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Everything posted by RacerX

  1. That's me too. Like Chuck says above about Rick and Gordon, we're so busy at my shop that we can't make or receive calls, AND we're buried in emails, so we have help these days. Still, we can't please everyone, and COVI-tude has changed things for the way worse on every level, including people's demands and expectations. Small business is just that. Impossible to eat restocks or we'll go out of business. I too stock tons of inventory for most all '98-current Guzzis now, including the big list of parts we make in house at my shop in Orange, CA; GTMotoCycles.com -- We'll be moving to a bigger space soon as we're bursting at the seams. @LaGrasta -- you forget all about me? Though you've never supported us to date, we do have everything you need in stock hanging on the wall. Just a short ride up as you know.
  2. What model year? If it's a 5.5 stock rear wheel model, you will not be able to easily fit Cal 1100 wheels, as the hub spacing and related with the rear brake rotor would be problematic, much less the hub spline connection would make it difficult to impossible - not saying it can't be done, but certainly not easy unless you are a machinist or have easy access to one, and even then would be very difficult per the above link. I'm a Kineo dealer and can get you the Kineo spoked wheels that are plug and play, but they are quite expensive (shown below on a customized Scura). If you are interested in a set, ping me via my website; GTMotoCycles.com - I can also custom lace wheels and source the parts. I've done many sets on a myriad of bikes. I have extensive experience in doing this, as I've owned about a dozen V11S models, and I was successful in the other direction with fitting V11S wheels to my Jackal; https://www.guzzitech.com/forums/resources/todds-jackal-evolution.235/
  3. Stano, I have a few new and used options, write me direct email; Info @ GuzziTech.com
  4. Google Alerts landing me back on this Forum on that topic. I check in time to time, but don't post as I have had my own Forum since 2005.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. docc


      Ok, so I studied up a bit on "change detection." Very interesting. I would like to say that I had no problem with your posting a reply to state your case, while I found the other fellow's frank disrespect unfortunate, to say the least. Of course, these things quickly degrade into derision and profanity, so it all had to go, and without delay. Not sure how you handle these things on your Forum. Some forums thrive on it.

      Be well and enjoy your Holidays . . .

      Best, docc

    3. RacerX


      You can set topic alerts within Google if you have or use a gmail account. They will email you either as it happens, or a daily digest which I do.

      I've had it with the Roper and Beetle bash-fest towards me. It's all completely unfounded, rude and flat out slander. I do not tolerate any of it on my Forum, but in this case I did copy/paste Roper's words to my Forum to respond.

      Hope your Holidays were good, and Happy New Year to you and yours.

    4. docc


      Thanks, man, for getting back to me. I do hope I handled that as well as it may have gone. I thought it totally off the edge from the start, but wanted everyone to get the chance to read and reply before taking it down. V11Lemans generally has had very little of this sort of thing, but the Forum Admin has strict rules and I guess I'm the guy to set them in action.

      Happy New Year!

