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Everything posted by mdude

  1. Answering myself today, been doing that a lot lately. Tore off all the Greenies clothes last night, checked, opened and lubed all the contacts, multipoints, relays, fuses, lamps, bulbs, touched and checked visually all cables. Opened headlamp, rearlight, changed bulbs.... took a step back and stared hard at the nude bike in front of me.... proceeded to the muttering of chants and spells in long forgotten languages, calling on deities with powers to make things work again. there was strong forces at play in the dark corners of the garage... and mice... put things back together again. hey presto: got lights, high beam, brake lights and horn back! havent test driven it yet, but these things didnt work at all before so maybe... what bothers me a bit is that I still havent got a clue as to WHERE the fault was, but I maybe all she wanted was a bit of petting?
  2. Hi Søren, where did you find your scrubbing cable? I'm currently pursuing electrical gremlins of the exact same sort as mentioned in this thread and have been for four friggin' weeks. And I've got ten thumbs and have run out of garage beer... not liking it.
  3. well, my friend. If this is too heavy for you I can relieve you of this burden. Just put the bike in a nice cardboard box and mail it to me and I'll handle the "problems" as best as I can. Enjoy it, I want one just like it. PS do you think ANY other bike dont suffer from an issue or two? My former BMW R1150R, bought out of the box, spat oil all over the garage floor and more scarily: the back wheel, without anyone finding the fault.
  4. torrential rain and floodings, only interrupted by moist and scorching heat. last night we pumped 500 litres of water out our basement garage. one might see fine riding weather, start the bike and then ride straight into Ragnarok 300 metres down the road. we are not amused. but from today I have 3 weeks of holiday, so what do I care
  5. yes, they dynoed it but i cant remember the figures. I sneaked through the mag at the bookstore while the missus was shopping.... I'll have to buy it I guess. Testers didnt like the buzziness of the Beemer.
  6. Swedish/norwegian BIKE magazine tested the 1200Sport against the new R1200R (nekkid one). Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that the BeeM have a lot more power/torque, the 1200Sport was the winner. It was quicker and more fun in the twisties, more alive, had a lot more character in the engine room and was way ahead in the Looks department. Good thing! Especially since the new Beemer has been hailed as a major improvement over the last model. Im beginning to get the urge.....
  7. Same feeling I got when I received my V11, which I bought over the phone.... It scared me silly and went straight ahead in most curves. Dont listen to the salty seabeards in here who states "nuthin' funny 'bout he handling of this bike, lad. Now shut up and get on with it". Its a bit special and takes some learning, especially if you come from a modern neutralhandling bike. The key is suspension settings; theres two easy things you can try. First back of almost all compression settings both front and rear, start from scratch. (do a search on this site about comp settings, there is some good topics on that). If the bike is set too hard it will bounce and twitch and not follow the road. Most bikes are set too hard, cause everyone thinks a sportsbike should have a rock hard suspension. It should be supple. Important: Then adjust the preload on the rear spring. As stock its set up for an italian midget test rider weighing in at 20 lb. At 110 lb I turned it nearly three quarter of the way to the max settings. This heightened the rear by nearly 3cm from the stock setting, got more weight on the front wheel and made things dramatically better! Now it did what i wanted it to do. I have found that the V11 rides better if you sit right up to the tank, arms slightly bent, knees hugging the tank. It also rides better on a full tank. This because the more weight on the front wheel the better. With stiff arms the bike will fight you, with the Death Grip on the bars you will get wooden fists. Softer grips and slightly bent arms let the V11 move around a bit, and thats normal. An active apporoach to corners where you transfer weight and lean into the corners will help, a mild form for hangout. Actually, if you do the leaning, transferring weight to the side of the butt that points into the corner, the bike pretty much steers itself.
