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Everything posted by mdude

  1. Im not that young....1966 I once was an associated member of the heroic organisation For The Preservation of Intense Music. Anything went, as long as it was intense and real; black metal, jazz, blues, electronica, classical, yes even the old sourpuss Lou Reed! And thats how my record collection looks like, too. All over the place. Never pass up an opportunity to hear some intense new music! By the way; the organisation disappeared behind curtains of cascading beer at some outdoor festival in the early nineties. Might have been the one where Iggy performed
  2. Aha. You're just like me! Tip: buy Killing Jokes last album from 2003, with Dave Grohl as a drummer. Tough as nails, fantastically loud and aggressive, and an instant classic! Norwegian band Gluecifer packs a punch, and so does new band Sereena Maneesh. And of course you have the Norwegian black metal bands.... Satyricon, Red Harvest, Khold... sends shivers down your spine. On the other hand; Thelonious Monk is the king of bebop as far as Im concerned.
  3. I'd like to advertise the MG Titan cans. Quite pricey, but easy and straightforward, nice racy sound and the extra Titan-ECU adresses all kinds of problems. Transfomed my bikes behaviour and made it much more tractable AND faster. Get it while it still is made. If the bike already has a Power Commander or something like that, I'd go for Mistrals.
  4. Its bad, why couldnt this years rally be without casualties? Found the article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport...lly/4595436.stm
  5. The hardest leg is today, they expected 12-15 hours in the seat. Flat out..... If that doesnt wear you out... My man is on sixth overall. Huzzah!! In an interview he told that this year the bikes had a speed limit of about 160km/h. He meant that was a lot more dangerous than going 200, because they are now constantly being overtaken by talentless dimwits in cars doing 220 kmh and going blind through the bikes dust trail.
  6. I saw aTNT Titanium up close late last autumn. Darn, it had the most aggressive noise I've ver heard. It was dirty and scruffy, and that suited this bike particularly well. No girliebike, at all. I'd like one. It also spilled oil all over the showroom, and was due for its fourth engine rebuild under warranty.... so maybe not..
  7. a neck length reduction? Im 190 cms tall, so my head will always be in the breeze. You'll get used to it...
  8. actually, it was the other way round...
  9. I have a Sport with the small carbon fairing from Moto Guzzi. I agree, its not much protection, but it takes a lot of pressure away from your chest at long high speed drives (above 70 mph), and it differentiates from other flyscreens (example BMWs roadster screen) by giving almost no turbulence at all. With my old Beemer with the roadster screen the turbulence was so violent above 70 mph I couldnt see anything clearly.
  10. thanks all. I'm now officially a bodger, though not a Golden one yet. regarding the similiarities between Aqua Vitae, and whiskey (originally uisge beatha? in gaelic, I think?). I belive the similarity in naming comes from the brotherhood of monks that in the 1200-1300 discovered the distillation technique. They found that the distilled "water" had strange and entertaining effects on the human psyche.... as we know. If I'm not too wrong, the chinese knew about this ages ago. So "the water of life" was their name for clear, raw distilled spiritus, without specific flavors. Other than the distillation technique, which spread throughout the world with lightning speed, the two drinks (and every other drink tha features flavoured raw spiritus; cognac, grappa, cachacha...) has developed without ties between them. Monks began to flavour the drink with herbs, storage in casks and so on just because it tasted hideous. I know, having had a moonshine apparatus in my shed as a teenager...(countryboy, y'know) Herbs also had medical effects. So, how does this connect with Guzzis, Greenies and Scuras? No idea.
  11. I bow my head and accept, with a strange sense of pride. Actually what I tried with the last mail was to mask my complete inability to include the BP in my signature. HTF? EDIT: good lord, now I've f..... up my quizpoint as well. Is that worthy of yet another BP????
  12. Yes, I see your point (sic). Since it is true that this dastardly deed is not going to worry any purchaser in the future (cause I'm not sellin') I will, with this humble contribution to this excellent forum, stand back and leave this bodge point alone, to be collected by someone more worthy. The time is not ready, I think, for me to acknowledge myself as a bodger. I will still take this with me, in my soul, as an inspiration to aim higher. My voice will once again be heard when a Holy Golden Bodge Point is more within my reach. It wont be long since I, among other potential bodges, plan to adjust the valves by myself for the first time in the foreseeable (is that good english?) future. Probably with the help of a small chainsaw, or the aforementioned colossal hammer. It will all end in tears.... brass drifts?? that'll be the day, brass is SO yesterday
