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Everything posted by mark.gilmore

  1. I have a mate that used to build drag motors for bikes, He reconds twin spark is the only way to go. Any motor in his shed has twin plugs.He has a 90deg v-twin made out of Alloy sitting up in a six cylinder suizuki frame.1500cc a side. I think the frame is just somthing to sit the motor in.Can"t wait to hear go. BIG NED he named her. should be going by december I hope. I"ll send some pic"s when I learn how to do it . I"m pretty basic.cheers Gilly
  2. : That is the sweetest baby I,ve ever seen. :
  3. . No pinking at all since I had the PC111 fitted unless I use 95RON. Yes maybe a plan. I will go for the Jeffries cause its local I think. Having a bit of trouble getting parts over seas. Cheers Gilly
  4. Good God Iget a good laugh out of you mad bastards.I loveit.
  5. Here,here.Your a WIZARD. cheers
  6. The hole bike looks fugly to me. Gunna take some time I spose
  7. Hi O2 V11. I run 98 cause the bugger pings its arse off if I use 91 ,I can still get it to ping on 98 on a hot day. eg 35deg plus dogen it up to Gingers Creek around the 25k twisties
  8. Hi all. New is good,Though I dont like the colour much on the Coppa.May take some time.My SCURA has only 16000KMs. Stock, only for some carbon and black paint that I did myself. Its comfy enough to ride all day,it handles beautiful {set up right} and looks a treat, Also gets the PISS flogged out of it.So go the Scura for me until I flog the piss out of a coppa I guess.
  9. Sorry World.
  10. Hi from Australia. Just came to work this morning and paid $1.48 AU per litre for Optimax.Never been that high before, so whats the rest of the would paying if you dont mind. Gone up 20 cents per L in 4 weeks. Cheers Gilly.
  11. Sorry about the gap, duno how to fix that.
  12. Hi fellers Hi Gents. When i bought my grease gun, it came with a 5" metel tube that screws into the gun, and the end thingy that goes on the nipple screws onto the tube.this makes the thing solid. I then cut the tube and put a 90 deg angle on it 1cm from the end, just nere the thread and got my mate to tig it up. and presto. Cheers Gilly. w
  13. I have Remus Grand Prix carbons, even my mother recons they sound hot and shes 68.
  14. Edge.Never looked at it like that before but I see what you mean.
  15. Ha Ratchethack.Sorry new at all this stuff. and porkchop? fill me in.
  16. I would like to buy a tailpeice from TLM but live in Australia, not sure about credit card over the internet,Got any surgestions.
  17. I have to agree with u on this Freddy. My scura is comfortable as.1500kms in one weekend and i am ready to go again.Little vibe in right mirror, and thats about it.
  18. i have a 2002 scura talk about crinkle.i had my guzzi dealer pull the motor out and i put paintstripper on it .lite hose and scrubingbrush,etchprimer then 2pak flat black. jobs right.
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