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Everything posted by RacerX
Serial port PCIII pic here: USB here: Other then the looks, the second one does actually have "usb" written on it. Again, don't stress yourself over this, but if your bike currently has a hiccup or runs vastly different day to day, just send it back for the firmware upgrade. Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech
A rare few bikes have turned out for what seems to be a "glitch/hiccup" in the injection (much like the older serial models did). This is a rare occurance... only one so far for Guzzis. But it you have the time, it never hurts to have it done. If your bike is running great, don't worry about it, and if/when the weather turns bad in your area, throw it in the mail. Todd@GuzziTech.com
Hey folks, Just spent the last two days at Dynojet doing some Guzzi work. I wanted to post that if your PCIIIusb is older then three months or so, please return it to Dynojet for a firmware upgrade. You can simply ship it to their North Las Vegas address, and put "Firmware Upgrade Request" on the label. They will pay return shipping. ALSO... Al you reading this... a timing module is being tested (for other models), but I will be on a mission to have them build one for the Guzzi PCIIIusb's. I will be announcing when it is ready on GuzziTech.com probably late this year, early next. ALSO too... Dynojet should have a PCIIIusb for the partial closed loop 15M (Breva and most Euro models) completely finished (02 sensor block off) within the next few weeks. Again, I will start offering them on GuzziTech.com once they are finished. I do not imagine that any of the above information will make it onto their website anytime soon. ALSO three... check out Widebandcommander.com - it's a recordable air/fuel data logger with guage. No, this is not a closed loop Power Commander. Primarily built for the car market, but being used on motorcycles as I write. More to come. Todd@GuzziTech.com
Thanks for the link Al, think that covers most of it. But to reiterate for robbiekb... Very untrue. The Ti-kit ECU is the identical 1.5M as comes with the stock bike. No as above, with a "different" map... which is worse for the US bike. The new PCIIIusb uses (much faster) 32 bit processing, and utilizes 250rpm map points. Again, all of this is most important when you enjoy the benefits of a custom mapping session utilizing Tuning Link. The PCIII map for the Ti-kitted ECU shows drastic fuel corrections for the otherwise stock machine, and more drastic for mods like a Stucchi and open airbox lid. Todd@GuzziTech.com
Yes it does, the Ti ECU is identical outside of a new map. Hmmm... ok. Guess it was a good thing you had the PCIII on, eh? Try doing some basic trouble-shooting & verify your TPS voltage. Todd
svjj, you are correct on the PCIII adjustment, just be sure not shut the bike off for 15-20 seconds after the adjustment, or it will reset itself. If the bike's (generic or custom) map is on the lean side of things, yes warmer weather will affect it (ECU related). The 15M ECU does use a barometric pressure sensor, but only for altitude adjustment. It cannot/will not adjust the bike for humidity... which as I've seen, can have a rather large impact on the map (lean or rich) depending on the day/bike in which the map was built. This is the critical point when having a custom map built... is to be sure it is not mapped on the lean side of things (which often some "water-cooled only Sportbike" shops sometimes have a tendency to do). Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech
I'll just step in to set the record straight. Mark Dobeck did *NOT* design any part on/of the PCIII, nor any part of it's technology. He did help to develop the PCII, sensor offset (fooling the ECU) technology, which was quickly abandoned by Dynojet after he was asked to leave. The Tech(nical Il)Lusion box is a very simple and crude means of metering a very precise fuel delivery system. I won't tell you not to buy one, but I will be here when you are ready to purchase a PCIIIusb when you get tired of tinkering after no real results. As I write, I'm here in Danbury, CT, and after spending a good part of the afternoon tinkering with a (highly documented) TechLusion'ed 4v Centauro, on a brand new 250i load-cell air/fuel dyno... what was learned? It ran better with it completely removed. More to come later on this. Helicopter Jim, what level of racing are you doing on the ZX6RR? I recommend you go to the next AMA National and watch how many of the top 600's & Superbikes are on the "Dynojet" dyno, every weekend. Come to think of it, I saw Tommy Lee Hayden's ZX6RR at Laguna Seca, on it several times during the weekend. As always, my $.02, Todd PCIII Certified Tech p.s. I "sell" and am a certified technician for the PCIII, because it is a product that works. Period. p.s.s. Thanks to all those who have posted kind words towards me, but I'll relay those words to the product, not I.