  13. Can any of the european gentlemen lead me in the direction where, under the end of a rainbow,I can find a C-key for adjusting the Sachs rear shock preload? Enough destruction....
  14. theres nothing as satisfactory and soothing to the soul than killing completely dead objects. my father once threw a hammer about 20 meters right through the living room, over the heads of his two sons who watched the morning cartoons on telly, and smashed a window. because the f..... hammer didnt stop hitting his thumb... runs in the family. well. last night to comfort myself I started the V11 in the vaults of the garage and let it warm through. (sorry, neighbours...) I want SPRING!!!
  15. easy, just hose it down
  16. says the man with the cartoons and low octane fuel in his dieselpowered car
  17. by the way, I just broke four taps on the inner adjuster ring on my Sucks rear shock 'cause I'm way to strong and macho and used a colossal hammer. Is that worthy a bodge point?? I've also broken two small bones in my hand, 'cause I got angry when I performed the above mentioned deed. But thats ok, I've broken those before....
  18. Wow, didnt know that all scurristi are tripods. Just dont get it trapped in the K&N-pods, guys. Me, I prefer a bike that goes down the road the way I want it to. Scuras choose their own race lines, I see. Completely uncontrollable? You just sit on it, and watch it go? What do you hold on to?Must be a bit like my old spaghetti framed Kawasaki 100 ES then. (Sorry, cabin fever again. Can't understand a word I'm writing...)
  19. Yep!! My man finished on 10th an 9th place the last two days, and has climbed to 11th overall. Way to go!!
  20. lots of black thoughts here, and death looming in the horizon. I dont know, what you guys get is what we have had for ages: specialist stores for italian bikes. (but with one or two other European specialist marques as side orders; KTM/Triumph/Husquarna...just like FBF does it) You dont buy a Suzuki on impuls if your heart lies in Italy and vice versa, and it takes a special personality to maintain the relationships with the Italian manufacturers. The thing about this that puzzles me most is the decision/proposal/thought to not sell scooters/mopeds alongside big bikes. As far as I know, recruitment to the big bike sector is the major concern of all bike builders. How can you get a scooterdude to consider a bigger bike if he's not tempted and get to touch and see it and test it? I think that one must be wrong.
  21. In Norway both the 650 Lario and the tiny 350 (!) actually is quite popular among the veterans of the MG owners club, and also with some of the girls because theyre so small (the bikes, that is). There's four or five on sale at the moment. Lots of mods keep them running, among them is fitting a 750 Nevada engine. The owners.... bearded garage hobbits all of them...
  22. Lets hear it for the norwegian Pål Anders Ullevålssæter (impossible name, i know), finished seventh (I think) two years ago and ninth the year before that (as best amateur/rookie). Last year ended with a broken collar bone, but he won the WC in Desert Rally earlier that year. He drove down there in his own mobile home, with a crew of... one, financing everything himself with his family team and has secured himself a brilliant new KTM at last. Yesterday at the first African leg he finished 10th, and climbed 14 places on the overall ranking. Big him up!
  23. I like your old school methods. We're the same exaggerated size, so I figure this might work for me to. Question: whats the exact quantity of beer required in order to get the suspenson right?
  24. mdude

    Griso improved

    Agree, theres something about the can thats not right, I love the headers, theyre downright sexy but I hate the contrived end of it with all that spiral business going on. Looks like a bit coming off an Actionman-model. The Yamawarrior can is so humungous its cool, and its also simple and well finished. Stepped in the hornets nest here. Dont get me wrong. I like the Griso so much I have started to count my money. Problem is that Ill never manage to sell my V11 up here in the north, but why would I?
  25. gentlemen. this must be THE classic Guzzi-thread. The diamond amidst absurd Guzzi-discussions. Deeply impressed and amused. Ratchethack clearly needs a hobby, or is this it? (by the way, what mr Hack says I've also read other places, so I wont go the K&N path) Cheers to all
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