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Everything posted by wsholar

  1. That's cool, Greg. I'm enjoying mine so far. Eric Hjeltness (Le Mans I at the SD Rally) is really itching for a Ballabio too. Any leads on another used one? Post pictures when you're done with it, okay?
  2. I found the Griso generally fit me better than my Ballabio-- kind of like it was made for me. It's a similar position to the Ballabio, but I think the Griso bars might be a bit wider and and the seat a bit closer to the bars. The position is not unlike that of a Suzuki SV, but the tank is lower and more out of the way.
  3. Although I'm known to frequent downtown Pasadena, alas, my V11 Sport Ballabio is RED, and at 1pm Saturday, I was sitting on a BLACK Griso at the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach. The Griso's a nice bike, but the can's just too big.
  4. That bike is clearly a stripped Breva in 1000S clothes. Shouldn't take them more than a few weeks/months to sort it out.
  5. Regrettably, I'll be missing the first Lookout gathering, as I'll be exploring Mayan ruins and Caribbean reefs that weekend-- somebody's gotta do it, ya know. But, let's try to do something another weekend in Jan-- A little GRR (sounds kinda mean, eh?) perhaps? Then, I'll be looking forward to making the run down to The Lookout in Feb. Gotta get a buddy belt at the bike show so owen can experience the ballabio for the first time. w
  6. Hey, Dave! Come for a ride in my back yard on Glendora Mountain Road/Glendora Ridge Road! GMR is about 200 curves in 14 miles: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=from%3A+E+Ea...16894&f=d&hl=en And GRR is about 150 curves in 12 miles: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=from%3A+glen...16894&f=d&hl=en And and Don's back yard, there's Little Tujunga Road, about 150 curves in 10 miles: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=from%3A+Litt...08447&f=d&hl=en And when you get bored with those, I guess there's always that little 75-mile stretch of road in Rich's back yard, ANGELES CREST HWY: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Angeles+Cres...,0.646442&hl=en w
  7. Heh heh. Sounds like the X was made just for you. Should be a really fun bike. I really like it.
  8. However, be warned that you need a 33-34" inseam to touch the ground flat with both feet on the X. I've ridden a Quota and a V-Strom (combined 50K miles), and the X is considerably higher than both of those bikes.
  9. I couldn't agree more. The only practical application for that V-Rod motor is in a full-dresser touring bike like an LT, Gold Wing, or Ultra Classic. The V-Rod certainly could not keep pace with a stock Griso in the mountains-- and a Griso with the MGS-01 motor would produce power bands better than the V-Rod's with much less weight. This comparison is laughable. w
  10. It opens in LA and NY 12/9, and limited US release in Feb. of '06. We should get some guys together locally to ride to it and see it. w
  11. Ah yes, here you are: photo 1 Left to right, that's my son, Owen, yours truly, Jedione68, MG SPD Racer, and Triumph Jim looking on. Don't know who the chap is in the black shirt w/red stripes on the sleeves-- maybe Munro's grandson? And here's the link to the split view: photo 2 w
  12. They had this bike on display at the Hansen Dam British Bike Rally a few weeks ago here in LA. I guess it was here because they've been shooting the movie here. Jedione68 or SoCalDon have photos of it, I believe. It's a truly remarkable machine right out of the 20's, with a few, er, special modifications. Can't wait to see the film w
  13. Hey, Dave, my understanding is that the US version of the Norge is to be named "Falcone." Looks like you'll get your wish. w
  14. Oh, I know, but I guess I should be a little less cryptic: Come, ride with me (and anybody else who wants to ride), stay at my home, eat my food, drink my beer, hang on my patio. Bring your better half if you want. Be our guest in Commietown! w
  15. Dave, you slay me man! Click here to see the "Sholar/Walton San Gabriel Lookout B&B" at 915 Ridgeside Dr. in Monrovia. w
  16. Hey, thanks Dave. when we goin' ridin' again? you need to get your liberal self up here and hang out at the San Gabriel Lookout B&B (aka my joint) some weekend. we'll treat ya right. w
  17. They've got your Ballabio for w
  18. Now see, you don't even have to be particularly patient. Click here to see a low-mileage Ballabio for sale in SC.
  19. You can get the same bike at otdcyclesports.com (in LA) for $9,300 out the door, and they pretty much own the market on cheap new bikes. So, unless you feel strongly about saving $400-500 (figuring costs to come get it), then stick with your local guy. That's my I just got my Ballabio with less than 5K miles, Corbin, custom-tuned PC3, Mistral Ti cans, tank bag, etc. for less than $7K, so remember, they're out there, you just might have to be patient to save some dough. w
  20. No, I haven't, and I can't imagine I ever will-- the Corbin will be my solo seat. The stock seat will function as my 2-up seat. The Corbin fits much nicer, although a bit slippery and stiff until broken in. w
  21. I just bought my first V11 Sport, so I'm joining the list now. Just bought an '04 Ballabio w/Titanium Mistrals/Stucchi/PC3 and Corbin seat. Here it is: I live in the LA area, in Monrovia, overlooking the San Gabriel Valley. I've got about 60,000 Guzzi miles and about 200,000 total miles over 35 years of riding. Looking forward to being a Guzzisto again. w
  22. wsholar

    hello from Santa Fe

    I was going to get that bike, but you beat me to it! C'est la vie. I Guzzi'd around Santa Fe/NNM for a coupla years. I know the roads well. I'm in the LA area now. Ah yes, across the street from Los Ojos in Jemez Springs, right? Hwy 4 was my favorite close-by road. Nice seeing your pictures-- they bring back fond memories. Glad you're enjoying the Guzzi. w
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