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Everything posted by mdude

  1. Yoohoo. Thats the way: I
  2. Yep commando: roaming the countryside like a little boy, watching it flapping happily in the wind like a little flag painful above 100 though... Driving with jeans, everything go to sleep because the jeans are too tight in the hip and bum area when sitting, restricting bloodstream, thats why one should buy oneself a light modern goretex mc-pant (or leather) which let the blood flow to strategic parts. It also protects in case of fuckups..... which is a good thing, y'know? Jeans dont protect AT ALL. Been there, so I know. IMHO BMW has the best lightweight driving gear of all. Fantastic quality, but to a price... Theres also several gel-pads on the market that can be temporarily strapped to the seat for longer journeys, I've got one. It works but it takes some of the feeling of the bike away, and its fugly. Theres also the possibility of amputation, in order to drive more comfortably, but I dont know....
  3. I wonder if that bike ever has been on the road... but I'm just envious...
  4. good boy, just subtle hints needed. The model isnt quite right though, but nearly impossible to tell apart from each other. Its a Norwegian (yes, really) Tempo 210 from around 1969, difficult to say exactly. Tempo built a large range of models in Norway from 1931 to (I guess) 1975. Engines from 50 (mopeds/scooters) up to 210 ccm. Rock solid bikes which the norwegian military also used for many years as patrol vehicles in temperatures below -20C. Popular on the countryside for tuning and hotrodding. Heres some pics. I say Mr Barrett has earned half a point??
  5. Well. This is slow..... New hint: What part of Europe do I ride in.......
  6. mdude

    Investigating GUZZI

    I have owned an R1150R. Its a great bike with amazing handling, I still like it when i see it, but soooo lifeless and with quite a few niggles when it comes to comfort and maintenance. I sold mine after two years and bought an older V11 in order to ride something more special. I generally dont ride very long trips, so the driver involvement on medium trips and shorties down to the cafe is more important for me than comfort on continental crossings. I find the V11 spot on on this. And having to constant tinker with it is getting more and more fun. The guys that have plumped for the Breva 1100 here in the Norwegian MGclub are extremely satisfied with it, and those guys have been hardcore guzzisti since I was a toddler, with some hairy machinery on their cv's. As far as I know there hasnt been major issues with the Breva at all. It is of course a much more refined and "commercial" ride than the old model, and a close competitor to the Beemer. In my opinion the Breva looks way better than the R1150R and also have much better comfort than the Beemer (the seat on that one is awful), so your choice should be between hardcore oldstyle in the V11 and softer modernism in the Breva. Good luck!
  7. mdude

    Nice project

    http://www.koehler-mechanik.de/guzzi_main.htm Neat installation, innit? theres sound in here, and movies!!
  8. mdude


    My bike isprobably not going even close to a road for four months. Its snowing like hell outside, salt and rotten leaves cover the asphalt with slime and conditions are generally awful, but hey; - just as I write some dude on a very shiny Cali 1100 EV cruises past the office window in the snow, WITHOUT a helmet... was that Superman?? or Supertwat?
  9. mdude

    in tasmania

    Darn! The Greenie in the middle is MY bike! How the hell did it end up on the wrong side of the planet!?? I saw it in teh garage this morning...? Love the stance of that Indian. Mean...
  10. I got to know the man/woman. My wife hasnt tried the V11 yet, but she will. I have a couple of mates who I would lend it to, but I myself drive it out of town, and when on a nice, quiet strech of road, we swap keys.
  11. OK, guys. No correct answers so far. Next clue: The Sachs connection is correct and the assumption that it is not Eastern European is also correct. The brand is dead now, folded in the seventies. Tikkanen, you should crack this. EDIT: by the way, Baldini. its about ugly two strokes because everyone knows the gorgeous four strokes
  12. Gentlemen What is this, size, year built. Not online during weekend, så anyone who can answer this in an hour is the lucky one.
  13. Thanks. I am impressed. A wealth of info. It can be done in the garage, with some practice together with an experienced fellow biker first.
  14. "live in our shadow..." sigh... you are hereby invited to a Norwegian aquavit-party to grow some hairs on your nekkid little back anyway, party on Guzzisti!
  15. Its Friday, and I wonder: have the greenies finally silenced the Scura Gang now? Its been quiet for oh so long. No dark hatred fuelled by exploding clutch angst, no badly consealed envy for the red frames, no oil threads. Is it likely that in a dark corner gruesome plots are being made (excuse my strange english...), knives sharpened, pants dropped etc etc.... for a counterstrike? Maybe this pressive silence is prooving that the scuristas really are hibernating creatures? For us Scandinavian Greenies its off to the pub for aquavit and berserkeries...
  16. mdude


    I had to adjust this inwards by a full 1 1/2 turn on my bike. The brake lever didnt do anything useful before it almost met the gashandle, and the brakes were mushy. Dont know why it was lkike that in the first place. The screw can be useful if the driver has tiny hands, maybe?... It might be a small air problem in there somewhere (going to service the brakes in spring), but now the handle is firm and positive and the brakes bite early. The screw was not sealed with goop, as you explain, and no sign of goop is to see. The clutch handle screw has some goop in it. And come to think of it, so has I...
  17. bad bad bad cabin fever......
  18. Yes sir. Its a rumour. No worse, its a conspiration. Look closely at the press photos of the Griso, then step back, rotate violently anticlockwise for five minutes. Then look at the pictures again, standing on the head this time. See?! SEE???!!!! Its the devils work...... or the Scura Gangs... This is just the same as the freakingly stupid "round planet"-idea (round?? its not round, step outside and take a look at it!), and the conception that the dogs are mans best friend. Its a hoax. Dogs are not. Beer is! And some women. Thats a fact to stick up the ole wind tunnel, or what? Yes, Im raving. Forgive me.....
  19. ok, I admit it. I'm a wimp who never has tried to change a motorcycle tyre on my own. Cause I thought it would require special tools and skill. Doesnt it? Changed countless mountainbike tires over the years, but... How do you do it, and whats important? Tell us. And what about those tubeless babies? Just as easy?
  20. I say; if the crankshaft lies to you, kick the mofo out the door..
  21. mdude

    Tenni guys

    I see the luvlie ladies expression as one of shock after trying to tighten the nuts and finding that there were none there to tighten... voofvoof look mom, no head!
  22. Mine doesnt move, be sure that the clamps from the front tube is tightened, and check that the rubber mount hasnt slipped off when assembling. mine did... another thing. put on the springs first, THEN tighten the steel band to the brackets/rear footrests.
  23. its not the Dark force that pushes the bike off centre, its the force of the longitudinally mounted crankshaft. if it rotated the other way it would push the bike the other way too, if it had balance axels it would have been neutral. similar effect is found on Beemers. the steering damper is passive. A neighbour of mine once stuffed a huge 3 litre engine into a tiny Fiat 500, the engine stuck way out of the back and the force of the rotation was such that he only could do right turns (if I remember it right...or left...)... exiting when racing through the woods... so he took it dragracing and had quarter mile wheelies
  24. mdude


    Thanks. I have already expanded my technical capabilities by about 600%, so this is really worth it. By the way: Greenies have no fear for the wee powers of Scura darkness... and now its snowing up here so thats the official end to the bike season...
  25. I hail thee, Oracle
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