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Now I have another "compact" bike, the Monster Evo, absolutely brilliant and surprisingly comfortable, for me but also my wife, who found it - after a 30 min ride, no long ones yet - more comfy than the 1200S !!!!!
Hi Baldini, yes I agree the v11 is nothing like the Le Mans mk1 I had, a brilliant, compact bike with heaps of kudos ... I once rode across the Massif Central though (bumpy ...) with my wife on the back ... after a (short) while, she started whingeing about the stiff suspension. So I remembered having read you had to go fatser to get stiff suspension to work ... arund 100mph and things were whizzing, all working fine. By the time we'd done another 150 miles, we arrived at our hotel in Millau and ... she did get out of bed for dinner but then didn't resurface until 1pm the following day ... so the mk1 finally went, we got something more comfortable and she rode 1000's of miles even in the winter, so it was a good trade-off, but I'd love to have a mk1 in the garage today !!!
Hi Cabernet, Yes, what you say makes sense. Getting in the right position always helps. Around Manchester you have great moors roads where the v11 must be great to ride. The difference the position made on my Ducati st2 (steering through the footpegs, bum off the side ...) was clear ... on the Guzzi v11, I never managed by moving forwards to get enough weight on the front, due to th long tank. I also found the bike not comfy, not only due to the seat but also the shape of the tank - you don't connect with it ... On the other hand, the bike is a beautiful design aesthetically and the engine I found nigh perfect: will run through town at 1500rpm (which the 1200S won't, not to speak of the st2 or the Evo !!!!!) is torquey, smooth and powerful. Glad to hear you enjoy the v11, and I guess with your moniker you enjoy a drop of red as well ...
Hi Kev, From the pics, you make it all look very natural, you're relaxed and enjoying it ... what have you changed on the chassis ? I found 2 major (in my eyes) faults that led me to sell the v11 for a 1200S: - light/unstable steering (although it never wobbled - just the feel, but night & day compared to the 1200s and the Monster Evo I now have) - missed gears in bends: I was never confident that I'd have the drive, always worried about a false neutral and unhooking one of the tyres ... Maybe I was unlucky on those 2 points ? My dealer is very competent and said those 2 faults were there - put up with them ... Cheers, Pete
Hello Baldini, Brakes are fine ... just do miss (on a Guzzi) the integrals ... and don't understand why they gave them up, even if Honda & BM have caught up (but these aren't Guzzi's are they !!!) Good riding
Just a detail - my bike is now a 1200 Sport, without ABS ...
Hi all, A long time ago (!), I had a T3 and then a Le Mans mk1 (why did I sell it ... ???) with integral braking ... arriving in a curve, a touch on the pedal and the bike was glued to the road at both ends, very stable, and the right hand stayed free to smooooothly roll off (on) the throttle. This is the point I miss the most on the modern bikes. If you're coming into the curve too fast (it happens), there's always a difficult moment when you realise it, and go for the brakes and - in doing so for the front brake - simultaneously have 2 problems: - rolling off the throttle too sharply - grabbing the front brake too hard all of which results in undue fork-plunging and pressure on the front tyre-patch It seemed better, around 30 years ago !!! My dealer says it should be possible to adapt the (non-ABS) brakes to make them 'integral' - has anyone tried ? Any experience ? Thanks & good riding ...
