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Everything posted by RacerX

  1. A sealant such as Yamabond or Permatex liquid gasket is what I've used. You have to let them cure fully over-night in a heated space, but they will work. $.02 ToddGuzziTech.com
  2. Pete, not sure... I thought you two would have chatted about this when you were stateside. Contact him direct if you'd like; EdGuzziTech.com Mind you, I'm not "downing" the windage/slosh plate, just I personally think it's a waste of time and money unless your racing your new V11S. I'd challenge ol' Enzo to any form of competition he'd like, including back to back dyno pulls on a Dynojet 250i air/fuel dyno. Hell, I'll even monitor oil temp since we both have (OEM) oil coolers. My $.02, ToddGuzziTech.com
  3. Sorry guys, waste of time and money. Ed of GuzziTech.com lost a motor because of these things... not to say that some won't work. Perhaps there's a reason that the factory doesn't use them... just a thought. I used a windage tray on my Road-race Buell, which live most of it's life at the top 25% to redline. Who here is running their bike like that on the street... "I mean really (A.P.)". ToddGuzziTech.com
  4. Chris, If it were me, I'd spend the money on a PCIII Dyno-tune, as you'll drive your self crazy with that data. Technology is good enough nowadays to offer near two-stroke like tuning on your four-stroke motor. You'll be chasing your tail forever, which is why the Dynojet folks still prefer/recommend Dyno-built mapping to 02-sensored mapping. Yes Dynojet does offer the unit posted above. I've only heard of a few Moto-drag-racers that are using the wide band set-up... this is for optimum tuning at wide-open throttle at each event (which is a very limited part of the bikes rev range). My $.02, ToddGuzziTech.com
  5. There certainly is a head temp. sensor that actually adjusts fuel mapping, which causes your bike to run differently, yes. You'll also notice as the temp drops, so will your gas mileage. The 1.5M ECU does not need the brass head temp block. ToddGuzziTech.com
  6. Will take you up on that... L.A. flat, rrrriiiiiggggghhhhht. Didn't get any info from you direct, try again to e-mail me direct. ToddGuzziTech.com
  7. The AMA Grand Finale SuperMoto-A-Go-Go is Friday the 12th, and racing on the 13th (day race). It's a FREE event, outside the $10 fee for pit passes. They (Red Bull & the promoter MJM) say they are limiting pit pass sales; http://www.redbullsupermotoagogo.com/ Hope a big handful of you can make it to Vegas. Let me know if you're going, and I'll try to make some time to chat. I'll be hell busy during the whole weekend. Also, Jon O. posted (to the SW-Guzzi e-mail list) that he will be riding his "vintage" YZ-400 at the Elsinore GP (of 'On any Sunday' fame) on Nov. 13-14th, and encouraged all dirt riders to do the same. I can put you in touch with him if you're interested. Todd E. AMA Pro SuperMoto R.M.
  8. Tried quoting you to no avail... so here go: Hey Robbie, congrats and Welcome to SoCal!!! Exhaust... nope you're thinking the right way. A dealer will simply do the same thing. Visit/guests... I'll be through Pacific Palisades (not too shabby of an area there) over the weekend, or on Monday. Perhaps I can make a pit stop for a bit. Shout back here and direct also. ToddGuzziTech.com
  9. Jaap, covered on GuzziTech.com; http://www.guzzitech.com/RotorRem-Ed_M.html Todd
  10. RacerX


    Paul, I do know the WBC will record for 10 total minutes (continual or otherwise). I'll have to find out about the time between data samples, and report back if you'd like. The read-out/print-out will show you the air/fuel ratio from 8.0:1 to 18.0:1, per the website. Todd@GuzziTech.com
  11. RacerX


    Because they have been focusing on a "sale-able" product that appeals to, and is easily useable by the motorcycling masses (NOT Guzzi, for sure). The WidebandCommander is for the auto market. They do not (yet) make a PCIII for cars... though I do know a couple employees that are using the PCIII on their cars. There's good reason that Dynojet was bought last year for $45 mil... and the fact that the Top 5 AMA Superbike teams used their product(s) this year. I'm sure 'ol Cliff is worth millions marketing his My15/16m to Guzzi folks, right Cliff? Good luck with everything. Carl A, how're you making out with the Cliff's computer? Todd
  12. RacerX