      docc in Tennessee, USA


  5. RacerX


  6. I have a reflashed Guzzitech ECU. Best bang for the buck. I also have a V11 with a PCIII. The Guzzitech reflash is lightyears better. In fact I'm waiting for Todd to free up some time so I can get the other reflashed. If you want a PCIII cheap in a few months let me know. Thanks guys Right alongside of tires, this is a decade and a half old argument between the proclaimed "knowledgable" here and elsewhere you'll read online. "Flashing" of the ECU is an overwrite of the flash memory on the ECU itself. Yours is a Marelli 1.5M. While there are many "tools" to give you access to the ECU these days, building a map for *your* bike based on mods wear and tear, service history, etc is paramount. This is done via Air/Fuel data. As a broad brush recap, see; http://www.guzzitech.com/forums/resources/power-commanders-black-box-magic.205/ Nowadays, it's done with automotive style Bosch wide band sensors, and can be done via a Power Commander and AutoTune device which changes things in real time as you ride. Using a generic map from downloaded from the internet is largely a waste of time and highly risky based on all of those I've seen and dyno/AFR tested. The V11S Ti (kit) ECU is one of the worst offenders for poor running. Assuming your bike doesn't have a lambda/02-sensor stock, disregard the info posted above, which is completely incorrect anyway. I use real science and data provided to me by Dynojet devices (Dyno and AutoTune), by a 100 million $ company who has been at fueling revisions for a very long time. If you want to risk a downloaded map, up to you. Otherwise, feel free to contact me direct email for more info; Todd at GuzziTech.com - I've been at Guzzi Injection corrections for 15+ years. Last post here on the subject.
  7. '02 V11 Scura up for grabs, or will part out. ~21k miles, well ridden, not a show bike. If I don't get any decent offers on it in the next week or so, I'll part it out. Details on it HERE. It has a newly freshened (and never ridden) re-valved/re-sprung Ohlins rear shock with preload adjuster (total bill was ~$750), and the forks were done in the same fashion (total bill was over $1k). I also just put a new lightened Cali steel flywheel in it, never run. Ping me direct email with any questions; Todd at GuzziTech.com
  8. Guys, I have a 3X,XXX mile Scura I'm nearly giving away. It's far from perfect, but a super solid runner with a new lightened steel flywheel and clutch, and it has a never ridden reworked Ohlins shock, and forks. It has a Power Commander and custom fitted Two bros mufflers. Looking to move it quick, and priced accordingly/fairly. It can be bought here; http://www.guzzitech.com/auction/?ult_auc_id=3389 Thanks for looking/any interest.
  9. Here go; http://www.guzzitech.com/store/category/exhaust/v11s/ Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks for the post Guzzisti. Google landed me here since I just started reproducing the headers again for anyone interested; http://www.guzzitech.com/store/category/exhaust/v11s/ - thanks for the interest/sorry for the spam. Long time since I've checked in here. Good to see all of the familiar names.
  11. In my experience with Shorai... Click on the AG vs/ Shorai compare link >HERE
  12. I'm looking for a very clean '02 LM V11 Tenni. Have one or know of one for sale? Contact me here via PM or direct e-mail Todd at GuzziTech.com
  13. Guys, I'm building a rear brake solution for V11S variants, that won't be rendered useless after a few corners in the tight, twisty stuff. See this thread ->HERE I'm trying to see how much interest there is in CNC'ing a rear caliper stay bracket to accept the new 4-piston caliper... this will also finally resolve the early rear bearing failure issue as well. I'd appreciate a reply in the thread above, or direct e-mail; Todd at GuzziTech.com
  14. That would be the MG-Griso.com Forum HERE. As for ECUs, I am able to flash/program *any* 5AM ECU to work on the newer Guzzis. If anyone is in a bind, or wants revisions made, feel free to contact me direct e-mail; Todd at GuzziTech.com - specializing in performance tuning/products.
  15. Thanks David, happy to price match for anyone mentioning this site for any V11S product. p.s. Check in on the GuzziTech.com Southwest Forum, Jim is asking on who's riding this weekend down your way.
  16. I have a set of brand new fork seals and dust caps for '03+ V11 Sport variables with 43mm Marzocchi forks. Brand new in the bag. Sell for $50 shipped for everything. Also, I am able to source any ('00+) newer Marzocchi fork part. Ship worldwide. Reach me on GuzziTech or direct; Todd at GuzziTech.com
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  17. Mandello Meteor pilot Bill R's word's BLOGGED HERE.