Hi guys, Last Sunday in the Black Forest, 100% in the wet (max speeds say 70 mph ++ sometimes ...) : 4.9 L / 100 km (according to the computer which is probably "optimistic" but still) over a distance of 240km, that's 58mpg (imperial ...) by my accounts. In the company a R1200R, an RT and a Varadero. There weren't many other bikes out (morning + wet = stay in the warm), but we had a great time. See yer
Av range : I'm getting better range than I've had on any bike ... easily more than I can take before a break. I haven't measured it. Usually the Generally therefore, I'm refilling before the warning light goes on, as - at that stage - you put in close to 20L, which means only 3L left, ie chance of running out, with say only 60km range left, which on the motorway or on country roads can mean no stations close by (I don't use GPS). So, on slow country roads at 5L/100, that means a range of approx 400km, which ties up with what I've read people getting elsewhere, approx 300km on the motorway (at legal speeds), both of these would be considering using the full 20L, leaving 3L (assuming that's there, which I don't know). The other points about this bike are : - it's good looking ... - probably the best pillion ever (seat good, excellent hand-holds, v good legroom), which is the main reason why I changed from the v11, which was only "good" for about 1 1/2 hours for the pillion - luggage : when I picked-up the bike, it had the (older style) black panniers on, which are well-made & solidly-fixed, if heavy - instrumentation is v good & clear - zero vibration anywhere, so far The only "down" sides are : - (I'm told due to a lighter flywheel) it won't handle 6th gear at less than 2000rpm, which is too slow in town, which is definately less cool than the old chuggy Guzzis, including the v11 - (Due to the single exhaust?) the sound is less good. The popping on overrun doesn't bother me, but it's less "v-twin" than the older bikes, which is strange, 'acuse there's still two big pots poking out the sides ... Cheers from Alsace
Hi guys, I have a 1200S bought in June with 9000km on the clock. It's the 1st bike I've had with fuel consumption calculated. Basically, I'm getting 5L/100km (56MPG) and recently got a tankful at 4.7L/100km, without motorways. On the other hand, I then hit the motorway, and with 140km/h on the clock and with a bit of a headwind, was getting 8L/100km, ie 35MPG. So it's a roller coaster ! Anyway, with the 23L tank, I seem to go over 250km with still half-full showing, which WAY better than the v11 or the previous st2, which was a brilliant bike ... So with the ups and downs, I'm trying to ignore the fuel consumption ... and enjoy it (which any Guzzi is great for !) enjoy your weekend
This sounds like a great idea - much better than loud exhausts etc ... I agree with the "broomsticks" I have today ... What did you pay for the springs ? Is there a special reference to order (or is there a website to look them up ?) If I have them fitted and set-up, how many hours labour am I likely to pay ? Would you do something similar at the rear ? Thanks Pete
Hi guys I bought a 2001 V11 (red frame), replacing a Ducati st2 and after this, on the original BT57 tyres, it was definately nothing like as stable in sweepers, nor as neutral in slower bends, as the st2. I now have Michelin Pilot Power on it with a 160 at the back. Since then, no feeling of unsteadiness in the sweepers and beautifully neutral everywhere. I also feel it's faster steering, due to the 160 rear. Now definately a great bike to ride ... Take it easy but take it, as they say !
OK, here we go : 1st improvement : the Phillips "+50%" bulb went in and ... well, OK, it was a dry, warmish night yesterday, but the beam seems much better, at least I would feel confident to take on a long night ride, knowing I could actually see something in front. I'll certainly keep you posted if I do the relays. I've not yet taken off the tank, having (other) things to do on a Saturday afternoon - for those who have routed cables from the battery, is this a necessity ? Should I not be worried and just start ripping off all the pipes ?