Marcel, Good to know, thanks. True, but your situation had more to do with your TPS voltage/setting then that of the PCIII throttle setting within the unit. Your statement is very valid. Heh, wow... very coincidental for sure. Happens to be they both had to be using one of my custom PCIII's. Point that I covered on my write-up on GuzziTech.com "Power Commander - Black Box Magic". Summarized... that there may be a very small handful of people that are capable of mapping without a PCIII, none are as quick-vs-accuracy, and typically until now, no where close on cost, as it can take 4-6 hours to build a custom map without a Tuning Linked PCIII. Those who own an older '96-98 Guzzi will be limited to this option, or other ECU's once my current custom PCIIIusb batch is depleted. Glad to hear you took the time to go all the way through to custom mapping, and even more glad to hear you share the same outcome. My $.02, Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified Power Commander Tech
Phil, thanks for the contact. I just mailed him. Good to hear on the PCIII. Glad to be of help... but didn't anyone tell you yet these PCIII's don't work. Heh. Todd
Anyone in the U.S. ever source a set of exhaust from these folks? If not, anyone Italian speaking that might be able to help me with this? I have a few inquiries of people here in the U.S. interested in purchasing a set. I'd like to set up a "dealer" situation for their products if possible. http://www.galassetti.it Please contact me direct: Todd@GuzziTech.com
tomsp, Best and easiest place to take the reading is at the TPS on the throttle body. The pins you refer to is the older bikes (96-98) ECU. A PCIIIusb is a must, IMO, and yes you'll need to know how to check/adjust your TPS as the PCIII simply corrects the mixture based off of the TPS voltage... it needs to match the voltage in which the map was built around. You can read the endorsements page for your own opinion on the PCIII; http://www.guzzitech.com/PCIII.html Any more questions, feel free to contact me direct: Todd@GuzziTech.com
I'd say your up against a lean-induced sneeze... fairly common on a stock, non-touched, bike. Has your bike's TPS been adjusted to "make it really run" setting? Do you have any mods? Heat is the enemy as the 15M ECU leans the mixture the warmer it gets. As Al suggests too... tuning outside this can play a major role as well. Look to the TPS, or if you've modded your bike... an adjustable fuel injection module. Those who know me know my favorite. $.02 Todd@GuzziTech.com
No they do not... I have no answer as to what they do use, just yet. However, at quick glance the axle diameter hints to a Ducati/Aprilia unit. The '04 newer Guzzi/Ohlins suspenders seem much better dialed for the bike. Not an easy swap to an older bike though it seems. I'll continue to poke around until I find the answer. As Al mentioned, I am still digging on sourcing Marzocchi's high-end fully adjustable forks. Really nice pieces, and hey, they're black... which suits the Jackal-nator motif. $.02 Todd
PCIIIusb "Accelerator Pump" Function
RacerX replied to al_roethlisberger's topic in Technical Topics
Al/All, I have tinkered a bit with the Accel pump feature, and found it to be fairly noticable on our bikes. While I haven't had much time tinkering with it on the V11S motor in my bike, I can tell you about how it felt on the Cal motor. If you keep the fuel add at 20% or less, for under 20 rotations, it is pretty evident in "seat of the pants" acceleration tests. I plan on doing extensive testing once my motorwork is finalized on the V11S motor. Since my 'S' motor doesn't ping, I suppose I can't accurately say if it would combat pinging, but I suspect in theory it just might. No complaining about low fuel mileage though guys. I'd be interested in helping any Guzzisti out that is within driving distance to Central CA that has pinging problems. Feel free to mail me direct. Bruce, good stab, but our F.I. systems aren't quite that elaborate... idle voltage does infact affect running TPS voltage, so it is best to check your TPS voltage by a simple, key on/motor off. I'm not sure of your voltage translations, but idle voltage is still 150mV (linkage disconneted to set idle), and @350mV (linkage connected - OEM settings). I have found most of the bikes to run best in the 475-525mV range, and infact that is the value that most of the PCIII maps are built around except on the all "stock-bike" maps. Anyone who has tried setting it, knows that anywhere in this range should be acceptable, as it is hard as hell to nail anything precise. If you're within 10mV or so, consider it done. My $.02, Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified PCIII Tech -
