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Keith Foster

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Everything posted by Keith Foster

  1. Bike is on eBay now, item #2191066022784 Well, that’s it, let me know if you are interested in more info or pictures via a private message.
  2. Wow! - the MX'er is way cool! I'd read that GMG was scratched by the bean counters for this year. But the faithful turned out anyway...
  3. You were very close, it went to $7500 on the nose. I wonder if the new owner will show up here? Did you get it Twin AH?
  4. Between my original speeod/odo and the electric VDO I fitted, I'm at a tick over 64,000 miles now.
  5. Typo on my part, I meant to convey I've run it for the last 40K or so miles.
  6. The last 5-7 years I've used a Valvoline 20w-50 motorcycle specific oil. It readily available at most of the large US auto store chains. I chose it based on an Amsoil article I read comparing their oils to a group of several other oils. It had higher levels of zinc than most others in the comparison, was easily sourced and was reasonably priced. I run it in the neighborhood of 40K miles, she might use 1/2 a quart between changes and valve adjustments are entirely occasional.
  7. In some of the US mags there is a blurb that the Ipothesys outfit is offering kits to convert a Griso. It does look very cool to me. I just love the design. If you go to the Ipothesys web site they have a decent bit of info. I've tried signing up to their newsletter several times but something goes wrong and I just get a "Page Not Available" return message. It's tempting to find a crashed late model Griso and build up a sweet cafe bike using their kit.
  8. I think somebody here got around this problem by having a short drive cable made so that the sender could be positioned out of harms way,but your way could be better. That would be me ...my conversion is documented here... http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13532&hl=speedometer Nice work here too!
  9. I'm also interested in what design/colors/long-short sleeve so and so works out...
  10. For the mileage question...I've got 56K on my '04 and engine/driveline wise it is doing great. It has had an electrical glitch (the ECU early on) and two speedometers have died (finally replaced by a non Motor Guzzi unit). I don't add any oil between changes and get 40-42 mpg. Go for the Guzzi....way more chrisma
  11. I run one of the sheep skin pads from Aerostitch, great in the summer as it doesn't scorch you like vinyl or leather does.
  12. I just swapped out the original Spark from my '04 Nero and went with the PC 545 too. It wasn't that the Spark was totally dead, but it was slow to turn over, particulary under 40F. I didn't want to get stranded at work so I did a premptive change out. The two batteries look identical, shoot, I bought the PC last February and didn't get around to installing it until December. I left it sit in the box on a shelf in the garage all spring/summer/fall. I put it on the Tender over the weekend and I'm good to go. You should be happy with its performance.
  13. I've got 54K miles on the Nero, the original front pads and discs are getting low. Since I'm starting to scout out options I came across this topic. Clicking on the w8lessbrakes.com link brought me to another link Matrix Looking around the site, they basically say Harleys only...I'll email and see what they say. I haven't seen any other chatter on these...anybody have knowledge/experience with them? Rather interesting.
  14. Cut the tire in a cross section to show him what "thin ice" looks like..... Does his vehicle tires look like this ? Probably not............ That is a very good suggestion and actually I would love to see the picture here too, please? That would be very interesting! Both rear and front. Sorry, they're already gone to the re-cycler, that was good suggestion though.
  15. Earlier this summer a coworker finally bought new tires for his Suzuki TL1000. I'd been after him to order them for a year or so, well he took his time getting around to it, he pushed it to the last straw I'd say. Actually further than the last straw, as the rear tire would not hold air any longer. He had to trailer it to my place to install the new tires. Have you ever seen someone take a set of tires this far?
  16. >I'm having a little trouble with my clutch. Sometimes when I go down into first and have the clutch lever in the bike still wants to move forward. Coincidently I've been noticing the same issue recently, yeah, not long after I'd done a full fluid swap as part of my 48K mi. service. I didn't think I'd let any air get in...but I guess I did. As a former K bike (K75RT + K100RT) I've done several spline lube jobs in years past, but have heard it wasn't needed on our era bikes. Urban myth?
  17. On your Q#2 - I change it every other engine oil change. I've run Royal Purple, now I have Mobil 1 gear oil in it with a 5% moly (Dow GearGuard M)addition.
  18. I'll chip in as I recently picked up an '06 Honda ST1300 for USD 9000.00 It had 2500 miles, so it was virtually new. It is a cruise missle, has the bags, big faring. loads of odds and ends one can add. Honda made the V4 in this bike very smooth. Yeah, its a heavy bike, but that melts away when you get rolling. To my suprise it corners wonderfully.
  19. I took a crack at removing them last fall for a repaint. But I gave up taking them off all of the way as a couple of bolts around the big horizontal frame tube were very tough to get to, if I recall several other things needed to unbolt to get to them, so I masked off the surrounding areas (quite the job in itself) and sprayed them in place. I'd be interested if someone has any tips.
  20. I rented years ago from a company called Bianco Blu, they were on the north side of Milan. If they are still the same people, I'd recommend them. Riding in Italy and surrounding countries is a great experience - good luck!
  21. I'm planning on a trip this summer and had been wondering about just this thing. Yes, I'm interested - have details surfaced?
  22. For a past job , several years ago, I spent a month at this place: Torrette Hotel and I highly recommend it. It is not far from Mandello and run by a great family. The son (Luca Riva) rides a Ducati S4RS and can reccomend many roads (if you will be riding) and they run a wonderful restaraunt in house.
  23. Hi Alan - I have the same kit on order from Eastern Beaver, it should arrive soon. Let us know what you think of the results when you're done, regards.
  24. Hi Mike, a great looking bike! One question - what is the long braided line coming out of the bevel drive box? I realize it should be the vent, but why so long? Does it go to a catch can under the seat or something? Just wondering.
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