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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. I've been through two and a cable
  2. I have the same problem. Try slowly rotating the front wheel, to the left or right, while holding the start switch(in neutral and ignition on, too). It could be the wire from the switch to the starter is stretched and looses its contact points.
  3. Hello, I am Anthony and I've had my V11 Le Mans for 3 years. It is my 2nd, the first, a 2002 (Champagne), was totaled after 78 miles. A little 75 year-old ran it over with his SUV. He could not see over the steering wheel. 1 Month later I bought what I have now, a 'not black' 2003. I've added Ferracci slip-ons, their x-pipe, bigger air, and a PC3. I've been playing with the fuel/air mix, but will soon take it to get a map. So, I got a couple of questions I hope you can answer. How much more Omph should I get to the back wheel, given my current enhancements? Has anyone installed oversize valves - intake and exhaust? Cheers!!
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