  8. I used to take ........................Serge with me on my epic journeys through the french countryside, strapped his little feet to my helmet with velcro and he stood there proud in the wind. Like an eagle....
  9. Update: It starts and runs quite well. When I turn on the light the revcounter dies, theres no light and eventually the fuse for the lights dies. It runs still but now from the battery. Switched relays yesterday and the fault is still here... Changing tyres today and the mech would have a look, but was puzzled. Any new suggestions? Voltage reg maybe, as suggested by D?
  10. I think its this little fella. Happy and easygoing but a stranger to electronics. Like me.
  11. It was not acting up before. Just installed them cause it seemed like a good idea. Switched back to OEM, so I'll see tomorrow.
  12. my now less beloved V11 blows fuse nr 4 (from tail end, with main light symbol)) every time I start it. This started when I chucked in Dans GEI-relays. It starts, runs well for four or five minutes, then the revcounter dies and the light goes into park mode. The bike still runs, but on the battery apparently. When I then shut off its dead apart from the neutral light which still shines. Diagnosis? (damn, I hate electrics!)
  13. oooh the irony becomes you, mr Hatch but these things exist, look at this filter replacement kit from Alto Performance, meant to replace the can on Zane Laverdas (668s and stuff)
  14. excellent write-up! Glad I have the Mistrals. What kind of muffler did you put on it? Stock?
  15. brilliant!! I laughed so hard I had a little accident....
  16. That should not be a problem. My Titan ECU hadnt been marked in any way, no Sharpie on the back, nothing. Wrapped in bubble plastic with Guzzi tape and put into the big box with the rest of the stuff it was unmistakably the dogs danglies anyway. Bike was transformed and went like a rabid dog compared to the stock setup. Too bad my halfbrained tech screwed it up later, I am saving up for a Cliff Special ECU now. Theres is a lot of difference between Ti and stock ECU in driving feel. Why should anyone rip off a grey box? The market is brimming with those kind of WMs from Ducces, Laverdas ec, ready to be flashed.
  17. Buell indicators/lenses are similar, according to earlier threads.
  18. correction, I wasn't ther cause my wrist was still healing from my shunt. And I ride a greenie. But a surprisingly large amount of the Centauros of the world lives in Norway. V11s are few and far between..
  19. I have a 15 mm boss, he's a small arsed bastard but he sure can give me a hard time....
  20. see link for report from the Norwegian Spring rally. As you can see from the weather none suffered vapour lock problems. I guess temperature was 5-10 Celsius... a lot of centauros over here. some QuickTime movies on the page. http://www.22kvm.net/mc/guzzitreff07/index.htm
  21. I'm not quite sure what lop-sided is, but I spent a LOT of time trying to align the Ti's on the bike with a Mistral crossover. I only managed a 80% fit no matter what I tried. I blame the Ti downpipes and the hopelessly flimsy fasteners. If you tire with this and want to get rid of the Ti's I'm ready to spend, I need a new right hand can
  22. These are good prices. Compared to anything we can get hold of over here in Europe this is very reasonable. I wonder: can the M4s be high-mount? I wrecked my Ti-can this spring and wonder if I can use the mounts that came with the Ti-set. AND: will you ship abroad?
  23. mdude

    Buell footpegs

    Better now, I went and got footpegs off a Ducati Monster yesterday, they're actually 5mm or so higher... felt a lot more comfortable and right. I have a near 36inch inseam (my legs end right below where my head starts) and I've found that I actually like the foetal position. Maybe its time now to proceed to that holy grail: the 996.... Good to hear it isnt only me that cant cope with the Buell thang. Rode to work today, the bike felt better than yesterday but it kicked back at me by killing its tach... getting a bit bored now. New GEIrelays from Dan installed couple of days ago....
  24. mdude

    Buell footpegs

    shorter legs probably help a lot. but are you comfy with the pedal/lever?
  25. mdude

    why le mans?

    Say Lionel, anyone for TENNI's? SPORT is the only model name thats universally understood. sad its so humongously misleading in this particular setting.
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