  18. Joe, you're a week/half too late. You on your bike? We're doing a ride tomorrow, Sunday in the SMMs. I'm just down in Santa Monica too, so come join us. Check the GT-SW Forum HERE for details - SoCal Ride, June 6th. I'll let the few from this board that came give you their thoughts, but on my end, it was a success. I just nudged just beyond break even, so all's OK on my end. I'd wager this was the most expensive/logistical nightmare of all Rallies to date, but I wouldn't change a thing if I had it to do over again. Planning began one year ago, and involved numerous State Park Services, and 10 meetings over the last 7 months. needless to say when the day arrived, no one at the Park knew anything. Perfect. I will say that I was largely let down on the attendance side of things... nearly 100 people that said they were coming, simply didn't. It makes it tough when you're trying to buy food/drink/etc. Really, when a National is within an hour or two drive, there's no excuse to miss it, even if mid-week. Simply come after work and participate. The Spine framers from this Forum had a very sad showing, IMO. The track day on Friday was poorly attended as well (from a Guzzi standpoint), but that was expected really. Thanks to OregonAl for his tenacity to "do it all" - he's to be commended for sure, and thanks to DLaing as well. Plenty of pics littered all over the net now, but here's mine; SoCal-Guzzi.com/Picasa - enjoy. Now going into hibernation until 2009. Enjoy the ride guys.
  19. Guys, Mark S has the flywheel/baton in Wake Forest, NC this afternoon, and would love to hand it off this weekend... else it'll be stuck in NC until next weekend. Who's the Mid-Atlantic guys who are riding this weekend? I don't think we've had even one spine rider on the East Coast carry the baton yet. Weak. Details; http://journal.nationalguzzirelay.com/ -- and Google Map HERE. Send me a direct e-mail if you can help; Todd>at
  20. Exactly one month out to the National, folks! Please, please, please get your Registrations in sooner the later... but no later then the week before the Rally. From June 21st on, I won't be checking e-mails or my mailbox, and "at the gate" registrations are *STRONGLY* discouraged, as we'll likely fill to capacity for camping. All of my info, or online payment is available HERE. Look forward to seeing everyone here in sunny SoCal! Sean, Guy's collection, now combined with Mike Taggert's car collection is at an all new place, and we have it scheduled for the group to attend from the Rally. It's a private collection/showing. Solvang is worth the time... he even has his Guzzi V8 replica! (Photos of both places can be found on the SoCal-Guzzi.com website). So, how many spineys are actually coming from this list? Should I just just not produce a "Best Spine" show award?
  21. Thanks for the post and your participation David(!). Sad, sad support/participation from this webboard to the Relay or Injured Rider's Fund; http://journal.nationalguzzirelay.com/ -- take it most Spiney guys don't like to ride to far/often here in the U.S. Google Map Progress
  22. Ah, I know nothing about getting power out of the 2V Guzzi What you had a hard time keeping up with my little ol' Jackal, eh? I highly recommend reading this; http://www.guzzitech.com/JTsRosso-John_T.html and then Pt. II. This has been talked about ad infinitum here. I am not a big fan of high-comp pistons on a street-ridden air-cooled engine. The best bang-for-the-buck is head work, and simple intake/exhaust mods. Going way back to Manfred Hecht days... it's well proven theory that without spending mucho dinero on the 2V motor, or rev'ing it out to 10k+ rpm, the best of the best motors will get between 90-95 rwhp. John T's words & dyno charts prove this. ALdad, when you're ready for go fast, let me know.
  23. Finally got some info for the track day... The National Guzzi-Only Track day is at the Streets of Willow, Friday June 27th. Rally participants get the day for $95. PM/e-mail me for the code. All other Guzzisti reading this site, get the day for $125 -- use code EURO. To register CLICK HERE. Register now to keep this an ALL GUZZI day. Otherwise, it gets opened up to other Euro brands. Mucho gracias to drknow/Veloce Track Days for handling the logisitics. If your waffling, or don't think you should try it, there's no better way to have more fun on your Guzzi. Trust me, just do it... you won't regret it. Promise.
  24. Ahhh... yep, finally do! The National Guzzi-Only Track day is at the Streets of Willow, Friday June 27th. Rally participants get the day for $95. PM/e-mail me for the code. All other Guzzisti reading this site, get the day for $125 -- use code EURO. To register CLICK HERE. Register now to keep this an ALL GUZZI day. Otherwise, it gets opened up to other Euro brands. Mucho gracias to drknow/Veloce Track Days for handling the logisitics. If you don't think you should try it, there's no better way to have more fun on your Guzzi. Trust me, just do it... you won't regret it. Promise.
  25. Seven days out for the discounted Rally fee.; http://www.socal-guzzi.com/2008NationalRegister.html If you're sending a check, I'l honor the price if it's postemarked before March 1st. If you can't make it, be sure to be part of the; http://www.nationalguzzirelay.com/
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