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Everything posted by mark.gilmore

  1. He lives on it,If anyone know's its Gszzarrrrrrrr.
  2. All I got.
  3. Scura waits around a bit for the Rapter after a few corners,next time I won't be so patient. By the way, Nice ride today 25deg c,nice road, sticky tyres and good beer.
  4. 69766[/snapback] Nice bike dood.
  5. Ha there I'm with Cafeman ,I've got a 78 Bonny to and run Iridium BR8EIX 40000km I changed them, don't know what for, still nothing wrong with them,I use them for spares now{just in case}.They made the old girl run like a clock. Now I have put them in the Gooser {BPR6EIX} from memory, 10000km so far.Stop a bit of pinging till I get rid of origanal ECU. Cheers
  6. Ha Doods One thing wrong with riding down under,Can't take your bike off the road to long to do stuff to it cause you ride all year round. Have a good winter.
  7. Hi there Don't think it matters which brand, I just fit the softer tyre on the front, eg 014,Pilot Power or Corsa.So called cupping or whatever you want to call it comes from pushing into corners.{The tyre sliding across the road} Using a softer tyre on the front will eliminate this,Thus the tyre will wear rounder and last longer.I use Pilot Power on the front 20000km Pilot Road on back 10000km.
  8. YES.YES.YES there will be Devo's hanggen round here all week. MG.
  9. That should get his attention soon enough.
  10. I was going to put on a stucci x over on at the same time as ecu, But you may have change my mind .
  11. Is the bike standard or have you changed it. Mdude how was yours before.
  12. I'm thinking of upgrading to a Cliff my15 and I don't even have these probs. maybe I should wait till I do. Cheers MG
  13. Ha Van or is that Ven as in Ventrilloquist. the art or practice of speaking in such a manner that the voise appears to come from some other source,as a dummy.also an arse. you just keep popping up. :bier:cheers MG
  14. No clicks,Backed right off.
  15. Never know till you have a go,Be ok if you were doing a million mile around some place.Then you would have to think about it at least. Cheers
  16. Congrats. That bike is something else.
  17. Hanging on to the bars to tight could also create this problem
  18. Good helps hard to find these days. I'm only pissing about. Gilly
  19. When I bought my bike it had a new speedo with 0KMs on it .The boys at the Guzzi shop said it was a warranty job. 4000KMs on the old speedo.The new one has 13000 on it now. Had it 11 months.
  20. Welcome Morris Sod,What a name. Let me no when we can go for a quick blast up to Gingers one arvo. Gilly. ps. Before Muzz gets back in four weeks, Cause he doesn't like being left behind.Ha Ha Ha,Hope he reads this in Tas.Be to cold down there to ride.
  21. h! l sense such hostility, obviouslly you boys need to get away from the dark so much and enjoy the and let a little of the light side in lt'll do you the power of good Besides you lucky sh-t you should be happy , not , You're going into summer in a place that has a better winter, than we have summer ! you get to measure your dry days by the month, we get to measure dry ride days by the, well," l got in 20 days dry this year!! "...yes l'm jealous of your weather . so enjoy!! ps. and if you think the Green & Silver Tennista's, and the Red are driving you crazzy now, wait till true cabin fever sets in Cheers'Van Hi VAN Your right. I ride my bike most days of the year, Somtimes only to work 20KM each way. I got wet the other day for the first time this year when I left work. It pissed down for arrrrr about 2mins, By the time I got home I was all dry again, Don't you hate that. Anyway stay safe and next time its raining just think of me riding around in the dry. GILLY ps thats a true story,It don't rain much here
  22. Jaap. Get these green boogers out of here.
  23. I cleaned my paint off with paint stripper and a hose running a little bit. I just scrubbed it with A big scrubbing brush. Motor out of bike, but all together, Came up good.Then single pack etch primer and then two pack poly hasn't come off yet.
  24. I put mine on A home made track stand.
  25. JAAP,You might want to clear some sh#t out of this thread. Cheers
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