Hello guys Firstly, thanks to all : I managed to find Gary Cheek's instructions on how to do the relays. Secondly, I bought a H4 Phillips "50% more light" bulb, which should go in tomorrow, easy. For the relays, where do you find them ? Do you have to go to a specialist shop or what ? Is there a website in Europe for these ? Also, on Gary's instructions, I read "16 gauge" wire : is this how many mm² is this ? Enjoy your Sunday. Who's going out ? I hope to ! Pete
Hello all, Recently went out in strong winds, at night, in the rain, with heavy oncoming traffic, lights ablaze ... I couldn't see a lot ... I've been looking for the threads on headlamp relays, bulbs etc : can someone be so kind as to indicate the threads ? Or tell me your experience on the best improvement is, in terms of relays, bulbs etc ? I don't want to spend a lot (Scottish origins... or maybe it's just me) and I like the bike as it is, so no additional driving lamps (anyway, the problem with seeing at night is always, in my humble opinion, on dipped beam, not when there's nothing coming and you can happily light up the universe (I used to have both beams on, on my Mk1 Le Mans in the good old days, with 100W on main, which helped keep your hands warm from the radiation - never melted though). Otherwise, seasonal salutations to you all, great website ... Pete
Hello Pete, I'm interested (have a 2001 v11 sport), but can you -no doubt repeat - what the problem is, that you're trying to solve ? Does oil starvation happen with say just normal braking ? Or do you have to be going like crazy ? Have others had problems ? What does it cause ? I never heard of this on the Tonti-framed bikes. Also, I've checked the sump bolts, none are seized, but do you think I might have problems getting the sump off, even with all bolts removed ? It took me hours and and a lot of sweat years ago on the old 850T3 ... (I never tried on the mk1 Le Mans I had after). Another Pete
hi there redguzzi, big J and jrt, I have a bog-standard v11 2001, which I'm v happy with (just did a return weekend to London, 1400km, with my son : the bike ran very well, no sputtering, etc and handling is - nearly - perfect with a new set of Pilot Powers. I also got 5.7 - 6.5 litres/100km, at 130 - 140km/h, which I was pleasantly surprised with, no more than my previous Ducati) So I've still got the original Lafranconi's, box in the middle, air-filter etc. Living near Strasbourg, I want to keep the Lafranconi's for the E-mark, to be able to ride through Switzerland without trouble : they confiscate bikes at the border if too noisy ... Did you fit the Mistral crossover with the original Lafranconi's ? What difference did it make to the sound (wouldn't mind it being a bit deeper : a mate of mine has a Centauro which is like a complete symphony orchestra ...) ? Re : lean carburation after the change, is it not enough to check the colour of the plugs and listen for pinking ? Do they fit straight on, or are sawing, filing, bending involved (I heard some arrive not straight) ? What's involved with fitting a Power Commander ? Would be interested to hear from you ...
Here's my 2c worth : on my 2001 v11 (red frame), I just changed the original BT57's for Pilot Powers, 120 front, 160 rear ... the bike has become : - absolutely neutral, with & without pillion - lighter steering - rock steady ... what more do you want ? The handling is now pretty close to the ducati I had before. We did over 200k's yesterday. Rock steady at 170kph, easy at 130, a doddle anywhere lower. Haven't yet used all the sidewall, but we're getting there... And the engine is sooooo smooth compared to the duc ... fantastic ! Should be a good summer ...
any lady who comes from Scotland any the back of any bike, from Scotland, down the A1, round the M25, thru the Tunnel, down to Saverne and beyond (and back), even with footpegs moved forward, is ... a young lady ! Enjoy your Sunday !
hi mike thanks for the reply : it certainly looks a good mod and the most interesting point is that you say the young lady really appreciates it. If you could post the drawing it would help. I looked again at the pegs and thought it must be possible to make a mounting that allows the original (folding, but also good-looking) pegs to be used. Is there a reason you didn't do that ? Also, have you noticed any movement in the pegs, with the extra leverage (and play ?) due to the additional part ? Did you make the part in aluminium ? thanks for your help. you'd be welcome to call in on your next tour (good curves around here ...)
hi guys ! I bought a very nice v11 (2001) after returning to bikes thru Ducati (st2), after Le Mans mk1 many years ago (much fun and nearly changing wife ...) Has anybody managed to move the passenger footpegs forward ? It seems to me the v11 could be perfectly acceptable 2-up thus (I've never thought of getting a Goldwing ...) I did some good 8 - 9 hour days with the kids on the st2, but I think more than 2h on the v11 wuld be tough as is ... Mine's still wearing BT57's : can I expect a different bike by putting BT010 or 014 or Michelin Pilot Powers ? The last ones seem to get very good reports and I know how tires can make a difference ...