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About theoneandonly

  • Birthday 02/16/1960

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    cali stone

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  1. Quota , a little quirky , get 'em sorted and they're fine . i've got 2 . , 2 mates in Italy have some . odd parts ...you just have to work eBay a bit. there were no more than 40 imported into the UK.
  2. was searching for something else and this popped up . James is a nice bloke , he did have a V11 , he did gig with his guitar on his back. he comes from a long line of military people in his family , he is a babe magnet ( different girl everytime he came in ( once he was famous )) his parents were most upset, when he quit the army, but they calmed down as it all came good. he is quite shy. i certain guzzi mechanic ( also ebay seller ditchpimp1 ) in London, claimed on another forum, to have worked on his bike , but when the new owner rang up and asked....i supplied all the invoices with his name on them. he now drives a cobra ( not a real one ). talk about reviving an old thread.
  3. there is a 3rd gen speedo sensor available , i haven't had one of those fail .....yet. they have been around for a few years.
  4. unless the selling dealer recorded the key number.
  5. i'm running a 30 amp fuse , it is a solenoid problem, i think.
  6. so what happened then ?
  7. hmm , i think this ebay dealer is bent . based in Latvia. wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot barge pole .
  8. Piaggio seem to want to have all their products in one shop . We ( Corsa ) weren't interested in doing everything else they sell , so received little support from them . they were quite happy, to dump all their problem warranty jobs on me, and open up new dealers , in the area we moved from , thus cutting our market out .
  9. lent mine to a friend , who is bored , and needs something to play with in his garage
  10. check the clutch cut-out switch ? does it crank when you turn the bars ? I've had this loads of times
  11. Sad news , Corsa Italiana Ltd , the firm i worked at for 13.5 years has folded .
  12. or 07536 116 176 , in se9 4tu , search baldrick and guzzi .
  13. yes , slave is at back of g/box we did bleed clutch , flush bell housing , fixed it for a day ....changed m/cyl ....ALL GOOD .
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