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Everything posted by mark.gilmore

  1. Do your wheel bearing spacer first,it should be around 113.2mm long,and no shorter than 112.7 for memory Mark if it hasn't been done before it is almost sure to be to short.
  2. That would be correct, no markings what so ever.
  3. How's this,changing my springs out the other day to put 10kg rates in cause I'm a fat prick.Chucked the old ones on the work bench.Mr Forrest, from this forum, whom lives not far away, comes to check the show out and say's,gee those springs look different.Having never seen them on the bench @ the same time I stopped what I was doing to have look. Sure looks like it I said. So we measure the suckers.One spring is 4.5mm thick, the other is 4.8mm.The latter being the size of the new ones.The new one's have numbers on them and the old one's don't.I've bought the bike with 4000km on the clock 3 years ago so I would assume they are original. Could someone get it this wrong?What's even worst I've been riding around on them for three years. WOOOO-does it handle good now. Thank you for this forum.Mark
  4. urethane clear would be fine.This from a spraypainter.Might do the same myself.
  5. My pick: Stoner Rossi Pedrosa Hayden
  6. Belfast,that clock on your post's is Australian eastern standard time.
  7. Good stuff
  8. My Ohlins started leaking out of my rebound adjuster on top,There is a little o ring in there as well. Your's may be the same.
  9. And ride it like you stole it.
  10. Glad all is safe for you Ben.You just never know when your time is up ? do you.
  11. I'll see what I can find out pete.
  12. I think most tyres would do this after some miles as they create a flat spot in the centre of the tyre.
  13. You forgot to mention a litre of oil every 300km's mate
  14. Ha Pete Jap-in-oz has already imported a Scura into Australia,he might be able to come up with some pointers. This will bring the numbers back up {15 I think}, as there has been a couple of write-off's.
  15. Thought he stopped that oil from pissing out.My Bonny throw's out less
  16. That was my my bike pete,the one with Cliff's ecu. the one that won the best Note. I told you @ the rally;Forrest does not own a Guzzi,He ownes some ugly thing called a Cagiva Rupture, got the SV motor in it. Front springs on the Scura are very soft,I have'nt changed mine out yet but it's gunna be next. I'm about as muscley as you I think, 90kg.it would be nice to know your spring rates some time when you get back if it's not to much trouble. Have a good holiday anyway and I'll send you an e-mail when you get back. cheers Mark
  17. it's Holland Style Bicycle! I can't wait to see the expressions on my friends faces that have never seen one.
  18. Good stuff Raz, I'll be keeping an eye on mine.
  19. This is mine,and I pulled it down just to check it.for no reason http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=102824
  20. Yes, I wish you fellows were over here to.
  21. I cracked the soft socket head screws with vice grips first, to loosen them. I also drilled the rubbers and only run with 6 {1/2} of them. for last 25000km. I had them apart the other day and gave them another lite grease.so far all is going well. Mark
  22. The Missus maybe.
  23. Very prone to flats,{soft}.Come's standard on ZX 10 over here in Aus. Confidence inspiring,3500km tops
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