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Everything posted by mdude

  1. I'd like to adjust the clipons more foreward, and I just wonder if the securing bolts on them does anything other than providing politically correct security? Because in the position I want the clipons the safety bolts have to go. Did that make sense?
  2. brilliant, I hear those Tuonos crash REALLY well
  3. I am very curious about these luvvelies. Cant you give us a ride report? How is it? Vibrating?
  4. good that you made it without battlescars. MONSTER PEGS: they bolt straight on, and cost one third of guzzi pegs. The same with ducati clutch/brake levers. Very reasonably priced. The only problem is that the spring is difficult to fit on the Ducce pegs, I left it off. I have a set after my asphalt kiss last spring. They are probably 5 mm higher as well, but I dont find that as a problem.
  5. yah man. pushed it up to 17%. no one messes with da guzzi men!
  6. I'm gonna regret this, but I put my Greenie up for sale yesterday. Too many hobbies, too little time forces sale. I hope I'll get enought for it so I can afford something old instead and still put money in the bank: Laverda 3C, Honda GL 1000 or something, cause they are practically free re. taxes and insurance. Someone in Norway reading this: PM me. Open for offers and small talk. Probably this will take some time, so I'll be around. Arrrgh.....again
  7. Agreed. This is the only techbased forum Ive been on where you really feel part of a (somewhat deranged) community. Guzzistas really are different to other animals! Double hail to Jaap!! Im currently also on the rangerovers.net forum, and these guys use endless amount of copy telling each other to do a search before they pester the forum with questions. really niggly, and irritating. and NO hooterthreads... if one performed a search for the phrase "do a search before you ask" on that forum one would get some impressive results. considering selling the V11, but actually this forum holds me back...
  8. ah, Jarnac. Been there a couple of years ago with some rather thirsty fellas (bikers without bikes). We didnt have to bring our own cocks, the villagers generously brought us their own to worship and enjoy, beatifully cooked in the best Bordeaux.... some of these was so generously proportioned they must have been named Serge
  9. I see Quazi-moto's got my favourite band up, Lux interior is more big twin than Iggy is imho, Iggy is more of a screaming two stroke Kawa H2 without silencers (and another favourite, seen him perform 6 times now) but these guys are big twin to the core http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nZ2S14J5II...feature=related tull, beck, clapton, green... them guys are just too polished
  10. I've got a set of throw-over softbags (height adjustable with a big velcro in the middle, dont remember but they might be Oxfords) and they stay well clear of the Tis. And if they do touch is no problem cause of the low surface temperature. I never use a luggage rack, but I protect bodywork with a soft rubber mat of the anti-skid sort that you put under carpets.
  11. and who the f... is this one http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6TNEI9w_Nyw&...feature=related norwegian intellectual standup at its best (sorry Jaap)
  12. this site should be here for us only, with our unsaleable brutal machines, firm belief in archaic mechanics and limited knowledge and intense doubts about new tech. in 30 yrs time I will still be looking up here to read endless oil threads and global w.... banter :-) and that will be with my trusted 30 yr old Mac! this dog can learn no more new tricks, his brain is full.... if anything, I think Jaap maybe could consider including the 90's models as these are not that far away from our bikes with many shared components. NorgeGrisoBrevas belong to another world; a clean, functional and easy world but not our world.
  13. V11 2001, bought three yrs ago with 7700 kms, now stands at 11500 kms. I surprised miself, thought I was going to pile up the miles. guess my reasons are the same as many grown up bike owners: reason1: too many hobbies: wife, two cars, two bikes, frantic work, old farm in the woods, fierce cat, tuscan red wine, music... Reason2: the Guzzi was so hideously bad to drive when I bought it (uninspected) that I really didnt trust it. Spent a lot of time trying to sort it out. Its getting there though. Reason3: winter from october to may.... as we speak its -3C and blue ice in the streets, at my farm its 175cms of snow and -10C... this is Scandinavia, look it up.... so hey: dont give me the "not dedicated"-treatment guys. I am as big a petrolhead as anyone, but I'm also into almost anything else. Couldnt afford a bike before I turned 35, focussed on cars instead. Bike still gives me a big high and it will be driven. And the joy of ownership alone...:-)
  14. Yeah, and he lives in Norway! Strange and cool guy. You just made my day GuzzistaJoe: both Nick Lowe and Ministry withmy morning coffee. Life rocks today
  15. Western Norway. Go see! you might find the ocean
  16. c'mon, drag me daun to da London
  17. Hi mr R Thats a great house! And a nice handful of a project too. I love the radiators under the sink. What a great idea! You buy the beer and I'll come over and build you a wine cellar in the "jail". Strictly for north italian wines, off course. I know now that these projects can stop a Guzzi dead in its tracks, as I'm currently rebuilding an 1800's log farm in the woods of Norway. Its just all consuming together with the carreer struggle. Because of this I think I rode no more than 150 miles on the bike last summer.... Hope for more rides this year but like you, I'm slowly contemplating the thought of selling the V11, looking for something older and cheaper to own that I can justify just having in my garage. Like a Laverda 1000 3C.... doh....
  18. not the same, mine are the big lumps of corroding whatsamagonnacallit
  19. I would love to get rid of my barends and put some mirrors in there instead, but I just cant get the bloody things off. Unlike SlowK's, mine have vibrated themselves ON. I grip the bar with a suitable plier and try to screw the barends off, but I end up twisting the bar itself and dont dare to use more force on it. Stuck. Tried several times. Any clues to a solution?
  20. two things to do: tighten rear spring nearly all the way up, from the factory its adapted to nearly invisible dwarflike testpilots, then change rear wheel. my 2001 Sport has at least +4cms rear and a 160 rear wheel now. At last it feels sorted, safe and "falls" into corners. No wrestling needed. It also stays on course Dropping the fork is also nice, but you compromise ground clearance. Which for a sturdy guy (like me) is an issue. The tightening of the rear will also eliminate bottoming out. its bloody winter here, I want to ride!!
  21. I've never met him, but Maarten Mager is abit of a legend and has been the crankshaft of the Guzzi-community for many many years here in Norway: importer, racer, tuner with an unholy interest in sidecars... He deals now in bikegear, Wilbers Shocks, bikeoutfits and whatever. and his website is http://www.maartensimport.no/ its in norwegian of course, but theres some nice pics there: couple of pictures: Behold the skis on the bike....
  22. expect middleaged bearded guys, slightly overweight, smelly from their vintage leathers and cheap blended scotch having endless and deeply personal conversations about the quality of the pawl spring, oil and tires in the night, with bonfires without women the atmosphere can be described by Ernest Hemingways answer to the existensial question: why did the chicken cross the road? To die alone in the rain in other words: RAF - Rallies Are Fun.
  23. mdude

    Belstaff Jackets

    I had a look at some of the jackets the other day. Looks pretty good, great quality. But the prices..... the prices have become italian.
  24. you guys must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, and visited some other city. I'm not going back to Paris; bad fooded insulting arrogant tourist trap as it is.... oh, forgot my coffee.....
  25. my first thought also. that washer has a habit of sneaking away...
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