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Posts posted by felix42o

  1. I had the exact same thing happen, though I wasn't lucky enough to find either piece. Darn near $200 in parts later, and I learned my lesson. I removed that bolt, forgetting that it need not be removed for a tire change. I then got distracted/hurried during re-assembly and forgot to torque it down. :doh: Can't win them all. Glad your's wasn't worse!

  2. Very sorry to hear about this. At least you didn't get too banged up out of the deal. The parts will be out there. Once it's fixed, rest easier- the stress and worry of the 'perfect brand new bike' will now be behind you, and you can really start to enjoy that thing!

  3. Damn. I just finished writing this and then promptly deleted it.

    Oh well.


    I just returned from the San Diego area, where one of our Hueys and a crew of four were sent down to assist CDF in the Helitac firefighting efforts. We were assigned primarily to the Camp Pendleton/Fallbrook area, and all I can say is that I wish we had a bigger bucket. The devastation of these firestorms can't be captured on the news. My condolences to all those who lost property or worse, loved ones. However I am happy that the number of injuries was as low as it was, considering.

    The power of these fires is incredible. We would work an area, get it under control, then watch as an ember the size of a milk jug would carry over 1/2 mile in the winds and light the hill right back up again. The air was finally starting to clear up a bit by Saturday, and they released us to return to Fallon Sunday morning. I did, on a lighter note, find time to get over to GP Cycles in San Diego and finally lay eyes on some new Guzzis. In short, the Norge is beautiful, and the Breva 1200 Sport is, well, still a Breva to me. The new Ducatis and MV's weren't bad, either.

    Again, I am glad to see that it looks like everyone here is okay. It looks like I'll be moving down to San Diego next summer,

    so Tenni #126 will be looking for new riding partners.


  4. I've always kinda figured our current version of this motor makes pretty good power, considering age and design. It'd be interesting to see if 1) Smaller heads could work and 2) how much of a difference could be realized. The Harley motors make so little horsepower for their size that anything is an improvement. :huh2:

  5. havent seen this many polls...since the wall came down.





    Funny stuff.


    By the by, I use the key; but mostly 'cause I have used the switch in the past and left the key in with the lights on. Never good, so key it is.


  6. No idea <_>

    The strada seems to be harder than the Z6, Cornering, is the Z6 very friendely to me :grin:

    Rob, buy with trust. Buy Z6!!!

    The mileage Ratch just said is almost right. I have to recognize that the structure of the roads in UK is opener than in Europe. That's one of the reason your tyres are faster end of the edge.


    I managed right around 7500 on the first Diablo, and the second is well on it's way at the same rate it seems. I'd guess that's about right. As far as performance, it seems good enough. Fine in the rain, great when warm. But it's definitely a pretty hard compund and doesn't like to be pushed when cold.


  7. Mine is a bit cranky in the morning as well. Like Ratchet, I give it about an 1/8th of available travel on the throttle advance, leave the twist grip alone, and crank for about 3 seconds at a time. Usually starts on the third try or so.


  8. Why is it so easy for people to look past the "illegal" part of this whole thing? I would think anyone, nationality or country of residence aside, who goes through a given process and plays by the rules should be angry that others aren't willing to do the same. Not to mention the cost it has on all the public systems.

    Seems to me there's a process for almost everything. If I have to follow it, why shouldn't anyone else?


  9. Need more time...still have two layers of 'glass to lay on the keel of my boat by tomorrow. Breather hose is leaking on the Tenni, chrome isn't back for my Mercury and Hot August Nights is right around the corner, and the house- well, I haven't finished the new service panel and the whole thing still needs painting. And I transfer, location still not determined as of yet, in December. Anyone looking for a rental in Fallon??

    Need more time... :bbblll:

  10. It seems like the hot setup is to just repaint the whole bike. That's my plan with the Tenni, but it's a bit of a slippery slope- if the bodywork gets fresh paint, then the fading on the 'chops and the bubbling engine paint will stick out. Fix that, and the wheels are still a bit banged up...

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