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Everything posted by mark.gilmore

  1. I know what you blokes mean,Ordered parts second week in August Still waiting downunder. Gilly.
  2. Clutch makes more noise.
  3. I have run my tank out a few times,And on straight roads when you are not throwing the bike around the tank will hold a few litres on the right side.I have done this 3 times,Run out ,Tip bike over to left side, get to fuel station.The book says 22 Litres,Have'nt put more than 21 Ls yet. 320 KM is best I can get out of A tank, Just the once.
  4. Seem to be some Aussi Scuras about.
  5. Can't help yourself can yu. Your day will come.
  6. I like them.
  7. mark.gilmore

    02 Scura

    Scura cluch makes heaps more noise than Rosso M. Lighter flyweel I think.{more pulsing of the motor} I,m told. Vapour lock,Haven't had any probs yet,Although I had bigtime tank suck and found out air breather hoses under tank,Were kinked causing serious suck that made it hard to open petrol{Gas} tank cap.{FIX}: Pull hose down near starter at the same time as lowering tank.This could add to vapour lock probs if breathers are cut off. Gilly
  8. Looks like a Camel toe malfunction to me. Gilly.
  9. mark.gilmore


    Any poor barst##d that used his front break would of got hit up the arse anyway .I'll stick to 5 or 6 in a pack thanks.
  10. Hi men. My Use a soft tyre on the front,It will last longer cause it is harder to push a soft tyre into a corner and make it grind. An 020 is hard compound and grind very easy,Good for long straight roads. 014,Good for twisties,Better grip and wont grind in the corners as much,Hence longer lasting. As for tyres worn on one side more than other side,I've seen this heaps with some of the guys I ride with on twisty mountian roads. When asked ,Witch corner do you prefer,Left or right,The answer is always the side least worn.WHY IS THIS SO .Most people are happier going around left handers, [Cause most tracks and stuff like that ever since you were young are anticlockwise].So,Most people in there prefered corner be it L or R will roll the throttle on through the corner,This transfers some desired weight to the back wheel making handling much better and less tyre wear on the front. Best way to avoid this tyre wear is to go sign up for a Keith Codes Superbike School an learn how to ride a bike.Those guys are the best in the business. Have a great day Gilly
  11. Ha blokes. I've seen a couple of painted covers on the Rosso's and arsked, Why you do that? Answer was thay fade and fade quick.I would rather get them re Anodized than paint the mothers,But thats just me. Cheers Mark Gilly
  12. 3. Is it worth it to get a model with the high-end suspension? Thanks very much for your help. Yes. For what it's worth, It does'nt cost that much more. Cheers Gilly
  13. Hi fellows. Next doors got a XB12R, Keeps it in my shed cause his wont lock. Nice bit of gear. BUT something happend to the cluch. Some thingmebob on the cluch cover. So new cluch cover required,Its been on back order for 8 weeks now Having to push them in and out of my shed for 6 months I noticed the Scura is much easyer to push around,Seems to be better balanced.Just thought I'd through that in for free. Me,I think the Guzzi rules over the Buel Cheers Gilly
  14. A mate of mine says, If God was a motocycle he'd have two heads out in the BREEEEEEESE to keep him COOOOL.
  15. Hi blokes. MY15 sounds great, Might have to get me one. Cheers Gilly.
  16. Hi S251.Good to here there is another Scura owner in NSW.Don't forget to register your Scura on this site. cheers Gilly
  17. Hi Pete The Greaso will have nice new tyres so it will be fine.Only seem to have problems with second hand bikes.I bought my scura last december,2004. With 4000kms, original tyres.So you tend to ride the tyres out. That makes the tyres at least 3 years from manufacture date.[old and hard].So get on your new Greaso and flog them new tyres out,cause there allready 12 months old. Have a lovley day. Gilly
  18. Two days ago I had two new tyres fitted...Pilot powers... the transformation is remarkable. Hi Miles I have a 78 Triumph and know what your going through when it comes to 25kmh corners. I don the pilots and presto. Next time try the soft one on the front[power]and the hard one on the back[road].You will get more kms out of them both.I rode10000kms with crap tyres on,It took me 6000ks to get over it.Can kick arse round the 25s now.2 super bike schools later and its all good. Good luck and good tyres. cheers Gilly.
  19. You should try getting parts in Australia.
  20. Hi all Just one thing to mention,I think what matters most is as long as the front tyre sticks.I've been using mostly Michelin and bridgestone with the sport tyre on the front and the road tyre on the back.eg[Pilot power on the front,Pilot road on the back] or[ BT014 front BT012 back].Heaps better than original. Cheers Gilly.
  21. Would anyone out have a Pauls carbon tail for sale,Can"t seem to get hold of one.I neeeeeed one ASAP.
  22. A Fellers. Good to listen to you guys argue, Makes for a good arvo at work. I"m going to change my springs around cause on my scura I use the fast idle all the time, It wont start without it . If I use the throttle sometimes it gets to much and backfires,Then blows the throttlebody off the inlet rubber.So I"m guna giveitago. cheers Gilly.
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