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Everything posted by felix42o

  1. What's this Guzzi by the Sea business? Where might this be happening? I'm about a 4 hour ride from the Bay Area...might be worth taking the ride.
  2. If I could just get a 1200 big bore kit, and maybe the new heads, and keep my Tenni... That'd suit me fine for now. I do like the single-sided swing arm, though.
  3. The ol' reverse muffler bearing lubricating flux-valve came loose again, eh?
  4. Agreed. Sorry you had to let her go so cheap, but I can see the reasoning. That's how I got such a good deal on mine when I bought it, so hopefully the new owner can get her straightened out. Nice pick with the '07 Harleys; I went and checked them out a few weeks ago, and was surprised how nice they were.
  5. felix42o


    I dunno. I ride mine every day, but it means I spend a lot of time looking things over as well. This thing acts like the helicoptors I work on-the more you run it, the better she behaves. It's when it sits for a month or two that I see gremlins. On the flip side, I can certainly see why you'd not want to run it into the ground. Hell, just ride the damn thing. Parts are out there.
  6. I have the FBF setup, and my only complaint is with the taillight- it's almost worthless. It helps to do a little "aiming" to try and get the LED's at the right angle, but there just aren't enough LED's in there IMO. Part of that is that the turn signals (stock) really overpower the smaller taillight. I'll probably fix this this winter.
  7. I can't imagine dropping mine like that... I bet the guy want's a mint for it; I wonder if the Ti kit is salvageable? All in all, doesn't look too bad, but if it's on a salvage title it was totaled at some point, right?
  8. Nice bike!!! I can't tell for sure but am curious...is that a Monte Carlo in the background?
  9. I happen to like the front end on the Speed Triple. Ugly enough to look real nice, like the Dodge 1/2-tons of the early sixties.
  10. How's the performance/sound on the quat-d? I've been thinking 'bout maybe trading my FBF/Ferraci setup for the underslung setup.
  11. Too bad she's married. I'd be willing to have another go at it with a girl that can cook like that! Well, maybe...
  12. Hmmm....Pancetta wrapped pork roast...got one cooking as we speak.
  13. felix42o

    Silly new toy

    Yup those are both nice bikes-if the new 650 rides anything like the old 500, I'd want another one. Good buy! Ditto on the suspension, but with a little attention (sound familiar?)...
  14. Wow, glad I'm not the only one in love. Her recipes aren't bad, either.
  15. I think you'll probably be alright, if you're staying highway when you use them. They don't look bad, and if you feel safer to boot, well... As for the unsprung weight, I can't see that being enough to worry about, but I'd guess ratchet's thoughts on the bulbs getting shaken all to hell might be a problem. Good luck, keep us posted on the results!
  16. "Well, that certainly demonstrates the diversity of the word!"
  17. felix42o


    If it talks to you, go for it. If the price feels right, it is, and if neither seems to fit, keep looking. Hate to be vague, but it really is a matter of feel on these things. As far as issues go, with an '04 you should be fine.
  18. I use the cheap foam ones as well, cylinder type-you roll 'em up and they expand to fit. BUT-I've been wearing these things day in and day out on the helicopters for nearly ten years, so I'm used to them. I remember they used to bug the hell out me, but they are second nature now. The whole "can't hear ambient noise" thing I don't really agree with myself, but that's just my opinion. If anything, they keep it quiet enough to think, and cut down on wind noise so much that I know for a fact it adds a full tank at least to my day on long trips. In addition, I feel like I stay more focused on what's going on around me, and I can hear what the bike is doing mechanically a lot better. In short, I'm a big fan. I'm thinking about trying some of those custom fit ones with the headphone speakers inside (Aerostich sells them). Anyone tried these? I don't wear them in town day to day, but that's due more to the short commute and low speeds than anything else.
  19. Yeah, I had a guy at work tell me "that bike of yers sure does sound good fer one a'dem crotch-rocket things" I didn't bother and thanked him just the same. Same day a different guy said it looked like a BMW to him. I just quickly pointed out how the jugs on mine don't sag anywhere near like a BMW's and left it alone. Small town tastes and all
  20. That'd be my suggestion as well, swap coil leads and see if it follows. Then check connections-I think someone else has just recently had this problem and it was traced back to a loose connector. Pretty common with these things to have a bad connection somewhere, but at least it's easy to fix. If nothing else, you'll learn the fine art of troubleshooting on this forum!
  21. I have two good friends, one who has graduated MMI and one who has just started. Both enjoy/enjoyed it a lot, and the one who is done makes 65k/year as a service manager at a major Honda dealer here in Reno. FWIW, I almost got out myself for this school-it looks like they have a great program. But it's like anything else...you have to work hard to get the best jobs/pay. I'm with jrt- call 'em up and talk to them. They'll send lots' o free info your way.
  22. felix42o

    Fuel tank removal

    It's like I just re-read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance again in eight posts. Good stuff all.
  23. Damn. Just bought a fresh set last week. That's a pretty nice deal, just the same.
  24. Well, after 1600 miles to, around, and back from Washington State I've noticed something I find strange. While bouncing my trip meter's readings against that of various mile markers and distance signs, it seems my tripmeter is pretty darn accurate, clicking over precisely at each highway mile marker sign for at least six miles, until I got bored and forgot about it. Further, I know for a fact that the speedometer reads 'bout 6-8% high, as checked that against more than one kind friend acting as a pace car. In short, it seems the speed reads optimistic and the odometer is dead on. Any thoughts?
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