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Everything posted by 99d12
Hey guys, thought I would check in to see how the ride was shaping up. Looks like it is all coming together well and I wish you the best weather and hope the local finest treat you fairly, or better yet they just let you go! Treating this crew fairly would end up with a bunch of MG's in the impound lot. By the way, my son Derek is now a police officer in Scottsboro, Al. So if you are passing through and get pulled over just tell the officer you are his uncle or something. Tried real hard to make it this year, but decided to wait on the GT8V, they should be here soon and I am hoping to be on one before the end of the year, hopefully sooner. I tried to get the guys at Motus Motorcycles to join us and let me borrow a bike but the bikes are unavailable this month. They are a nice bike but dew to the boutique status will have a nice price. Have fun and be safe! And somebody have a Peroni and Grappa for me! Later! David P.S. I am a grandpa as well now. I will need to know the proper format for next years presentation!
docc, There is always a pit stop at my place for a rider of 2 wheeled vehicles!!!! Call ahead for warm food and cold beverages!!! I even give good directions for getting here. And I will give you directions for leaving here (even ride with you for a ways) but I can not help you when you get lost on your own. Thanks for the support Bill! if you want to crash, RSVP and I will send directions!!! I know Derek would get a kick out of it! We are going to have a casual outdoor wedding so a Moto Guzzi or two will fit right in. Later! David
Hello to all South'n Spine Raider's I will regrettably not be able to make it this year!!!! Derek (my son) and fellow Spine Raider (even though on a Triumph) is getting married the weekend of the raid. He and his lovely fiancé have changed the date a few times and have screwed my plans to hell and back, but I have to be the good father that I am and will be there. Just kidding, they are great kids with a lousy sense of planning! Oh well what the hell there will be alcohol!!!! I will have some Peroni's stashed somewhere for myself and will raise a toast to the mighty Spine Raiders!!! If you guys lose your way and end up down in Alabama crash the wedding!!! Food, wine and beer for all, and a little Grappa for the chosen few! I wish to all that attend this year’s raid a great time and safe riding! Also, when you see a blue light in your mirrors, pull over and let the good officer bye!!!! docc!!! Also, since my riding year has been shot to hell, as in almost no riding and there are many more obligations coming this summer. I have put my Cafe on EBay, the wedding was just the last straw. I also put my Triumph on as well. I am going back to only having to care for one bike. A bike that is yet not decided upon. I will start shopping as soon as these two sell. The wife says she needs more comfort! I see a Norge in my future, so all is not lost!!!! See you Guzzistas next year if not sooner! Safe riding!!! David
FalcoLion Please PM me. I am interested in the CF cans. Looked on your web site but did not see them. Thanks! David
South'n Spine sounds good but I must say "Spine Raiders" sounds better! How about "The Southern Spine Raiders!" with a buccaneer theme. Kinda has a Pirates of the Caribbean sound to it. Arrrg! Arrrg! We ride Guzzi's! Got a bitch! We'll take your spine!!! I can see a whole line of T-shirts and merchandise from this! Derek (my son) and I made it home fine. What a great weekend! If you ride a Guzzi and live in the SE US and have the chance to join us next year you will not be disappointed. This is a loose group, all about the bikes and the ride with a heap of personality to boot. I just got home and shared a couple bottles of wine with my incredibly understanding wife, who said she will be there next year!!! I think there is a Norge coming in the next few months! Yea Ha! Then it will be Bill and I bringing up the rear with our two great wives as pillions, stem wear anyone? we have fine wine! and cheese! I hope everyone makes it home safe, I know we have a few riders still on the road as I type this. Better than great weekend!!! Thanks to docc for organizing everything! And special thanks to the guys at Coarse Motor Sport for being open late and having a tire, to Josh for picking up the tire and delivery, to Gary for mounting and balancing the tire, and docc and Dave for all the stuff in between my discovering I have cords showing (on a 2500 mile tire) at 6:00PM on Thursday evening and having a new tire on the bike by 10:30PM. Rock n' Roll Baby! We rolled at 8:30 am Friday morning! These are great people to ride with! My son thinks we are all certifiable, but he can't wait until next year! Ballabio anyone? Later! Time for Sushi! David
Leaving for Columbia this afternoon! If I can get out of here early enough will do all back roads, there are some very good ones between here and there (AL65 to Huntland) . My son was 50/50 on making the ride last night, work obligations. Those things suck! See you guys in the morning! Is that 7:00am for breakfast or 7:00am we are rolling? David
OK, It doesn't look that bad! As long as you keep turning right you should be OK??? My Triumph is ready to go if you need a bike! I have been working on the Cafe today and fitting new bags, the D12 was over in the corner feeling very rejected knowing it would miss all those twisties. So if you want to ride the old girl I am sure you will put a on her face. Just let me know so we can make arrangements. Good luck with the forks! David
Reservations have been made!!! Docc what route will you take across TN. I have not decided if I will ride up Thursday night and meet you at the Cracker Barrel or meet you along the way on Friday. Looking forward to a great weekend! David
BUMP!!! It is getting close!!! Docc have you already made hotel reservations? I am going to make reservations soon. Looks like you will have to ride with a Triumph again!!!! No I did not sell the Cafe, I will be riding that. But my son will be joining us on his Daytona 955i. I am very busy between now and June, but if you get a ride together let me know. AL65 is calling my name!!! I have a new road to check out as well, north of Scottsboro. The SCCA does a hill climb event there every year. Later! David PS - do not look at my odometer on the Guzzi, my Triumph is much more comfortable (warmer, wind protection) than the Cafe so it pulls most of the winter duty.