Stay tuned to GuzziTech.com over the next few months... I hope to have some great news for lighter & affordable Guzzi wheels for Spines. F344, Stock-ish V11's make high-70's/low 80's. Mild motor work can get them to 90rwhp fairly easy, and (as once said by Manfred/Raceco) it'll take a whole lot of money and headaches to get them over that. Spinning them well over 10k rpm, or a turbo comes to mind. Todd@GuzziTech.com
Jaap, while they will fit, only the final "cush" drive (if you wil)l might need to be swaped (the splines are a different depth). I'll have my Jackal wheel off this week, and compare it to my V11 LeMans rear wheel/drive for you. Aside from that, and as previously mentioned, you'd be going to smaller width wheels (& 18" front), so that would not be a good idea. As David L stated, I am running a pair of custom laced 17" alum. rims (3.5" fr/4.25" rr) on my Jackal, using a set of the Aluminum (tubeless) hubs off the EV... for no reason other then weight vs. the Jackal's stock steel hubs. The big setback is rear spoked rim widths, Buchanan's makes only 4.25" and 6"- which the latter would work on the wide rimmed V11S/LeMans no problem. If the EV hub will work on the V11S drive/swingarm (I'll find out this week), I may be able to offer a moderately priced solution for V11 spoked wheels. Also, a good time to mention this I guess, I will be announcing (hopefully soon), a light-weight alum. wheel option for Guzzis. Details will be on GuzziTech.com when I have further word. $.02, Todd@GuzziTech.com
Dynojet has spent a large amount of time (and money) researching closed-vs-open loop systems, and has proven to the vast majority of people (including most ALL of the AMA Pro Racing Teams -- why this is continually ignored on these webboards is beyond me) that open loop is simply the most cost effective way to make a bike run properly. The bikes other sensors; i.e. barometric, head temp., etc., all do a very decent job at keeping the bike running well... and if you say not, then the engineers at Magneti/Marelli must be slackers, eh? (Hey don't they do Formula1 cars too?). While the 1.5M system is not perfect, and actually quite barbaric in the World of F.I., it does a reasonably decent (& reliable) job of keeping the bikes running well comparably. I, through Dynojet, know exactly what portions of the OEM 02-sensored M/M systems are closed/open, and how quickly they re-act and function/adapt. Dynojet will be finalizing a 02-sensor block-off forthe M/M Guzzi system very soon. I currently have two PCIIIusb protoypes running on US-Spec Breva 750's, with good results, and without a block-off sensor... yet. Heh, nope Antonio... PCIII's will not cure all bad running Guzzis. I so wish they would. $.02, Todd@GuzziTech.com Certified Power Commander Tech
Michael, Exhausts... In my experience, and exposure so far to Guzzi related exhaust components, the crossover is the most signicant (dyno-proven) increase (bang-for-the-$) you'll make. Outside of that, the mufflers seem to be less significant. All down to personal taste and sound. Now, without a debate on "corrective fuel measures", I have dyno-ed the Guzzi Ti set-up (w/ECU), and found it to be moderate at best (read minimal), as are most of the mufflers out there. The upside to the OEM Ti set, is that you get an *extra* ECU for the money. Not a bad deal considering your stock ECU will be sitting on the shelf down the road. In any of cases above, you will need accurate corrections to the fuel map even on a stock bike, and this can be done in several fashions. However, you will NOT see any big gains with power when it comes to exhaust (only) mods. Todd@GuzziTech.com -- Certified Power Commander Technician p.s. I have a PCIIIusb map for the Guzzi Ti exhaust & ECU (Needed for Euro mapping-vs-US spec fuels).
