also be a Standard Tourer BT500, 1932 with the same engine, very similar in design
  15. darn, that sounded accurate. I was beginning to think eastern european with a fan cooled scooter/moped two stroke engine. something like MZ.....
  16. yoohoo, its a perfect day!! EDIT: tried to find specific details about the joint/effort, but nothing came out. shady story, that...
  17. Hercules Wankel 294 ccm... year? how about 1974?
  18. Norton P39 Mk1, 1973, 490 ccm "The Red Bike" its correct in alle details except the black silencers, which may point to an earlier protoype...1972? EDIT: it might be the one with 350 ccm... since the 490 migh be a later design.... And since the Norton wasnt a Norton at all, but a Triumph; this is a Triumph from 1975. WTF???
  19. tuning without spending is all about PHP (Perceived Horse Power), just by making bikes more noisy the PHP rating will increase with at least 26% (german engineers have studied this at length, so has HDs marketing department). I've met young owners of Opel Corsas with in excess of 800 PHPs in their horrid little cars. I wouldnt doubt at all that Eraldo might squeeze 8 PHPs more out of the V11 by adding trumpets, pods or whatever. Because it adds noize. High comp pistons on the other hand makes sense, cause it'll cost you and its difficult to execute. Nothing wrong with PHP, though. Titaniums race cans and ECU added at least 30 PHPs to my bike. The word RACE alone accounted for 20 of those PHPs. Does anyone make sense of this? need coffee....
  20. first time ever on a bike, I got to try my mates tuned 200ccm two stroke at 17. A difficult and well used beast, the bike that was... It was summer and we were at my mates farm, so of course we wore shorts only. I got on and fired up. Then I just couldnt get it in gear. I tried forever by stomping on the pedal, giving it stick and letting go of the clutch to free up the gears. Nothing worked. While still sitting on the seat I bent over to have a look at the pedal to see if it was jammed/broken/whatever. Of course I didnt let go of the gas, and when bent over I accidentally opened the throttle. The bike also slid slightly forwards, and I got a bit startled. Didnt want to lose my best friends bike, understandably, so I got upright and stomped the brake pedal to stop it. The throttle was still open and the pedal wasnt the brake but the gear lever. The f_kn bike was the other way round. First gear engaged with a huge bang, the bike did a nice burnout and a huge wheelie straight out into the shrubbery where it went to rest on the side, with the silencer right on my leg. I still recall the sensation of just lying there listening to the hissing sound, a bit like frying a particularly fat piece of bacon.... No big damage done but a considerable burn, but I didnt get on a bike for three years afterwords.
  21. 9 out of 12. and enjoying every pair of them
  22. mdude

    Jim's Indicators

    I say bodge (again). I would hate to discover a snakes nest of unknown cables under the seat.
  23. mdude

    L.E.D indicators V11

    with doubts like that about the quality of work, i'd say he should have a point
  24. perhaps not pretty, but brutal. looks a bit like a civilized DYnotec Godzilla. I want....
  25. kids, learn from this: what you see is uncle TX showing off a classic case of the OCF (Original Cabin Fver) with a considerable side order of hallusinations.
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