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Everything posted by mdude

  1. believe, believe! hear this; the godlike enlargement of these pic's must be of the same kind that is offered to me through the holy internet every day. wonderful imagery of these sacred machines!
  2. not much louder than the Mistral race pipes on my greenie, but then I am in Norway: the haven of the anarchists.
  3. you will then be really good friends with the rider....
  4. mdude


    longer spacers in the Marzocchis will do, and perhaps a pint of sloppage before takeoff
  5. It feels right to qoute The Terminator here: "Your bike, giva it to me!"
  6. Put your feet up, pour a drink, talk to the cat. That will make this idea go away. Up here, if you drive at this time of year you use studded tires, or a sidecar. http://www.mc-addict.com/apps/videos/video...nter-rally-2009
  7. Ah, I had forgot him. What a glorious heap of a man; Alex Harvey. He, AC/DC, Nazareth, Judas Priest were the fuel of the juvenile parties.
  8. another one with a nice heavy Vtwin beat this one is one of my most played CDs off all. Dave Grohl drums on the album... Its a kinda war between the mercey beat gang and the mercey SEAT gang innit?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSTavC46gA4 (almost forgot the ultimate engine song)
  9. I can enlighten you with the fact that most parts for my Range Rover are definitely scoured from ditches and streams since I have to order them from England. And we are probably not so much talking molyadditives as MOLEadditives.... sorry bad joke, and out of topic...
  10. I love this. its just January 14. and a an innocent topic about Moly additives has turned into a 3-page raging take no prisoners rant about chemistry, police states, free markets, and stately genocide (not exactly the last but we are getting there, mark my words). Its just brilliant (said completely devoid of sarcasm). This forum makes my other group (the Rangerovers.net forum) look like a cavemans message board with pterodactyls acting as drawing pins. Actually I love the fact that Ratchet and Dave (among others) have the urge to grab the axe and crossbows from under the bed and go to battle at any given time. Which other bike forum has discussions like this?! Guzzi-men are truly a remarkable breed. On an another note; I'm going to get my RSLH tomorrow at the Harley shop (which also gives me a chance to drool over the long wheel base Buell again) and insert it where it belongs. In due time, that is. The winter is still ahead of us. I actually have wondered about that moly-shit myself, moly-additive being so hideously expensive as it is. ... just wondered: any of you guys who knows the drill of changing the serpentine belt on a 4,6 Rover V8? The answers should range from innocent suggestions to links tied to the history of the conflict in the Middle East.
  11. I really like Stones, and especially Exile... and Keefs solo albums. But they dont rattle my cage as much anymore. My other thing is jazz, but jazz and Guzzis dont mix well. Claw Boys Claws version of "Now I Wanna Be Your Dog" was spinetingling, Jaap!
  12. Screaming Blue Messiahs - Holiday Head ( ) Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To @#!#$# ( ) Motorhead - Ace of Spades (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImrtZRrS70w) Satyricon - Fuel for hatred ( ) Frank Black - Czar ( ) hardass music for a hardass world loads more stuff, but these get my twin pistons going ANYTIME. actually they make me feel for a beer right NOW. runner up, tecnopunk de Algerie Speed Caravan - Galvanize ( )
  13. Long interesting rant, this. I slammed my 2001 Greenie to the road last spring in just the same manner as the gentleman here. Slow (30km/h) speed, smooth tarmac, straight road. Almost no steering damper applied. Tankslapper came instantly and broke my wrist (cause I'm a gorilla; I dont let go of things that I like), and down we went. First: I probably braked harder than I thought at first, the Brembos are massively powerful and bite progressively harder. Its strange because my wifes Laverda has exactly the same brakes (diff. master cylinder) and they feel infinitely better with a very smooth linear force. One can brake the Laverda just by looking at the brake handle. So I guess I snapped the brakes. And as we all know the spineframe doesnt like sudden inputs. Weight transfer is slow, but a lot of weight comes forward in the end, and all that. Binding fork? Maybe. Mine has new progressive springs from Wilbers in them. Not quite right concerning sag settings, but not that much off. Steering pull? As someone said, you need two front tires to achieve steering pull dont you. But most importantly: my tires were OLD-OLD-OLD BT020s. Probably 5 yrs. They lose traction, they bite, they slide, they throw you off. After rebuild and changing to MZ6 EVERYTHING feels better. And I also apply some clicks to the steering damper. Has had a couple of hard brakings after that but no unruliness. I am very careful about applying brake progressively. Again: V11s dont like hustling. Also: a check on all bike accidents in the two last years up here revealed that 80%!! of the crashed bikes (solo acc.) had tire pressures that were way off. And we are talking "experienced" drivers on high profile brand new superbikes here.... Tires tires tires tires: pressure, age, condition! Merry christmas, thanks for another enlightened year.
  14. looks a good ride. up here its -3 and slippery saltcovered roads, so no driving till spring. The Stelvio looks in its element even though it closely resembles a startled lemming when viewed from front....
  15. mdude