    Better bet is the Dynojet's WideBand Commander... they are not necessarily being "made for bikes" just yet, but a big handful of guys are using them on their bikes (mainly racers). However, you still need a dyno to accurately dial your bike in. Todd@GuzziTech.com
  13. Hey Phil, Of the several "Race" ECU/Ti kits I've seen on the dyno, they are all very much in need of a PCIII. Keep in mind that most of this "performance" OEM stuff is built (mapped) in Europe... which their fuels are WAY different then U.S. Spec. Basically this applies to even a bone stock bike. PCIII's have a race-proven heritage now (Top 5 AMA Superbike Teams this year), and are not a gimic. Stop in and see John T (Dyno-Solutions.com) at Cliff's BMW for a test run to see what it'll do for you. E-mail me direct if you have any additional questions, Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech
  14. Heh, not the first or last time I'll hear this... must be the Power Commander. Seriously, the first tankful or so is always a write-off, because 99.9% of the folks who do any mods often spend 99.9% of the time twisting the grip hard(er) because of the new-found power. Report back at 1000 miles. Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech
  15. Hey staedtler, If I'm not too late... if you are doing common mods that maps are available for, you simply have to check/verify your TPS voltage to the map that was built... this will put you in the ballpark, and generally has made many people very happy. If you are doing something unique, you will definitely need the custom map. Either way, time on the dyno is well worth it. Whether it be a spot-check, or full custom mapping. Don't expect any big power gains on top though... the PCIII shines in lower/partial throttle settings, and will make your bike run the best it ever will. For facts that apply to the V11S as well, check this out; http://www.guzzitech.com/EVPower-Todd_E.html Other questions, feel free to ask me direct. Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech
  16. Thanks TX, Yes David L. bought/installed the Quat-D, and lost quite a bit off the top-end. This is with a custom PCIII map. David did not use the G&B header pipes, so I do not think that anyone can say whether or not the complete system would be different. If you decide to buy it, I have the PCIIIusb and map ready to go for those in the U.S. Todd@GuzziTech.com
  17. Jaap, why'd you move this? This isn't a meeting or have any club involvement. Todd
  18. Nope, and all details here; http://www.mphcycles.com/tpsexcel3.htm - Cal and V11S TPS voltages are the same. Todd@GuzziTech.com
  19. All details at; www.AMASuperMoto.com - combined with Superbike racing at VIR. Hope a few of you can make it, Todd E. AMA Pro SuperMoto Race Manager
  20. Through Nov., I'm traveling quite a bit with the AMA Pro SuperMoto Series (see my next post), and I know this topic has gotten way off base... however, if any of you folks end up down (or up) near San Luis Obispo (Just South of Morro Bay), be sure to look me up. I can lead you on a full day of unbelievable roads, and follow-up with some pretty good damn food to boot. E-mail me direct: Todd@GuzziTech.com - or please post on the Topica list hosted at Topica, linked off of www.CenCA-Guzzi.com
  21. Keith, good post. For those who have been around (and lived through) the '00-'02 round hole rotors, know that they are known to be problematic. What you posted on the Brembo calipers is true about the rebuild kit, and the round hole rotors (spec'd by the manu.) are known to be "junk" even by Brembo themselves. If you/anyone is noticing similar symptoms, I'd try starting with excessive cleaning of the rotor 'buttons' with brake cleaner. Seems to help resolve most issues. I've done a good bit of Brembo brake research myself, and have documented it on GuzziTech.com - http://www.guzzitech.com/Brembo-Upgrades-Todd_E.html Yes, I can get/source anything Brembo sells. If anyone is interested in anything, or needs specific questions answered about Brembo brake parts, please feel free to e-mail me direct. Todd@GuzziTech.com
  22. cfc, my opinion (for what it's worth) says that I wouldn't waste my time or money on high-comp anything. The trade-off for power gains to increased running temperature/reducing engine longevity -vs- power benefits is very low. Seat of the pants gains "seem" to be had... but I have yet to see any of the high-comp motors do any better then simply modified ones. Hell, even Jaap just got into the 90 rwhp range without them. Guzzi 2v'ers will peak at 90-95 rwhp with stock bore, no matter what is done to them. That's been said and proven for better then 15 years, by people far more knowledgeable (Manfred Hecht of former 'RaceCo' for one) then I. I get to ride a ton of motorcycles (I test for a couple magazines), and have ridden big handfuls of increased compression bikes, and say unless you're racing, simple things like intake/exhaust mods, and head-flow work and a PCIIIusb are the way to go. There is a good amount of Performance (including PCIII) info that can be found at: GuzziTech.com Hope that helps, Todd@GuzziTech.com
  23. Of all the Guzzis I've seen on the dyno, all of them benefitted from the PCIII. The PCIII maps and air/fuel dyno prove it, time after time. Let's just say on a bone stock US-spec '03 V11 LeMans, fuel changes are as aggressive as -24% to +14% fuel changes, on average, with the Ti/ECU "Race" kit. Will most folks consider their bike to run well after dropping $900-ish on the cans and ECU... probably. I'm not saying it will run "bad", just not the potential optimum. Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech GuzziTech.com PCIIIs
  24. Uhhh... I have a ton of dynorun/air-fuel data that says otherwise. I'm not telling you to by one, but if and when, I have the PCIII corrected map to make it run like it should. It's all about black and white data. My $.02, Todd@GuzziTech.com
  25. Marcel, No the firmware upgrade is not do-able by the consumer. Dynojet is worldwide including: Las Vegas, Nevada Belgrade, Montana Oss, The Netherlands Barnacre, England Krefeld, Germany Link to contact info. here: http://www.powercommander.com/contmail.shtml Todd
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