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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. GOOD News! Aaron provided me with this update on Wednesday, sorry for the delay in its posting... The shims were going to be ready by Friday (yesterday), and we will start deliveries on the 31st, when he gets back from a business trip. Thanks for your patience.
  2. Come on guys, think it through... the people that buy Guzzi's know what they are getting - reliable rolling art! I spent $2K, and got a very smooth riding bike. It feels slow, so it is easier to ride than the stock bike. I was zipping by cars before I realized I was cruising at 110. I am only going 80 when I get that same comfortable feeling on the stock bike. Is the performance/comfort worth the $2K? I haven't decided, so I still have all of the original parts. Anyway... I posted cost and performance data for folks to do with as they please. Perhaps my response to Peter was too abrupt. I did not mention that I appreciated his well written thoughts. It was not my intention to stifle or attack... I went cheap with the words, and bottom-lined it to get feedback on my next mod. I really like the look of the QuatD and I would like more torque. When all is said and done, I blame Polebridge, and the next Polebridge that comes into the forum and asks about performance mods. Wait.. that was my first question to the forum. I am still geting it answered, and I am sharing back what I can. Cheers!
  3. Peter, Gimme .25c worth of your thoughts for my next experiment. I'll be starting with a 2003 stock LeMans and I plan to add a QuatD exhaust, smaller valves, port the head, PC3, and bigger air filter.
  4. Polebridge - I finally got around to scanning the parts list and dyno chart. I am getting 40 mpg when cruising at 85mph.
  5. Anthony

    Best helmet?

    As the folks have said, there are lots of good helmets. Keep trying them on until you find one that is snug but has no pressure points. I wear a Shoei Z-Two. It is a full-face helmet and I've had three shields cracked from being spayed by debris - gravel to golf-ball sized rocks. I've got ding marks all over it - front an back. I like taking long rides, so a light-weight and well-ventilated helmet helps. The internal pads are removable for easy washing. I wear ear plugs, to keep the wind noise down. I went with a solid color, white. Next time more color, maybe either the Shoei Lawson Limited or an Arai Quantum 2 Retro Corsa My Happy riding!
  6. ! Tremendous write-up... I felt like I was riding instead of reading. You set quite a standard to follow. Thank you for sharing.
  7. DO IT! I bought a 2004 LeMans this past December from FBF and had them install their cross-over, CF slip-ons, high compression pistons, oversize valves(intake and exhaust), air filter, ported the heads, and added a PC3. Mr. F did the mapping. It is smooth and seems endless - both power and torque went up. Also, there is a noticeable difference in the vibration when it compared to my stock (execpt FBF air filter and PC2) 2003 LeMans. The 2003 was not mapped on a dyno. I am playing with it, which explains alot. As soon as there is a break in the weather, I plan on taking it up to get mapped I'll post the dyno and the parts list for the 2004.
  8. Thanks Leo. It is good to know that about Donelson Cycles. I was considering a 2002 LeMans, but an Orthodontist took my money to change my 11 year old from to . TX was just pushing his own dealer, as it turned out. I followed up with an email to him. I took his few words hook, line, and sinker, only to get a large, bold MPH reply. Should have known it, he has a few threads out there. Again, thanks for the info.
  9. Yes, thanks for the help, the ideas, and the help to come. Cheers to Aaron for wherewithall
  10. Why are you selling any thing?
  11. Outstanding !
  12. Anthony


    Please send info about the rides in WV. I spend a good share of time there visiting family in Morgantown and Lost River.
  13. Maryland is having great weather. Yesterday was 60F with clear sky and today we had some rain in the morning and then it cleared, about 45F. The plants are mixed up... my neighbor's forsythia is blooming already.
  14. Based on Antonio's description, I got the same part numbers as Paul. They are: 04 21 14 00 - one piece, a 3rd Gear (Z=22) on the main shaft, and the other is 04 21 47 00 - one piece, a 3rd Gear (Z=30) on the upper lay shaft. I checked the Ferracci site and did not see anything for transmission parts. I'll check another site and update this reply if I find something.
  15. Anthony


    I've been living vicariously through these Winter Riding postings since my bike has been on the blocks. Well, finally, I am back on the road. Thanks to MPH, I got some cross-over shims for the '03 LM ( Still looking to buy two sets of the stainless steel shims ) and FBF for finishing the work on my new '04 LM. I picked it up in Phily on Saturday and took the long way home, 240 miles. It was a beautiful sunny day and very clear night, 55F start and 41F finish. It was a wonder the finish temperature wasn't lower that it was. It was a very smooth ride, really pointing out what a skilled map maker can do for a bike. Great fun, given I was keeping within the break-in rpms! I got some wonderful ideas from the forum for tuning, thank you. I'll post the '04s specs in the Tuning Basics in the Technical topic, as soon as I scan its Dyno graphs. I am still working on configuring the '03, but one thing is for sure, I will have a map made for it. I like being hands-on , but I never could have got it as smooth as the '04s performance.
  16. Al, Welcome to the East coast. I'm in Maryland, 20910, not the vicinity, about 5 hours away, but... Between dropping-off, visiting, and picking-up my daughter at UNC and golf trips, I spend some time in NC. I happened into a restaurant near Chappel Hill, (Michaels or Mitchels??, help somebody), seems thats a gathering place for riders. I haven't been yet, but I am looking forward to giving it a try. If you haven't been told already, the western part of the state is beautiful, as is that SW corner of VA. Cheers!
  17. I am good for two sets (4 pieces). What are the latest price breaks, if any? Once the price schedule is posted there is no reason why we couldn't send it, and pictures, to our local dealer and see if they are interested in buying 5 or 10 sets. I have two places in mind. I just spent ~$59.00 ($22.40/side + $6 delivery) on a set of Guzzi shims, not to mention the 3 months I spent searching/waiting for the parts. These pieces will blow-out, again, and then I'll be back in search/wait mode, again. The OE gasket is going to fail and anyone with a MY2003+ bike will experience the problem. When mine blew out, I was more than 200 miles away from home. I still don't know if I have any valve damage. I am expecting it because I was going >95 mph when the back pressure was lost. A lower price per unit would be great, but a permanent replacement is worth the peace of mind of it, and keeping worse things from happening. There is enough stuff that can go wrong out there already. Cheers everyone. I haven't seen any more winter riding postings. What's up with that?
  18. I'd like to see how they look polished. Do you have any pics? CK - the powdercoating looks really nice How did they match the colors so well?
  19. Andy, thanks for your response. I think we should be able to get about a dozen people.
  20. I bought my x-pipe and PC from Fast by Ferracci (www.ferracci.com). I haven't done a dyno mapping, only played with the PC3 using the the feel of the ride as a guide. I'll probably get a mapping done in February.
  21. Brief recap: I blew out both of my shims, made a post to the Forum for help, and was referred to Arron Bard (Turtle) - he designed permanent and reusable shim replacement parts. Reference Thread: Floopy cross-over fixed! Fix for cross-over. April 16, 2004 (http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2528&hl=) Fast forward: I found Arron and he found his drawings and we (more him than me) are getting ready to have some shims made. Is anyone interested in buying a set. The more that are made, the lower the per unit cost. Per the reference, the costs are: 4sets for $121 each 6sets for $103 each 10sets for $86
  22. Anthony


    Lucky dog! It got into the 50's today, but the bike remains in the garage... I am still waiting for parts.
  23. Rich, I am off the fence and I am going to buy the Quat-D. There's no appearent downside to the purchase. Thanks for your response.
  24. Going into therapy this fast is a vgood sign!
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