    The guys at The Firestarter garage been busy. Look at this: http://www.firestartergarage.it/index-ottanta.html brilliant mix of new and old, see also wot they done to the Sport.
  16. After wrecking a set of Guzzi Titanium cans I'm on the Mistral crossover and alu. Mistral highmount racecans. I love them. Gloriously noisy (hard angry bark) and with a perfect fit, very nice solid bracketry and all that. Not at all the flimsy, adjust-them-till-you-pass out fasteners that comes with the Guzzi Titanium system (and others). They are quite slim (circular cans looks best on the V11 methinks) and can be used together with a throwover bag. Pricewise you just cant beat them, I guess. I guess they will be making them as long as there are Guzzisti around that are dropping their bikes in the road. (like me) Get them from TLM.
  17. I LOVE ratbikes!!
  18. Hmmm... This will be very difficult for you. I suggest you try to take this burden off your shouldders and sell your Furia to me. Cause I want one.
  19. I think these are Gianellis. Thought about them for a while but went for Mistrals instead. More noise, sleeker design...
  20. theres enough hooters in here for everyone :-)
  21. Just a clip to show y'all how it looks on the local hangout every wednesday in the season her ein Oslo/Norway. The director is a pretty cool guy too, check his site for more films. http://www.mc-addict.com/apps/videos/view/...ro-24-sept-2008
  22. Switched to stock from Titan ECU last month and voila: the 3000 rpm sputter is back. Its the mapping. Must be. Its more driveable though, the Titan is very brutal... Not sure bout the pinging though, what does pinging sound like? Something like a "ping"?
  23. mdude

    RPM to speed

    this was fun. I'm obviously going a lot quicker than I thought! No wonder I drive alone....
  24. Well. I owned one of their precious reliable Beemers for a couple of years. Bought brand new but leaked oil all over the garage floor like an old country girl. It also vibrated in a very special way; high frequency vibes that literally made you dizzy. And of course, no fix available from BMW, cause they built the perfect bike y'know. Any tinkering meant endless scratching of head and much research on the net. The Gooz is a bike I can understand, it just runs.Its ugly. It makes lot of noise. Its reasonably fast. And it dont leak. Its a tractor: give it oil and adjustments now and then and it feels like it will run forever. A Suki Gixxer will need a complete internal rebuild after 30' kms. The only thing is what ouiji says; its not really that straightforward to fix. But once I tried to remove the battery from my mates Kawa w650 and I gave up after an hour. I couldn even get my little finger through the maze of pipes and connectors under the seat. Cramped. (just like my favourite band). Image is a strange thing: people here in Europe buy BMWs and Audis and Mercs cause they are well built and highly sophisticated (and make their @#$$#! look bigger). But in all recent consumer tests they dont even reach the top ten. Riddled with faults and underdevelopment. If those old guys at the Moon had decided that BMW is the most dependable bike in the world, then it is. To them.
  25. Whatever you do, dont use brute force. Use a bigger hammer.
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