Thanks Al. F344, contact me direct and I'll straighten everything out for you. Todd@GuzziTech.com
Rj, heh... you're spending too much time thinking about it. While the ECU is "programmable" using software similar to FIM or TechnoResearch... most have not. Mostly the real world variable is the TPS voltage, critical for sharing maps. I have noted most of the TPS voltages in the notes section of the maps I have listed at GuzziTech.com. As noted, the best bet is to have a map custom built for you bike. But when you do, be sure to document your TPS voltage... for future use, and so you can share it with me/others. Todd 'Certified PCIII Tech'
I wasn't going to weigh in... but I have a few minutes to burn here, Heh. I have documented proof that even a bone stock Guzzi can use a remap/PCIII... even more so with *ANY* modifications. I choose the PCIII because, for me, it makes the most sense in ease in getting "the" perfect map utilizing Dynojet's "Tuning Link" Software. Again, this is off of documented graphs & words from all of those that have had this process done properly. This holds true for the 200+ dynoruns and over 100 PCIII maps that I personally (and only) have been involved in, in one way or another. I'll continue to add that the top 10 bikes in AMA Superbike racing (actually, all classes... including the likes of HRC, etc., etc.) utilize Dynojet/PCIII/Tuning Link map wiriting sessions at every race. Period. Woodburn, I quoted you because the power "dips" you are experiencing are less related to the fuel map, then they are the actual exhaust. This is where your "feeling" comes in. You actually do need a fuel mapping adjustment, but the stock crossover is your weak link right now. This has been well documented on GuzziTech.com under the "Performance" heading, and also among other websites (also linked there as well). I'm currently parked in Central Cal if you're interested in any help with your bike. Of course, and always... My $.02. Todd Certified PCIII Tech AMA Pro Official
Guys, if you're familiar with WP, Wilbers are very similar as Wilber is from 'WP'. I'd rate the shock on par with more then most then all of the upper end $800+ shocks. Öhlins top of the line rear is upwards of $1300 for all of the bells and whistles. I wouldn't call Wilbers a "value replacement" shock at all. Any of you guys familiar with HyperPro? This is a VERY similar shock in quality and design. Direct questions to me: Todd@GuzziTech.com
Al/All, The shock pictured is *not* the actual V11S unit... just a generic mono unit. I'll see if I can get the actual picture of one, or if Dave just buys one... Heh. Thanks, Todd
Folks, since I've been having such good luck and responses from/with the Wilbers Product line on the twin-shock Tonti frames, I figured I'd inquire about what they offer for the newer Spines/V11S'. Turns out they do offer them... Wilbers Rear Monos ...and they seem to have a reasonable bang for the buck. I have not personally yet ridden on them, but I hear the few I have spoken with seem very pleased. They are a custom order shock only, and are running about 3-4 weeks from date of order. Just FYI, Todd
Heh, well... YEP. And since I qualify for that remark too, I'll add my $.02. I have mapped the Ti/ECU "Race Kit" and found it to be (here in the US) sorely off in the mapping dept. I suspect this may be due to the Euro-vs-US gasolines, but I can tell you that I did not see 7 hp here in the US with the kit, either pre-or-aft PCIII usb. There are *no* timing revisions on the "race" ECU. See second post down; http://www.guzzitech.com/PCIII-Endorse15M.html I'll try and dig up the Dynorun map and post it. May take me a week or so though. Todd Certified PCIII Tech AMA Pro SuperMoto Chief Steward p.s. All top 10 bikes in every category in AMA Pro Road Racing run PCIII's, which are mapped at every track location on the day of each race.