Hey Bill, We were parked right next to you. Look at your picture titled "Ditto" - top left is my Daytona, center is Josh with the 1100 Sport and docc is right in front of him. We got there early and left late, we were away from the parking area a long time. We saw most everything, even the Trials course, I would not recommend the Trials course unless you are on a dirt bike. We were on foot and did a little trail breaking because docc said it was shorter and we would miss the steep hill! Ha! Ha! It was getting dark before we got back to the bikes. What a great weekend! A true Motorcyclist sensory overload! By the way, I'm heading to Germany next week and will procure some Grappa, I will hide 1 bottle for our next ride! Later! David
Just got back from dropping off the Cafe for it's initial once over. Thank God the Goose is a waterfowl!!! It rained buckets most of the 3 1/2 hour ride, but I stilled enjoyed every minute of the trip . I will pick it up Friday the 18th and will be ready to go on the 19th. So Docc we need to make this whiskey run official and set a time to meet . Talk to you later! David
Got the Cafe! The only difference from the Coppa is the paint and pipes. The Coppa is a real beauty but to be honest I like the understated looks of the Cafe better. It doesn't jump out at you, but rather slips up from behind. Later! David
Sorry Barrett82 The Cafe is no longer at the dealer! It is in my garage!!!! But you may want to check with him to see what is available. Atlanta Motor World, talk to Shawn. Later! David
Great ride Guys!!! Thanks for the invite. It took all week for the adrenaline buzz to ware off! But now I have a different buzz going, picked up the Cafe yesterday and road home last night. Pictures and my impressions will come later. I need to go ride now. Later! David
Not sure how this got so far off topic??? Thanks for all your views on this question. I appreciate the input! I will be getting the 04 Cafe Sport, already made a deposit on my new baby. Should be able to get it next week. Thanks! David
This is the Daytona 1200! I agree about the handlebars! The Cafe has the Ohlins! Thanks for your input! David
Almost pulled the trigger on a Coppa Italia last December but life got in the way and couldn't do it. I called the dealer back a few months later but the Coppa was gone. So I set my mind to the fact that if I were going to get a Guzzi it was going to be a newer model. I like the Breva and was waiting to see what the Norge is like before I make my decision. No problem, I can wait I have a bike to ride for now. I am keeping my Triumph Daytona 1200 anyways. Well the dealer called this week and said he just got his hands on a brand new 2004 Cafe Sport!!! My heart says get the Cafe while my brain says wait for one of the newer Guzzi. The Cafe is a much better buy price wise but one of the newer bikes will be more practical for Sport-touring w/pillian. Help!!! David
I will be getting mine soon!!! On other sites I have read that the Coppa Italia comes with an extra set of Titanium Exhaust and a chip as part of the deal. Is this true? My dealer did not mention this when we were talking over the bike ? Did any other Coppa owners get these with their bike? Thanks! David
Don't want to piss off any dealers or folks selling used Coppa Italias, but just a bit over $10,000 OTD! Out the crate! David
Atlanta Motor World located in Roswell GA. Great folks so far! My first time dealing with them, they seem to be into the sport and not just trying to make a $$$! The price I got made the deal impossible to turn down. Later! David
Guzzi it is!!!! Test ride went very well!!! I love my current bike (Triumph Daytona 1200) and it is a keeper, but the Guzzi is so different and what I have been looking. I have ridden many bikes over the last 24 months and this one really flipped my switch in every way! The bike I rode was a demo, Ballabio, but they had a Coppa Italia in the back that was already sold. The Coppa Italia in person is so awesome. Also, I found the stock fly screen to be fine so I may not make the Le Mans fairing mod. We will see. Made a down payment for a Coppa Italia today. Just have to wait a few weeks for delivery. Later! David
This quest has been a long time coming! Fell in love with the MG brand back in 1967, when a friend of the family had one. I was 7 and didn't know much about bikes, but thought that was the coolest one that I had seen. Started riding dirt bikes when I was 12 and road all the Jap stuff. First real road bike was an 83 VF45 Interceptor, great bike! Whish I had kept it, you guys know how that goes. Ended up in Germany in 1983 and saw my first Le Mans 1000. Thought about that old MG from "67" MG is still the coolest!!! Well since then many bikes have come and gone but due to circumstances I can't fully explain no Guzzi's. My current ride is a 1999 Triumph Daytona 1200SP. Love this bike and it is a keeper!!! Learned my lesson with the Interceptor. Long introduction, sorry! But I am finally going to look at some Guzzi's and test ride in the morning!!!! I have ridden a Breva 750, had a ball with that great little bike, a possibility for the wife one day. But never one of the bigger models. My first choice is a V11 Rosso Corsa, but they are almost impossible to find. I did find a new Coppa Italia for a good price. Also saw the mods from one of the members here with the Le Mans Fairing painted to match. That is a beautiful bike!!! If everything works out there may be another similar bike posted here. The dealer that I am going to seems to have many varieties of the Naked V11 model line. Is there one that stands out over the others that I should look for? I like the Coppa Italia and it seems to match the spec sheet of the Rosso Corsa very closely, or am I wrong with this comparison? Also, does anybody have any information about the 06 Falcone GT 1200? I have seen some poor quality pictures of this bike and it looks interesting. Thanks! David